IS IT TRUE Part 2 September 7, 2012


IS IT TRUE Part 2 September 7, 2012

IS IT TRUE that the CCO was given two post cards that were recently mailed out to thousands of Vanderburgh County voters?…that these post cards were funded by the ‘YES-UNIFICATION” committee for Vanderburgh County? …that these post cards were mailed from Indianapolis supporting both the printing industry and the US Post Office from Indianapolis and not EVANSVILLE or VANDERBURGH COUNTY as they should have been?…one post card had past and present elected Democratic officials and the other post card had past and present elected Republican officials pictures printed on it?…that the real political bombshell is that neither post card had the “Union Bug” logo printed on it?…that this is the first image of former Mayor Weinzapfel. Sheriff Eric Williams, and former City Councilman Curt John outside of high school yearbooks that some people have ever seen that did not have the “Union Bug” on it?…we wonder if these Democrats all of whom supported Republican Lloyd Winnecke for Mayor may be changing their party affiliation to Republican and abandoning local labor unions?

IS IT TRUE we are hearing strong rumors within the Mole Nation that if “UNIFICATION” passes then all contracts signed by the city and county with area unions could be declared null and void? …we hope someone with the knowledge and authority would come forward and clear up this rumor once and for all?…the unions the City of Evansville and Vanderburgh County need to get their legal eagles on this situation?…that as of late, the City of Evansville has been fumbling its legal contracts and in particular the one with Earthcare Energy that is much more loosey goosey than is comfortable>

IS IT TRUE that speaking of Earthcare Energy the City County Observer has verified that just like clockwork a check for the interest on the $200,000 loan made to Earthcare without so much as notifying the Evansville City Council in the amount of $380.37 arrived right on time just like the other interest payments have since the City of Evansville aborted the deal?…that makes 6 months of making payments on time by Earthcare Energy to the City of Evansville?…this whole Earthcare Energy situation may be off of everyone’s radar right now but this time bomb will be back?…that the last press release posted to the Earthcare Energy website was on April 16, 2012?

IS IT TRUE almost 400,000 people dropped out of the labor force, just gave up” looking for work in August?… for each one-tenth of one percent improvement in the unemployment rate, 184,000 Americans had to become quitters?…quitting could mean going on disability, going into the grey market (read: getting paid cash for odd jobs), doing something illicit, or begging?…whatever they’re doing instead of working or looking for legitimate jobs, 368,000 Americans gave up on participating in the economy in August alone?…we wonder what would it take to make someone just give up entirely?…that’s what hundreds of thousands of your fellow Americans went through last month?…if you think about it if anyone tries to tell you a drop in the headline rate is anything but more evidence of an ongoing national disgrace?


  1. Please tell me this isn’t true. My union uncle would come out of his grave if indeed this is true.

    When you hang with Republican dogs you get fleas!

  2. Wonder why local printers are having a hard time. Is it because the “yes group” ships our printing to be done in Indy at a non-union shop.

    Our local political types really are foolish!

    • I believe the only “union” print shop in Evansville is Burkert & Walton, lots of printers who could have done that job in Evansville who are also “non-union” no need to go to Indy… would be interesting to know who did the design work probably an Indy firm also.


  3. How many times do these people have to bite the hand that feeds them before the local unions stop supporting and feeding them with the rank and files hard earned monies? They showed their true colors, (yellow) in the last election when they stabbed the Democrat candidate Rick Davis in the back. Williams, Weinzapfel, John and Goebel all worked against Davis and need to be held accountable for their actions. Mitt Romney is more of a Democrat than these 4 are.

    • The real reason Davis did not win is because he was not the best candidate–plain and simple. Currently he is a part time Treasurer holding and getting paid for a full time job. What do you call it a person takes the money but does do the job?

  4. I have a Yes sign in my yard and it carries a union bug. The “No” signs I have seen have no bug. Why doesn’t the CCO report that?

    • I can provide you (or anyone else who wants it) with contact info to a union print shop (100% printers union and teamsters union employees) who will print yard signs with the union bug for the same or in many cases lower costs than non-union shops are producing the same or inferior product. Fact is, many local non-union shops are buying the larger signs from this company, tagging on a carrying charge, and selling them at a higher price to local politicians.

  5. I sell burgers for $2.00
    My competition sells the same burger for $1.00
    People buy from my competition and rather than lower my price to compete or improve my product to earn the higher price I charge I cry, “But I’m union.”

    I smile when I see union employees out shopping and buying nonunion produced products because they get more for their money.

    Union members are Democrats, not because they agree with Democrat principals and ideas, but because politicians with “D” behind their name have promised to pay their higher costs for services using other people’s money. If Republicans would smarten up, they would also promise to pay unions’ higher costs with money that is not theirs and then union members would be Republicans.

  6. I have a YES sign as well (a big one too) and I think it may have been personally designed for me by Lloyd Winnecke at a VOICE session. It was colored blue and yellow with crayons and the colors didn’t stay inside the lines.


    Is it true: “that these post cards were mailed from Indianapolis….”

    * * * * * * * * * * *

    I think we all knew that at some point in time the State Chamber of Commerce would be ponying up some funds to help ram this through. Looks like that time has arrived.


  8. I used to work for a non-union printer in Evansville that was across from the old Harpoles and the Pub, which Larry Akin owned (before the Lloyd Expressway)at the time. We did a lot of printing for the Demos including Buster Briley and we used the Union printing “bug” to make it look like the printing was union. When, I questioned the practice, I was discharged without reason. That was my first taste of Evansville politics, but I did win the unemployment claim!

  9. That’s a deal $380.37 a month for $200,000 Is there a time frame for the principle to kick in?

  10. I’ve always tried to use union where possible,and know there are few union printers in E’ville. The fact they use an Indy source shows they have NO concern for the local community or economy. More of the Indy consulting firm dollar drain, unless the money isn’t from here to start with, Huuummmmm!

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