IS IT TRUE that the Teamsters Local #215 have contracts with the following public employers in Vanderburgh County that experience very few problems: City of Evansville. (covering 400 employees in multiple departments including Water, and Sewer, Street, Parks, and Recreations,  Zoo and Mets?

IS IT TRUE other Governmental entities the Teamsters Local #215 deal with in Vanderburgh County  are the Highway Dept.,  Burdette Park,  the Centre, Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Office Detention Officers and Civilian Support Staff,  Evansville Housing Authority Maintenance, Evansville Vanderburgh Building Authority,  and the Evansville Vanderburgh Airport Authority?

IS IT TRUE we wonder why the above contracts are regularly negotiated  by the Teamsters Local #215 with the above Government entities with very little controversy?  …why are the Teamsters Local #215 are having  problem with EVSC?

IS IT TRUE can guess what taxpayer supported Governmental entity gave one of their employee a $17,000 raise half way through the calendar year?  …the answer is EVSC?

IS IT TRUE that about 7 individuals employed with the EVSC make more than the Mayor of Evansville?

IS IT TRUE we recommend that you don’t write an OP-ED article to the local newspaper about the EVSC School Board activities?  …if you do,  you can expect EVSC School Superintendent Dr. David Smith to call and invite you to lunch so he can explain why all the comments in your article were wrong?

IS IT TRUE we wonder when will the EVSC School Board members realize that they are in charge of deciding the future direction of the School System and not the Superintendent of Schools?

IS IT TRUE that our most recent “READERS POLL” ask the  following question?  …the poll question was: “DO YOU FEEL THAT THE EVSC SCHOOL BOARD ARE NEGOTIATING IN GOOD FAITH WITH THE LOCAL TEAMSTERS #215”?  …that 483 people voted in this poll?  …only 53 voted yes?  …37 voted that they “Don’t Know”?  …that a “WHOOPING” 393 CCO Readers voted No?  …that ever School Board member should be ashamed of the “NO” votes that were cast in our “Readers Poll”?

Please take time and vote in today’s “Readers Poll”. Don’t miss reading today’s Feature articles because they are always an interesting read. Please scroll at the bottom of our paper so you can enjoy our creative political cartoons. Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without our permission.


  1. When you keep electing the same school board members over and over, this is what you get. The only recent changes in board members have come from people moving away, or realizing they can’t run for that seat. Voters need to wake up and put some new people on that board. Tony Ricketts would be a good place to start. ALL of the current members are YES men to David Smith. Something needs to change, SOON !!

    • If massive injections of cash and new buildings were the solution to the poor academic performance of this school corporation we should have gotten some bang for our bucks with Vince Bertram’s $150. Million “strategic Initiative”. How has that worked out thus far?

      Never fear though, there is yet another new bricks and mortar project soon to be announced.

  2. For those that are interested – the failing inner city public schools have been identified as one of the causes of the blighted neighborhoods. Families with children choose not to live there because of the quality of education. Without this sector of demand for housing the value of property (tax base) plummets. The school should be focusing on providing quality education not union busting of these jobs they consider second class. Compare hourly wages of the teachers vs support staff and think about which group needs a union.

    • PAK:

      Wall Street Journal – Front Page One
      Sept. 11, 2015 7:40 p.m. ET
      WASHINGTON—President Barack Obama won the biggest foreign-policy fight of his second term Thursday when supporters of his nuclear accord with Iran thwarted an effort to cripple it, paving the way for the deal’s implementation.

      Obama won election to President of the United States. TWICE.
      Both elections, President Obama won a 50% + of the United States popular vote.
      The WSJ is reporting, accurately, that elections have consequences.

      • For once you are right, Don. This was the biggest foreign policy victory for Barack Hussein Obama. Victory for Iran, that is. Only a naïve dem would think this was anything but Obama getting the sanctions lifted. Do you have any idea what this “accord” entails? (rhetorical question)

      • Right you are, Mr. Becker. It is marvelous that President Obama, as a former constitutional law professor, is so effectively trampling the US Constitution. Instead of treaty requiring a 2/3 vote of the Senate to approve, or a Congressional-Executive Agreement requiring a majority of both both houses, President Obama is taking the position that he can do whatever he wants and that his actions won’t bind his successors! It is also wonderful to see how easily we Democrats engage in brazen in brazen hypocrisy concerning filibusters. They were very, very bad when Republicans were doing them. They are very, very good when we do them.

        Soon the Iranians will have tens of billions that can be invested in anti-American revolutionary movements around the world. We at Organizing for Idiocy are preparing a large grant proposal to them.

        In any event, I am proud to live in a community with so many committed West Side liberal activists such as yourself, who are not ashamed to endorse the lawless tyranny of President Obama! Long may he rule!

        J. Coddington “Comrade Hugo” Fetlock IV
        Maximum co-coordinator
        Organizing for Idiocy
        Evansville Cell

  3. It is all because a couple of board members and smith pressure the others to be unanimous in their votes. When will one of them get the courage to make the stand this is what we were elected to do is to see this type of B/S does not go on. Playing with people’s lives is not fair and they are not negotiating in good faith. And remember any hires that have turned out to be bad hires are on smith and his staff because the union has nothing to do with who gets hired. Smith and Kiefer both need to go. I would hope Smith and Kiefer do not push Very Good Employees to take Drastic Measures because this has to be settled. Give these people an agreement now.

  4. It is NOT true that the Riecken campaign is in total meltdown!

    It is NOT true that after the smarmy Winnecke wiped his Republican penny loafers all over his opponent in the debate that an angry shouting match broke out among campaign staff!

    It is NOT true that Representative Riecken’s brain trust has failed to find a single significant accomplishment of hers that can be touted!

    It is NOT true that other Democratic candidates are having to replace shoes worn out from sprinting away from Representative Riecken!

    It is NOT true that Representative Riecken will begin to offer anything more than the most vague plans!

    It IS true that the Riecken administration will immediately tear down the Blightel and replace it with a 20-story, $150 million hotel that will not only be completely funded by a top-secret investor known to the campaign, but also will pay 50% of the annual profit to the city, in addition to property taxes.

    It IS true that Representative Riecken will deny having worked for, knowing, having seen, or even having heard the name of former mayor Weinzapfel!

    It IS true that additional costumes and disguises are being purchased for family members and friends so that they can pretend to be regular citizens at barely-attended campaign events.

    It IS true that campaign internal polls show Representative Riecken leading the Republican Winnecke 136% to -31%, with only 6% undecided.

    J. Coddington “Comrade Hugo” Fetlock IV
    Maximum co-coordinator
    Organizing for Idiocy
    Evansville Cell

  5. Is it true Old Doc Smith has spent over $50,000 on Union Busting Attorney from Indy when they have an Excellent Attorney Shoulders who in the past has always negotiated for Evsc and done quite well. Smith and Board should all be ran off. What a sham on the voters of Vanderburgh County this board has been.

  6. Smith and his band of idiots need to go . Smith rigged the last election to put his stooges in place and that is something that needs to stop. Tony Ricketts would have been a very good one on the board. That is why they worked so hard against him being elected.

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