IS IT TRUE that Evansville City Councilwoman Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley would like everyone to know that she paid for her drink with her own credit card and was not treated by whomever the rest of the table seems to have been treated by?…that since it was after the City Council meeting that the CCO does not care whether Councilwoman Riley was drinking milk, moon shine, or anything in between during her time at the gathering?
IS IT TRUE that Councilman Al Lindsey would like our readers to know that he paid a total of $7 cash for three soft drinks that he consumed before the gathering ended in unkind words between Councilman Lindsey and others?
IS IT TRUE that the CCO recognizes that City Council members need to get to know one another and that tables for two were made for such one on one social events?…that no matter how one tries to spin things when a majority of the City Council gathers at the same table for several hours in a sparsely filled drinking establishment that John Q. Public will always think that something nefarious is going on?…that is why OPEN DOOR LAWS were adopted?…that this tradition of Democrats gathering as a majority in a private bar needs to cease and it needs to cease now?…that it is up to the President of the City Council to assure that this tradition stops now even if the former President of the City Council did nothing about it?
That stinks that there is no free refills. $7 for three soft drinks is expensive. Maybe he received three different types of soft drinks
$2.00 soft drinks, free refills. Must have been a $5 tip
In my opinion Lindsey was AWOL from his duties at his fire department job. He is a captain. What an example he is setting for the men assigned under him.
I would suggest that he be suspended/demoted or both.
Maybe…..but normally when a firefighter is allowed time off it’s in increments of hours like 4-6-8-12 hrs depending on what the circumstances are for the time off, it could easily be said that Lindsey was granted 8 hrs off of his 24 hr shift which would allow for the council meeting and even dinner and a drink or so and still make it back to the station sober when his allotted time was up.
Given the nature of how the fire department handles time off, he wasn’t even close to AWOL in fact was granted leave for whatever the time increment was.
On the other hand for Lindsey to go to the Main Gate knowing that it is owned, operated, and staffed by people who could cause him potential problems (they hate his guts) shows that he was either fooled or stupid…your choice.
Maybe he was practicing the philosophy of keeping friends close and enemies even closer?
LOL…..Pappa, yeah that is a third choice I totally overlooked…thank you!
…he was either fooled or stupid…..your choice. The other option is Al Lindsey is both a fool and stupid. It also appears Al Lindsey does not know the difference between a soft drink and alcohol nor how to act in public. Let us see, how old is he?
Sounds as if the new Fire Chief needs to tighten some the loose rules on how and when firemen can be off work. It appears you can come and go when you like. Or does that only apply to Al.
Al Lindsey has not served on the City Council for a month and he has already been an embarrassment to both the City Council, the Fire Department and himself.
Let us see if the Democrat controlled City Council will do the right thing by calling for a full investigation of one of its new members. They have the power to do so. Will they?
“Let us see if the Democrat controlled City Council will do the right thing by calling for a full investigation of one of its new members. They have the power to do so. Will they?”
That would open so many doors to investigating the other council members, not a good thing to shine a light on trivial issues, would madam president like a investigation into her ties with the city and the casino?, or 4th ward voting?, or the Brownstones corp? could there be a conflict of interest in her business dealings with any of them and her position on the city council?
Better to save that bright light for a worthwhile endeavor the repercussions or ripple effect could really shake things up, besides if Mr Lindsey is as you say it will only be a matter of time before he hangs himself….might be interesting to shine that light on all the council members though.
Again this is JMHO
Very stupid place for him to go!!
Plying the council members with free liquor? What next, are we going to find out the place was bugged? (LOL)
No, press, didn’t you read the other articles that said the cameras wouldn’t even reach their table. If that isn’t convenient.
This comment has been removed by staff for derogatory comments of a personal nature. We at the CCO do not want to have to censor reader comments but we will not continue to tolerate personal attacks on our site. If these types of comments continue we will be forced to ban the reader from the comments section.
CCO Publisher
Did Al show you a receipt? Easy to say…
Beltway Confidential
January 31, 2012
The ACLU is not pleased with Facebook’s “sentiment analysis tool” that provides data exclusive to Politico.
Citing three concerns, Christopher Calabrese of the ACLU’s Legislative Office, argues that Facebook should justify the use of users private communications for analysis.
Facebook revealed earlier this month that every post and comment by a U.S. user containing information about presidential candidates will now be fed through a sentiment analysis tool. According to the announcement, Facebook shares that information exclusively with Politico.
Calabrese notes that, “many users may not want to be part of any ‘sentiment analysis’ or poll, and might “feel hesitant” to share their opinion regarding any candidate. Also a concern to the ACLU, Facebook failed to reveal “any mention of user consent anywhere” in their announcement of the project.
Finally, the ACLU mentioned that Facebook may one day share this information with political campaigns, who would use it to target advertising, manipulate voter data, or shape political messaging.
“We place a premium on political speech in the United States and debating candidates’ positions and merits,” wrote Calabrese. “Because Facebook has become one of the central forums for political debate it has a duty to clearly disclose any practices that threaten to distort that discussion.”
Social networking? Or is this social engineering?
What is CCO’s position on this?
Basically innocent until proven guilty on Al’s part and innocent until proven guilty but looks pretty rotten on the part of the 6 gathering democrats.
Joe, read the washington examiner piece on the aclu and facebook.
Didn’t the attorney for the state media say today that this didn’t violate the sunshine law. But what the hell would he or she know about it.
It is most certainly a violation if they discuss anything that is before, or will likely be before the council for their deliberation.
How one could enforce that requirement without being there and overhearing what was said is beyond me.
They have not really investigated this issue. They assumed that no business was discussed and we are skeptical of that claim. It is not proven though so it looks like the status quo continues in Evansville politics. If even one shred of official business was discussed then the State Media Attorney would have to reverse his opinion. We expect that not one of the 6 will rat out the others for such a transgression. This will pass without punishment as it has for years. That does not make it right.
What do they know about this situation? Apparently about as much as you do.
And I know as much as you do on this subject and that’s not a thing.
Yet you still feel the need to stick up for your pals? Every time you come on this site you give yourself away as an overzealous puppet.
The Open Door Law doesn’t preclude that gathering. If you think otherwise, file a complaint. Its amazing that we can find anyone to run for anything in this town given the cavalier but vicious ridicule launched at anyone in public office. So many in this community treat it like sport to launch criticism at those offering to lead us. For goodness sakes, Stephanie felt compelled to inform us she paid for her own drinks – have we really gotten that far down the political lynching road that we force leaders like her into a defensive position?
I took her statement to possibly suggest that others in the group might have been comped on their libations. Considering the ownership of the place, that was bound to rub some people the wrong way. Appearances and all, you know.
“For goodness sakes, Stephanie felt compelled to inform us she paid for her own drinks – have we really gotten that far down the political lynching road that we force leaders like her into a defensive position?”
Very sad to say….but the answer is a resounding YES! BTW kudos to Ms Riley for adding transparency to the meeting at the main gate, any chance she would like to tell us what was discussed?
I don’t believe I’ve stuck up for anyone on this issue. Alot of people seem to know everything that went on the way they have been talking.
We’ll see how it turns out.
Like I said, I wasn’t there so I don’t know what happened.
Since the only Republican’s name was not mentioned anywhere above we can safely assume he did not attend this event. And yes, the fact that the libations were consumed at a well-known Democrat’s bar makes the the attendee appear to be even sleazier than they are in the City Council chambers. It looks like the ongoing, sorry soap opera in city government has only just begun. It appears that the Democrats on the City Council will continue to provide gossip for the voters as they continue to implode the Democratic Party, which just suits me fine. Keep up the good work, morons!
The gang of cronies have decided to move the meetings from the Mayors office to the Main St Bar. Hey Missy needed the money!!!!
I’m betting there will be a a few more flies on the wall at the Main Gate after the next Council meeting waiting to see who shows.
I’m betting there’ll be nothing to see, so I hope the “flies on the wall” make purchases and leave nice tips for the servers.
Yeah, they’ll probably move their meeting to a more inconspicuous location.
no thanks-maybe the complaint and leak to the media were a strategy to do just that. I’ll just watch animal planet if I wish to see postering meercats, aligators, or weasels.
As for inconspicuous, the place sounded pretty inconspicuous-there were 10-12 people there? Makin the big bucks.
I’ve been down there when you couldn’t find a seat for two or three hours straight.
Of course all commercial Walkway traffic is dependent upon events at the Ford or other downtown venues. That was the entire point of downtown development.
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