IS IT TRUE the recent political fundraiser for the Holcomb-Crouch for Governor ticket raised around $200,000 plus? …all we can say is “WOW”?

IS IT TRUE that the MBE/WBE Utilization Board’s purpose is to lawfully promote economic development by the utilization of Minority-owned Business Enterprises (MBE) and Women-owned Business Enterprises (WBE), by City and County departments/boards and the Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation, as prime contractors and subcontractors in contracts for purchases and construction projects.  …4th Ward City Councilwomen Connie Robinson feels that the new Downtown Convention Hotel Developer/Builder hasn’t given MBE/WBE businesses there fair share of the Hotel project?  …if Ms. Robinson is correct we wonder why the MBE/WBE Utilization Board hasn’t taken the new Downtown Convention Hotel Developer/Builder to legal task?

IS IT TRUE we are hearing that the popular Vanderburgh County Commissioner Bruce Ungethiem will be co-hosting a political fundraiser along with former U.S. Congressman John Hostettler and many others political movers and shakers of Vanderburgh County politics in about 10 days for County Commissioner candidate Sean Selby (R)?   … this event is going to be held at the home of Mr. Republican of Vanderburgh County John Dunn and his wife Gail, who graciously agree to host this big ticket political fundraiser?

IS IT TRUE that recentley 3rd Ward City Councilwoman Anna Hargis CPA recently contacted former City Councilman John Friend CPA to ask him to explain to her about a few item concerning the proposed 2017 budget? …when he explained that the Employee Health Care costs are going to be catastrophic to the 2017 budget she went into panic mode? …that Mr. Friend hasn’t heard from her since then?  …all we can say is one can run but can’t hide from Mr. Friends budgetary wisdom?

IS IT TRUE that TIF districts are flushed with money at the expense of the General Funds?

IS IT TRUE that corporate “food stamps” (tax abatements) is at the expense of the General fund?

IS IT TRUE if you “Buy or List” a home with Alex Jarvis a sales professional with ERA Reality in October he will rake your leaves for a year?

IS IT TRUE that some of our posters feel we have too many local office holders in the real estate business?  …we wonder if you agree with them?

IS IT TRUE some of our readers feel have too many local office holders that are connected in the education profession?  …do you agree that Vanderburgh County Council and Evansville City Council have  to many members that are active and retired school teachers?

IS IT TRUE that its been alleged during the past 11 years, Indiana governors agenda’s has destroyed Indiana’s teachers profession?

IS IT TRUE we welcome any other poster who would like to submit any IS IT TRUES for us to publish?

EDITORS FOOTNOTE: Todays READERS POLL question is: Do you agree with Dan McGinn, Mayor Winnecke and City Council that they should reduce the Homestead Property Tax Credit from 8 percent to 6 percent for 2017?

Please take time and read our newest feature articles entitled “BIRTHDAYS, HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS” posted in our sections.

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  1. The Holcumb-Crouch for Governor ticket is running strong while the Gregg team is suffering from a Hillary like fatigue and lack of enthusiasm.

  2. Is the editorialist saying we should be discriminating against educators and realtors when we vote? That there is somehow a lesser degree of desire to serve the public within these professions? Exactly what is the point of this particular “Is it true” question, other than to insult teachers and realtors?

    • I did not read that into it at all. What I read was questioning if it could lead to a conflict of interest.

        • No. You don’t think it could lead to a conflict of interest where a realtor or teacher could guide legislation towards their interest? That would make me wonder what your occupation is.

    • Well, it has happened again. I agree with you. It’s a rare thing, and I’m not sure whether I should celebrate or seek counselling. I think I “get” the smack at Mosby and Weaver and their complicated political entanglements. They are an exception in their profession, as many of the realtors I know are ethical people who take care to avoid even the slightest appearance of conflict of interest, much less an actual conflict. Tweedledumb and Tweedledumber are the exception.

      The swipe at teachers is another matter. Many teachers (the very best of them, IMO) see what they do as a way of life, not just a profession. By choosing to serve in elected offices, they are setting a shining example for their students and the community in general. If more people were willing to deal with running for office and serving admirably, we wouldn’t have so many hacks involved in government. There are exceptions to all rules, and teachers are no exception, but for the most part, activist teachers are a good thing for our government. In general, what is good for our schools is good for our communities and they understand that very clearly.

      • I agree with elkaybee 1200% about the teachers being good people and see no reason to dump on them for running and severing on the school board. Who else knows better what’s going on in the schools that the teachers and the students.
        Now the Mosby and Weaver matter is something of a mess. They are similar to the other relator who served on the County Council a few years ago. She made some huge mistakes by granting some friends a zoning variance and that made a lot of people out on the West Side furious.

  3. Fear of “insider trading” involving future projects, and steering of potential profits from buying/selling properties is justified. One only needs to look at the Ford arena to follow the money, un-ethical at best, the connected made 1000% profit turning property in less than a year. The realtors handling these deals got their commissions twice as a reward for this insight.

  4. Trumps recent meeting with Egyptian President Abdel al-Sisi seemed not to make the mainstream news, even though Egypt is home to 78 million Muslims. A member of the Egyptian Parliament said “I think 90 percent of Egyptians would prefer Trump because he will not cooperate with terrorists. He [Trump] will not cooperate with Muslim Brothers and our main concern in Egypt now is terrorist attacks as you saw two days ago in the United States. We saw it daily in Egypt on the hands of Muslim Brothers so we know very well that Muslim Brothers are a terrorist group and we want to build up our democratic regime.”

      • El Sisi’s endorsement should play a big role in deciding who to vote for. We all want to let the Egyptian dictator decide the US Presidency, right?

        • LKB, this reality with the anti-terrorism support of the Egyptian President goes directly against the Obama/Hillary narrative that all Muslims oppose Trump. Remember Obama/Hillary were “all in” for supporting the Muslim Brotherhood, which was later proven to be a front for radical Islamic terrorism.

  5. I have said that I did not trust the LA Times/USC daily tracking poll. Both organizations are very liberal in their culture and yet they have Trump by a large margin in their poll. I have said that at some “convenient” time that poll would drop Trump like a rock, I just didn’t know when that might occur.

    I think now that I might have figured it out. I now think that the debates will be used as the catalyst for that sudden drop. Since the alphabet media are all in the tank for Hillary they can collectively chose anything from the debates that they think might be the most damaging to Donald Trump push that to the extreme with there 24/7 coverage. Then in order to prove that they are “on to something” the LA Times/USC Poll numbers for Trump will drop like a rock. It will all be what the left is best at, and known for, media manipulation.

  6. Note of caution to the Editor: Be careful. If John Dunn or Bruce Ungetheim stop suddenly or take a step backward while you are in your regular posture, you are at serious risk for a broken nose.

  7. “…4th Ward City Councilwomen Connie Robinson feels that the new Downtown Convention Hotel Developer/Builder hasn’t given MBE/WBE businesses there fair share of the Hotel project? …if Ms. Robinson is correct we wonder why the MBE/WBE Utilization Board hasn’t taken the new Downtown Convention Hotel Developer/Builder to legal task?”

    My money is on Mrs. Robinson doing what is in the best interests of her constituents, the way she always does. I believe that MBE/WBE doesn’t hold any enforcement authority, so the Mayor’s Office should be the entity to look into this. If I know the 4th Ward Councilwoman, she will deal with this problem through the correct channels.

  8. I read that the land bank razed their first house at 221 E. Missouri St. at cost of $10,000.00 . A single story 825 sq. ft. house. In Feb.of this year the city razed a house next to me at a cost of $7,395.00. This house was a 2 story, 1100 sq. ft. per floor house. Could someone explain to me the vast difference in the price for razing?

    • I’m just guessing here, but I’ll bet that DMD had nothing to do with razing the house next to you. In reality, the Land Bank costs did include the title and other legal costs involved in addition to the actual demolition of the house. I noticed that the demo work also included filling and seeding the site with “grass that doesn’t grow” to keep from having mowing and maintenance costs. Government pays top dollar for services from potential donors, you know, and in addition to the wrecker, there are lawyers and landscapers to deal with here.

    • Do you ever read the articles you post? If so, you must be counting on nobody else reading them. I doubt many do read them. I don’t as a rule, but I opened this. It seems that young people don’t like Clinton, but they like her better than they like Trump, who is deeply disliked by 2/3 of the young people interviewed here. In the latest polling among young people that I have seen, Clinton leads, Johnson is second, and Trump is third.

  9. That energetic and creative guy Alex Jarvis is shaking things up with a rake. Good thinking and differentiation on his part. I think Alex has found his calling.

    • The problem with his gimmick is that one only has to rake up leaves one time a year. You rake leaves in the fall and by the next year when it’s time to rake leaves again the year is already up. So it seems like you get a twofer but you technically only get a one fer.

    • Joe: I think “desperate” is a better word to describe the video. If I hear her say one more time “what that would mean for the country” (when anyone asks here about the possibility of being the first woman president) I’m going to puke.

      What it would really mean is that the first woman president would be an habitual liar, someone who thinks “what difference does it make at this point in time why an Ambassador and 3 other Americans died”, someone who looked surviving family members in the eye and lied to them about the cause, someone who thinks security laws are written for the little people, not her, someone who thinks ALL LAWS are written for the little people, not her, someone who made every attempt to destroy the lives of the women that her husband molested and raped,someone who thinks it is alright as Secretary of State to be accepting foreign donations to her foundation and giving special access to those donors.

      I could go on but my fingers are getting tired. In short: If Hillary Clinton were elect as the first woman President of the United States, it would be the biggest slap in the face to decent women this country has ever seen!

    • The most likely scenario here is that the rats are abandoning a sinking ship while they can. I guess they do not want to stick around and be part of the law suits. Too many embarrassing questions that they would need to invoke their 5th Amendment rights to in order to keep their rear ends out of prison.

    • Since when is trying to get at the facts called “a naked political agenda”? That is the way the Clinton mafia works, and a willing media prints the lie.

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