IS IT TRUE that the year-long nationwide search for Joe Wallace’s replacement as president of GAGE has ended? …. that the newly hired president has been living just across the money saving bridge in Henderson all along? …..that she has a background in engineering and business? ….that those are the qualifications for a person whose job is to refocus GAGE back to business support and away from hula hoop lessons and belly dancing?….. that the Chairman of GAGE is a high ranking official at Vectren? …..that the new president of GAGE has experience with economic development as it relates to utilities?…..That the new chairman and the new GAGE president should make a good team since they have similar work experiences?
IS IT TRUE that it has been suggested that PRINCE POPPYCOCK, from “America’s Got Talent†move to Evansville and run for an Evansville City Council Seat in 2011? …..that PRINCE POPPYCOCK ends Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody with “NOTHING REALLY MATTERS BUT MEEEâ€? …… that such a statement will make his move to run for Evansville City Council Seat seamless to the citizens of Evansville as they are already accustomed to PRINCE POPPYCOCK’S attitude? …that this youtube clip of Prince Poppycock will fit right in the City Council Chambers?
IS IT TRUE that we wonder what the final figure that GAGE lost putting on the 2009 Freedom Festival? …..we wonder if the real figure was $300,000, $400,000, $500,000 or even over $600,000? ….. GAGE’s Board of Directors should give thanks to County Commissioner Lloyd Winnecke, County Councilman Joe Kiefer, and County Commissioner Troy Tornatta for convincing the Vanderburgh County Council to continue GAGE’s funding of $150,000 for 2011?
IS IT TRUE we congratulate the GAGE Board of Directors for selecting someone that seemly has the background and experience to bring that organization back to its core mission of assisting business? ….we at the CCO have a wait and see attitude to see how she going to handle the GAGE-Barnett-Bond Bank salary deal, addressing the problems cited in the soon to be release audits by the Indiana State Board of Accounts and a local accounting firm and how she plans to repay the Vanderburgh County taxpayers back the $280,000 interest free and unsecured loan made to GAGE last year? ….we can’t stress any more that all eyes are on the newly appointed president of GAGE, Debbie Davis Dewey to see if she can salvage this politically and financially embattled organization?
IS IT TRUE we wonder why the Evansville School Board approved a resolution endorsing the proposed baseball field complex located on the Robert’s Stadium property? ….we think the school board has enough challenges selling our soon to be vacant school owned properties, overseeing a new capital construction project, and most of all teaching our students how to read, write and solve math problems?…..that this resolution didn’t change one person’s mind concerning this subject?
IS IT TRUE we congratulate Evansville Police detective, Mike Evans, Sgt. Lonnie Rahn and Officer Matt Hastings for their rescue efforts. ….that these 3 outstanding public servants rescue efforts were performed while off duty? ….the Evansville Police Merit Commission was correct in rewarding them with bronze medals for their actions?
IS IT TRUE we still wonder why The Knight Township Legislative Board (advisory board) reviewed and approved the annual financial report for 2009 without questions or objections? ….that this report stated that thousands of taxpayer’s dollars were being used to pay credit card charges? …..that at least one member of this board should have caught this problem from day one, since he was the Chief Deputy to the past Knight Township Trustee, Jim Price for 14 years? …we hope that individuals running against him will take him to task in the upcoming political forums?
I would think that we could find the Arena Project Management Team sufficient suitable office space at very low cost and conveniently located to the Arena project. That space is in the Executive Inn building immediately next door to the project. Any objections the new tenants would have to that space may spur resolution of the building’s fate.
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