IS IT TRUE after watching last night City Council meeting vie public TV we honestly don’t know what to write?

IS IT TRUE if you miss seeing it we encourage you to watch this pre-recorded City Council meeting on your local cable TV channel in days to come?

IS IT TRUE we can’t wait to see how the Main Stream Media will spin what happened at last nights City Council meeting in Mayors Winnecke’s favor?

IS IT TRUE last night we watched local TV recap of the meeting and the coverage was extremely bad?

IS IT TRUE at last night City Council meeting we saw a couple of self serving,  highly opinionated,  less than informed elected and appointed city officials display 4 hours of what we consider a forum of “BAD PUBLIC POLICY”?

IS IT TRUE it’s obvious that someone needs to amend City Charter to require a minimum IQ test score in order to be eligible to serve on City Council or be appointed to position of authority?

IS IT TRUE at last night City Council meeting was the most laughtful attempt of “FINGER POINTING” and “ONE UP MAN SHIP” ever?


  1. Can you believe that? Winnecke’s office said this after the council meeting:
    “The transfer ordinance is simply a manufactured financial crisis during an election yr coordinated between the council & their mayoral candidate.”

    Anyway, I saw the declination of Winnecke on the call to assemble debate. At least Winnecke and Riecken have a debate scheduled for October 6. And another debate televised live on WNIN on October 22.

  2. Did not watch on TV last night.

    Reading the paper this morning, only two things noteworthy about the city council meeting:

    1) did the Administration REALLY have Jenny Collins come up and say that under the JW administration, they used to make transfers at this time of year ? LMAO, boy that lady sure has credibility, with the 2011 disclaimer on the SBOA audit. What a bunch of BS that the old boss used to do it, he called himself a ‘D’, and that is supposed to discredit the efforts of Democrats now to reign in the cash erosion ?; and

    2) Did not know that SBOA had to approve transfers from Rainy Day fund. I don’t think Pence will have a problem with that; looks like Winnecke is working both sides of the aisle to fundraise.

  3. From outside and overhead, yes we observed that, all we can inject before full analysis is … get a full sized clown bus……, seems you might trade the short one in for a regular sized. The short bus is getting as obsolete as your CSO smelly downtown’s logistical infrastructure.

  4. It’ll get worse. Winnecke is scrambling, he can’t make payroll without a lifeline from the very council he recently sued (and then crowed about his ‘victory’).

    Maybe that residency suit, brilliantly suing the city council that he should be trying to work with instead of packing it with his handpicked people, will be that elusive accomplishment the little guy has been so desperately seeking.

  5. This is exactly like raiding my IRA to pay my Vectren bill. If it has to happen, so be it. But pretending this is normal and good fiscal policy makes it obvious he is lying. Just because it has been done before is not a good reason to keep doing it. It was wrong then, and it is still wrong now. I wish the mayor could just be honest but seems that is impossible.

    • Great comment re: “it was wrong then, and it is still wrong now”. Also, an apt analogy re: using the IRA to pay the Vectren bill. Nicely stated.

  6. All this and none are objecting to borrowing $60,000,000 more (+ interest)? Incredible.

  7. The number one way to raise cash if you are having problems is:

    Collect what you’re owed. Make a concentrated effort to collect all accounts that are past due. Call all clients with a past-due balance and ask them to pay it.

    When I think of the slight of hand that went on involving the money that was owed the city of Evansville on the condo complex where the mayor currently lives, how he basically gave taxpayer money to the developer to pay the city the money he owed for not meeting his contractual commitments for the project, it is not difficult to see why the mayor is in this current financial fix. He seems to lack a certain understanding about the balance between income and expenses.

  8. The Winnecke Wankers are out in full force trying to spin this as “normal” something every city goes through every year, or just a timing difference in cash flow that will even out later. “We’ve always done it this way”

    Pure Sheep DIP!

    Just about every little town or city in SW Indiana has a stronger General Fund that Evansville’s

    Washington Indiana Pop 11,000 General Fund balance > $4M’
    Mount Vernon Pop 6,600 General Fund balance > % 750K over 25% of Annual Receipts
    Jasper Pop 15,000 General Fund balance > $7M
    Vincennes Pop 18,000 General Fund balance > $1.5M over 12% of Annual Receipts

    Evansville Pop 117,000 General Fund balance < 800K about 1.1% of Annual Receipts

    Winnecke can point the finger at the Council if he wants there is certainly enough blame to go around but for him to say this is a manufactured crisis and that Gail is politicizing this is nonsense.

    • ‘Everybody does it’ has been their excuse for their lack of ability to follow the law or a budget since this accidental administration was installed. They are a real piece of work. Winnecke is the worst mayor this city has ever had — not a single positive accomplishment to point to. He seems to alternately ignore and revel in the series of smackdowns he’s recieved by the federal courts and now this, threatening to not pay city employees unless the council caves to his demands. Spendecke’s hubris is sickening, the Wankers for Winnecke sop it up.

      It is time to back the Bekins Van up to the Civic Center and cart these folks and their stuff out.

    • Brains. Who here has said this morning that it’s normal and it’s always been done this way?

  9. I was disappointed for personal reasons. When I finally got to speak everyone was tired of listening. I think Councilwoman Robinson was listening. When I mentioned the Bownfields Corp could be converting city funds to perks for DMD employees, like cars, she was quick to speak up and ask who had a car. Even though she sits on the board she claimed to have no knowledge of Brownfields Corp. funding cars for DMD employees. This might be part of the problem, without transparency, the board members don’t even know what the Brownfields does or does not do.

  10. That’s what you get when you elect a former TV talking head wrangler/marketing guru as Mayor. Smoke and mirrors, BS, lies, and selling you what you don’t need by telling you how much you need it.

  11. For the laugh of the day, go to Wikipedia and type in “Lloyd Winnecke”.

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