IS IT TRUE? Part Two March 23, 2011


IS IT TRUE? Part Two March 23, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the newly hired staff writer for the Evansville Courier and Press is making his rounds to meet the elected political movers and shakers of Vanderburgh County and Evansville proper? ….that “MOLE # 3” is hearing that AREK SARKKISSIAN ll is being well received by the above political types? ….we just might have another Dan Shaw in the workings? ….we wish Mr. SARKKISSIAN the best and wish him well? ….we have just read an article in yesterday’s Evansville Courier and Press and must admit that he not only writes well but knows the KING’S ENGLISH?

IS IT TRUE that if political signs posted in front yards of possible voters living in the 3rd Ward depict how people are going to vote for City Council member than Don Walker would win the upcoming primary? ….that election isn’t being held today so you can expect an extremely competitive race from here on? ….that you can expect signs for all 3rd Ward candidates to be everywhere starting today?

IS IT TRUE that “MOLE # 3” is hearing that the Democratic candidate for Mayor Troy Tornatta is finally taking his campaign to the streets? ….that candidate Tornatta is going door to door in select neighborhoods asking people to vote for him? ….it’s about time he starts doing one on one type of campaigning because this is really how elections are won? ….that Mr. Tornatta shouldn’t listen to any more advice of the Mayor and start following his own political instincts?

IS IT TRUE that candidate for Mayor of Evansville on the Republican ticket, Lloyd Winnecke is getting it right out of the political box? ….that Mr. Winnecke has just announced that is to be conducting a DOOR TO DOOR campaign to become the next Mayor of Evansville? ….you can expect that a volunteer for Winnecke for Mayor team will be ringing your door bell in the near future? …if you’re interested in learning more about the Lloyd Winnecke for mayor contact

IS IT TRUE that Libyan strongman Colonel Moarmar Khadaffi is rumored to have bought most of his official state uniforms at the Michael Jackson estate sale?…that Colonel Khadaffi complements MJ’s clothes with a hat that he stole from one of the Village People?…that the medals on his chest for courage, valor, and all of those other honorable things that leaders exhibit came from various flea markets and Ebay?…that for those of you who are over 50 years old Colonel Khadaffi must remind you of the cartoon character Commander McBragg? Bully!

IS IT TRUE that the Board of Directors of the Evansville Convention and Visitors Bureau has gotten out of the gate very well and has things going in the right direction?…that due to this that the usual suspects have started passing the collection plate to ask for contributions for pet projects?…that very soon the new board of the ECVB will be considering a project in Wesselman Park involving Tennis Courts?…that we encourage them to hold the claims of economic recovery and prosperity for this and other projects feet to the fire of reality and to make wise use of the funds that are available for them to allocate?


  1. Is it true that the ECVB was blessed by a recent application from ex-county assessor Weaver, but passed on the opportunity to hire the lovable dude as their new director?

  2. I’ve met Arek Sarkkissian, and he seems gung ho for the city political reporter. Also, there’s another young fellow glad handing around as the new county political reporter. Seems Tom Langhorne has moved up to “investigative reporter.” So, some pol types may want to start practicing their polite “no comments.”

  3. Someone needs to take Arek out to dinner at the Hwy. 41 Diner (the old Denny’s). I’m sure the owner would like to meet him.

  4. Malcom Quinn knocked on over 14,000 doors in his race for Judge. He was 4th in a 4 person race.

  5. Soooooo sorry to hear that the CVB is being asked to support the Evansville Tennis Assoc. who wishes to add more tennis courts and parking by the courts already in the park. To do so would remove wooded areas that serve as shelter for wildlife, not to mention that back up to houses which put up with lights from the courts that are there now. It would also consume the only large open grassy area where kids and parents can throw a football etc. without running into a tree or a picnic table. There is extra concrete over by Roberts Stadium which will not be needed for parking even if Roberts escapes the wrecking ball and holds smaller events after the arena gets up and running. Why raze trees and pour concrete when concrete already exists? Because the tennis folks don’t want to have to walk between the two areas. The only exercise they want is playing tennis. But then if one is connected to a city official I guess one can do what one wants with park property. Remember that this is Wesselman PARK, where the PRESERVE is. Can’t the tennis courts be put on the old state hospital grounds? When asked that question, the park board responded with something like “Well the folks over on Lincoln Ave really like to use that park for strolling, and walking their dogs. We thought that we’d squeeze the tennis courts over at Wesselman so that we wouldn’t bother them.” Not word for word but close, very close. So that must mean that the city values some citizens over others, and tennis courts over wildlife and the people who live very close to that area. Go figure. Another example of no long term planning. Ever. Just whoever jumps in with the next dumb idea and who knows “somebody” gets what they want. Let’s see how smart this new CVB board is or how much they are being controled by the “inside group” in Evansville. Please send a copy of this to the city council, to the CVB, and the park board. It wouldn’t hurt to inform that new investigative reporter either. Of course if he is new, he may be hoodwinked into believing how the poor tennis association has struggled for so long and deserves to be able to put those courts where ever they want them. Sorry about my rambling but this one ticks me off!!!

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