IS IT TRUE that City Controller Russ Lloyd  Jr. stated at this week City Council meeting that the “Riverboat Fund” has presently has $14 million dollars in it? …that City Controller Lloyd forgot to tell City Council that $9 million dollars of this fund is already committed for 2014 capital projects?

IS IT TRUE that we wonder what the status of the Old National Bank collection effort of forcing a Kansas City Steel manufacturing firm to refund the City of Evansville for an alleged double payment made to them for $350,000 for steel provided by them towards the Ford Center project?
IS IT TRUE we heard that the Mayor has officially cancelled Halloween activities in Evansville last night? …we hope he doesn’t do similar on Easter and Christmas? …we wonder upon what moral authority does he have the right to cancel Halloween?
IS IT TRUE we would like to help promote the public boxing challenge made by “Good Public Policy” advocate Brad Linzy yesterday in the City County Observer challenging City Councilman Weaver to a public boxing duel? …we think this is a great idea? …we feel that this boxing duel between Weaver and Linzy could be part of the this years “Guns and Hoses” fund raising event? …that the City County Observer will donate $500 to the favorite local charity of the winner of this boxing match? …if Councilman Weaver beats Linzy the City County Observer shall donate $1000 to the winner of a boxing match between City Councilman Weaver and Al Lindsey to the winners favorite charity? …we say its time for Weaver, Lindsey and Linzy to man up for the good of a worthwhile area charity?
IS IT TRUE we just heard from reliable sources this morning that the State Board of Accounts 2012 audit for the City of Evansville was due today?  …that our sources also told us told that the State Board of Accounts may be still working on financial issue pertaining to this audit and may be forced to defer making this audit public until December 2013?  …if our sources are correct that the State Board of Accounts shall release the 2012 City Audit in December 2013 that this might signal there are problems with the city financial records?
Raise the ante to $2,000 to a food bank and I will be glad to wrestle Ms. Mosby in a vat of jello. Hint: While I’m tough for 66, people would probably rather pay NOT to watch.
Be sure whoever negotiates the contract for you doesn’t get maneuvered into letting BoneCrusher wrestle in lime. She’s 9-1-0 worldwide in lime against rank(ed) opponents. The tie was in Casablanca a few years ago. Her opponent, a beautiful Russian, was way ahead on points and unexpectedly fled the goop screaming ‘arrggg’. They gave her the pirates benefit of the doubt before realizing the problem was much more serious and not her fault. Shimmering green, Missy stood up to accept another win but only got a tie. Viktoria fled to mother Russia where Vlad the Putin promptly took off his shirt while consigning her to Siberia.
Defender of our cemeteries Weaver was the judge awarding the undeserved tie. Importantly, Missy remained technically undefeated in the vat. That translates into real shekels when the book comes out. While in Casablanca officiating at the match, Weaver was shocked to discover gambling going on upstairs. He was shocked again when his repeated calls to the local constabulary went unreturned.
Thanks for the tip! I think lemon or orange will do nicely, but strawberry or black cherry would do more to camoflage the whole mess.
Luv it! he he
A-F Accountability Report just released by State:
It seems so emblematic of the times that we find a need to go back and redefine a system of grading that has served so many generations of Americans so well.
It was only when social promotions became ubiquitous that school corporations became so, shall we say “creative”, in their grading practices. We need to return to the system that served us so well. One under which everyone knew where they stood.
Halloween not cancelled by the Mayor. Recommended activities be held on Friday just like several other communities around the tri-state did. You might want to check your sources.
The copy was already written based on the Mayor’s decision. If he had not postponed trick-or-treating activities, CCO would have published the article about Winnecke’s lack of making a responsible decision.
I agree. Winnecke can’t win on the CCO. I’m always reading lots of complaining, but never do people offer real solutions the mayor could enact. Just a bunch of former C&P whiners.
Like the mayor listens to us? Don’t think so. Oh he listens in public but it goes in 1 ears & out the other as if his mind is always made up (insert he’s already been told how to act on the subject).
To your “whiner” comment I have to disagree. There will be a huge jump in CCO readership due to C&P instituting a charge to participate, but most are not whiners. There are several sides to every issue and just because their beliefs do not match yours does not make them whiners.
Very good intelligent response to that troll and the Mayor’s hand puppet.
There was a recent solution the Mayor enacted that CCO offered. You may remember the proposed hotel downtown, if HCW gets its financing in place. The money for our parks will not be stretched even further with the addition of a dog park for Mrs. Mayor. I think CCO had a hand in that. If the Mayor sees fit to walk-back his “fight like the dickens” comment on putting the Medical School downtown and sees fit to support all local proposals that is another real solution he can enact.
Thank you. We even went so far as to publish a fictitious stock offering and call for local investors to participate in financing the hotel. Of course this is not a new idea but we do believe that the CCO was the only local publication that called for that. One could even conclude that Mayor Winnecke followed the CCO’s guidance in asking for private investors to come forward.
I’ve been coming here for a while now and I’ve seen a myriad of solutions offered up by the CCO Editor and the general readership for various problems. Rarely, if ever, are they heeded, and the few times they are, CCO never gets credit for it.
Likewise, time after time I’ve witnessed ideas for present problems and warnings of future problems ignored by this Administration. It’s really no wonder there is a tinge of bitterness, cynicism, and helplessness prevalent in much of the commentary. I think people are tired of the same old patterns of behavior being played out ad nauseum and knowing their voices are not being heeded.
It’s no wonder the Mayor isn’t very popular on this site. Even still, I’ve seen many times where he’s gotten credit for doing something the readers here liked. I’ve defended him a few times myself, the most recent being the Greer firing.
Is it true that CCO will not report that the Common Council increased their budget by over 22% while cutting every city departments’ budget because CCO does not want to bite the hand that feeds it internal documents? We often see our own faults in others and when you criticize CP for showing “favoritism” you fail to recognize that you do the same.
I think the CCO has a very good track record in regards to publishing letters to the editor and editorials by readers. If you think something is being ignored, I would bet you the Editor would publish any article, letter, or editorial you’d like to write on the subject.
I do think, however, you might owe him an apology first for the “tabloid” comments, as a gentlemanly courtesy.
Mr.Davis , would you please give us concrete and detailed documentation that the Evansville City Council have increased the 2014 proposed budget by 22%. I have personally sent and e-mail this evening to Councilman and Budget Chairmen John Friend, CPA to challenge your statement concerning the 22% budget increase by City Council for 2014. We shall post both responses without opinion, bias and editing. Let the CCO readers decide who is correct. It’s time for you to defend your statement concerning the alleged 22% budget tax increase for 2014 budget by City Council as gospel.
That might require him to actually stick his neck out and be nailed down to some facts. It might also require him to admit the CCO is a bonafide forum for legitimate news and debate and not, as he put it, a “tabloid”.
I will be pleasantly surprised if Mr. Davis puts anything in detailed writing. While I respect his intellect, I believe it more likely he will slink and reassert his “tabloid” mantra, which he believes frees him to take pot shots from the sidelines and not get hemmed into a vulnerable position.
I hope he proves me wrong, and if he has the superior argument, I’ll be the first to take my hat off to him.
Davis is a tool and he is too much of a fool to know it. Like a parrot he says tabloid on his master’s command while clutching a copy of Our Times as his regular news source.
Here’s where I have fell into the trap in the past. If you feel that way about me, climb from under your rock and stop hiding behind a pseudonym and say it to me in person. If you are not willing to do that, then your opinion does not matter to me. Our Times? Really? I’m sure that the color of my skin has nothing to do with you referring to the local paper published for the Black community.
I have to re-visit this. I’m not one to play the race card or see racism in everything, but I can’t remember Our Times ever being brought up on this site. Even worse to claim that it’s my regular news source. Am I seeing a racially motivated and thinly veiled reference? I am embarrassed to say that I have never bought a copy of that paper. Ms. Matthews seems like a wonderful lady and I should support her. Since you mentioned it, I’m going to get a copy right now.
You put a copy an Our Times article pushing to give away $37.5 Million right on your own FB site. That same article went on to say how the editor was still smarting because Winnecke wised up about Earthcare and sent those panhandlers packing with only $200,000 of our dollars. That sort of branded you guy. Now if you want to meet a person who is a blatant racist and proud of it, go meet Sondra Matthews. She doesn’t even try to hide her prejudices which I guess is at least honest. Our Times is about as racially biased as some of those skin head pamphlets that show up from time to time.
I can’t speak for Yoda, but I guess he was mentioning Our Times because you used an article from Our Times on your pro-Facebook page.
Actually, I’m not the one that posted that picture on the hotel page. Our Times reference and mention of listening to my master was purely coincidental, I’m sure.
Also, I posted at least 10 links to other media outlets on that page. Racists are always cowards and never willing to stand behind their words. If you’re man enough to imply it, be man enough to say it. I’ll follow Brad’s lead on this. I’ll challenge you and anyone on here that wants it to a boxing match. I’m sure that one of my old trainers would let me get some ring time. Give me 24 hours & I’ll make it happen.
I think you’re imagining racism on this one, dude. Most would agree Our Times is pretty damn left-wing, and anyone not knowing your intelligence first hand like I do might assume by your overall political disposition and positions on issues that you are unwittingly being used as a tool by someone. That’s just the way these political gangs work.
Again, I won’t suppose to speak for Yoda, but judging by his/her past commentary, I sincerely doubt even a sliver of racism in that comment.
I do not have a racist bone in my body but I certainly learned a bit about how easy it is to distract Mr. Davis. Thin skinned he is. By the way, Our Times is not left-wing, it is entitlement wing. They promote that which is black without regard to politics.
Not racist, but black =entitlement. There’s no imagining anything. The comments at me in this thread alone mention slavery, Our Times and welfare. Man up and acknowledge it.
Since I try not to fly by the seat of my pants and react based on emotions, I’ll let Chairman Friend respond first. If he provides a detailed ledger of Council’s expenses for FY2013 versus their 2014 budget, I will respond to it.
IS IT TRUE? that Phyllip Davis is a liar?
Phyllip Davis says:
October 4, 2013 at 3:31 pm
“Before, the hotel debate I had not logged on to this site in months. I’ll go back to that. I tired of trying to teach a bunch of crybabies how to stop crying and get up and walk to improve your surroundings. You can reply with whatever you want because I’ll never see it or visit your tabloid again.”
IS IT TRUE? Phyllip has no credibility? …
It’s like a horrific train wreck. You want to look away, but can’t. The ranting and raving by the conspiracy theorists on this site is great entertainment. Where else can you see someone ranting in Latin to prove their intellect? What other “newspaper” supports violence to our elected officials by offering to donate money to a charity to make it happen? You couldn’t make this stuff up.
Yes, Bubba, it is true that Mr. Davis has no credibility, and his own words condemn him.
Perhaps you recall several years ago at the C&P that Paxtoinette, after a sobbing tantrum, swore that he would never post again there. That resolution lasted less than 24 hours. We can at least give Mr. Davis credit for lasting a bit longer.
Nevertheless, it is clear that liberals in general, from their god-emperor No-Hopey on downward, have a penchant for lying and not keeping their word.
You have no knowledge of my political beliefs. I am a God-fearing conservative Republican.
Pleasure to meet you Phyllip
I to am a God fearing person , I guess our biggest differences are I’m
A God fearing American ,I hold no loyalty to anyone except my Creator
I vote only for the individual and for what they stand for
I feel that’s a huge part of our country’s problem ,people vote for the Dems
and others for repubs.
I know that you are a RINOpublican, Mr. Davis. The Republican Party has been moribund in E-ville for quite some time now.
Recall that famous text from the Book of David (David Nixon, that is):
“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain a nickel-per-post, and rely on Missy Mosby’s math? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his hotel, dog park, and $18 million dollar ball fields?”
Dear Phyllip
Please give us the math behind your assertion that the CC increased their budget by 22% increase. Hope you did not take Mosby’s math. Some same she was challenge in this area in H S. Compare the 13 budget to the 14 and you will see that the consulting fees went from 100k to 90k (an attempt to defund council’s oversight abilities by Wiineck supposed by Mosby and Weaver) and the only increase was 25k for Scott Dank’s para professional which equals 5% over the prior years budget amonnt. Thus, the increase to the c c budget went up by 15k or 3% over the 13 budget. So, Ms Mosby’s assertion for not voting for the budget was entirely do to her mis math computations of the cc budget is BS. She simply voted the way her boss told her to do so. Just review the recordings from WNIN and see her looking at Steve Scheafer and Ted Ziemer getting her signals. Well, why wouldn’t she have problems with budgets and things like that. If so, she probably would not be sued by the Evansville Country Club for $3,841 for non payment of charges on her country club dues. Probably why she voted against the budget was she has problems with the firefighters contract even though the rank and file voted for ratification. Hope this has cleared up your misconception or at less the sunshine that is being blowed up your backside.
Brad, I talked with Mr. Friend this evening and he shall be telling his side of the alleged 22% tax increase by City Council as posted by Mr. Davis. I can tell you that Mr. Davis better be ready to defend his statement according to Councilman Friend. Let the battle begin.
I will read and digest anything these two have to say, with pleasure.
Thank you! I’ve always found that it is best to deal with these issues head-on.
It looks like it is time that the Mayors mouth piece to either put up of shut up. Can’t wait to read Davis detailed response to the 22% tax increase by City Council he made earlier today.
I hope he doesn’t use City Controller Russ Lloyd Jr. as a expert resource.
I am not a mouthpiece for anyone. I never plan on running for office, so I can speak freely at all times. I am not beholden to anyone because they are one of the five sponsors for my website. Also, contrary to belief from the posters on CCO, I have been involved in several community issues before the hotel debate. That issue just pulled me out of from the anonymity that I prefer. Not because I am afraid of any scrutiny, but because I prefer the focus to be on the issue and not the messenger. I don’t desire any type of notoriety. I think that it’s funny that people comment about me not liking it when people disagree with my ideas, yet I am regularly the target for gang tackles on this site. That’s okay with me because I have the shoulders to handle the load. I simply want what’s best for our community. Others throw around the activist label, but don’t have much activity in their resume. Do any of the activists serve on any boards or committees for any of the area’s non-profits? I volunteer around 400 hours a year to local non-profits and causes. I won’t say which because I don’t want to attract any negative attention to them. I stand behind what I always have said, we can get a lot more done by collaboration and cooperation than we can by negatively smearing people. Criticism is fine, but it should be constructive.
Say you volunteer 400 hrs a year ,that’s good of you (community service don’t count)
Only ? I have for you , do you work for a living or are you on welfare ?
Myself I’m retired .
I work full-time managing a successful wholesale business, I coach extra-curricular programs that my children participate in and I volunteer with the non-profit organizations. My average weekday has me leaving the house at 7 and returning at 9 pm or later. I work so I can pay for your social security benefits.
I thank you for it
I also paid into it for the generation before me ,and hopefully
It will still be around fou you and your kids
Dear Mr. Davis
As the Finance Chair of the Evansville City Council, I would like to set the record straight, City Council can’t increased any line item in the budget except for items directly related to safety issues and if so, under fiscal emphasis. As such, any increases has to be initiated by the Mayor. Precisely, the Mayor initially eliminated our proposed 2014 budget for over sighting as required by the State Board of Accounts emphasized in their 2011 (unaudited budget report) Disclaimer Report.
The oversight elimination in the 2014 budget was $100,000 dollars. City Council discovered this reduction and demanded that the Mayor restored this amount back in 2014 budget in the public interest of oversight. City Council agreed to cut the restoration by $10,000 dollars in the spirit of fiscal conservatism. Due to the extra work load the City Council demands of our legal counsel, the majority of the City Council members felt that this request had merit, the administration’s agreed to put this amount in the 2014 budget. The consulting budget was reduced by $10,000 over the prior year budget and the para-legal increase was $25,000, resulting in a 3% increase over the 2013 budget.
Ms. Mosby’s public assertions that the 2014 budget was increased by 22% is absolutely misleading. Please note that the Information Technology 2014 budget went up by 14% and Ms Mosby was as quite as a church mouse when this issue was discussed. Consequently, any member of City Council that voted NO on the budget under the disguise that the City Council 2014 budget was increased by 22% is misleading their constituents. In actuality Ms. Mosby voted against all of the safety contracts enforce at the time of the 2014 budget vote. Please keep in mind that the vote on defunding the Mayors $1.5 million request to develop Roberts Park passed by a 7 to 2 vote (Mosby and Weaver voted against this motion). It is extremely important to point out that the 2014 budget was bi-partisan. The vote was 7 for and 2 against. City Council members Mosby and Weaver voted against it.
Respectively Submitted,
John Friend. CPA
5th Ward City Council member and City Council Budget Chairmen
$90,000 increase for contractual services, so you can hire more people for redundancies like Garrett, $25,000 so Danks can have a secretary (again redundant since that should be the Clerk’s job and the 2% increase to Council’s pay. I don’t have the figures from the last fiscal year, but it looks like you know how to take care of yourself while cutting every other department. What is the percentage that you would attribute to the increases?
Hey, Get it straight, Garrett’s contract was 20,000….why is it taking until Dec 31 st to get our audit when it normally takes three months….do you think everything is okay in the records???
What city department got cut? Everybody got raises.
Correction. Not the public but the PRIVATE sector…..!!!!!
Parks and Recreation was cut and funding for the zoo was axed. The numbers that I list came from WEHT, not Missy Mosby.
I hope that in the future Mosby and Weaver are not re-elected to city council so that you won’t have to deal with them anymore. You are doing a great job and I for one want to thank you and the other council members for overseeing what the Mayor does and how he proposed to spend the tax payers dollars. Keep up the good work.
Phillip is a troll who’s word means nothing but strange sounds to me. I thought he was Phyllis at first and was surprised to later learn that he was a man and African American. He sounds more like Wayne than Wayne does. I didn’t like what, I though was, Phillis said and I sure don’t like what Phillip has to say 95% of the time. LOL
Also, I notice that you use the word “misleading” when referring to the percentage. Everyone knows that “misleading” is politico talk for true but not framed how one would wish. If the readers weren’t beholden to you to leak internal documents they would call you out on it.
Nice picture of you in today’s C&P, Phyllip! Do you get paid for what you do, or do you just like free publicity? Maybe you should move inside the City and run for City Council.
Actually, I just attend meetings and reporters come up to me and ask me questions.
Wouldn’t you be better off spending the time you sit in those meetings working in your business, volunteering, or being with your kids? You can always find out what happened at those meetings, but of course, you wouldn’t be available to the press for comments. C’mon Phyllip, tell us what you are going to run for!
Mr. Friend just explained on this page that the proposed 2014 City of Evansville Budget didn’t increase by 22%.
The ball is now in your court to prove him wrong.
Let the debate begin.
CCO Editor
Mr. Davis’ comments suggest that he doesn’t have any evidence or argument in support of his own position nor any substantive reply to Mr Friend. He is now trying to change the subject.
Thanks for putting up Mr. Friend’s response so quickly.
This doesn’t happen often, so I just wanted to say I agree, howler.
Mr. Davis please stop all the race crap and get back on message. Please answer Mr. Friends comments posted above concerning your 22% increase statement on the 2014 city budget.
Me stop the race crap? How about all of the mentions of slavery, Our Times and welfare? I’ve never seen anyone else be targeted with those specific terms.
Taken down because of insulting remarks.
I already wrote it. Open your eyes.
Taken down because post was off subject.
From what I understand, she had some financial difficulties while in between jobs. I’ve also heard that the Council member that released those documents has filed bankruptcy in the past. Pot meet kettle.
Taken down because post wss off topic.
Taken down because post is off message.
Taken down because post is off message.
Taken down because post is off message.
Comments are closed.