IS IT TRUE? PART 2 May 6, 2011 “Hidden Costs of the Arena”


Charlie in the Box: Just in from the Island of Misfit Toys

IS IT TRUE? PART 2 May 6, 2011 “Hidden Costs of the Arena”

IS IT TRUE that it has been 24 hours this morning since the City County Observer offered a $500 bounty on anyone that Jonathan Weaver would come forward to back up his on camera assertions of being ELECTION SIGN THIEVES?…that Mr. Weaver has not yet accepted our challenge nor has he come forward to claim the bounty?…that he has exactly 144 hours to accept our challenge or it will no longer be available?…that we do not understand why Mr. Weaver has not come forward?…that a candidate for office is expected to be both honest and charitable?...that IF Mr. Weaver was honest in his allegations of theft that the City County Observer has given him the perfect opportunity to be charitable as a result of his honesty?…that we are waiting?

IS IT TRUE that there are once again rumblings that the Downtown Convention Hotel financing is in jeopardy?…that this should be no surprise since the valuation to cost ratio is out of sync by at least 50%?…in a tight lending market, in a city that has declining convention revenue and a shrinking population that the pro forma of any business plan will be run through a gauntlet of possible worst case scenarios?…that just because Woodruff Hospitality is being tested that is does not make this a bad idea?…that sometimes values just don’t align and that the CCO applauds Woodruff for their efforts?…that we also hope that Woodruff pulls a rabbit out of a hat and makes this happen?

IS IT TRUE that Woodruff was offered an incentive package by the City of Evansville that has a value of between $10 Million and $15 Million depending on performance over time?…that White Hospitality, the only other bidder with national brand backing for the Convention Hotel received an incentive package of over $20 Million from the City of Fort Wayne and was reportedly asking for a similar package from Evansville?…that going with Woodruff was a roll of the dice but a worthwhile one for the City of Evansville to get local people involved and to save money?…that IF this does not work out that it is time for the City of Evansville to get a company in here that has a long track record of success in the hospitality business?…that a track record, posting a bond, and getting the approval of a vetting committee of people who understand finance and have the courage to speak their piece will be required?…that even if the City of Evansville has to pony up a better incentive package that Woodruff agreed to that a Downtown Convention Hotel is a mandatory piece of the MLK Entertainment Complex?

IS IT TRUE that the hotel incentive package costs are NOT in the Arena Budget?…that lost revenues to the Centre that have resulted from the chaotic management of the Arena/Hotel project are not in the Arena budget?…that not a dime is allocated for either the demolition or modernization of Roberts Stadium in the arena budget?…that Mr. Kish may pull the Arena itself in for $95 Million but that remains to be seen?…that the soft costs plus hard costs of the isolated world of the arena walls may not exceed the $127.5 Million that was budgeted and adopted as a NOT TO EXCEED number by the Evansville City Council?…that remains to be seen?…that it is safe to say at this point in time that THE ARENA COSTED EVANSVILLE MORE THAN THE ARENA COSTED TO BUILD?…that the oversights, unwelcome surprises, and unintended consequences whether they came about as a result of intentional misrepresentation or old fashioned ineptness are well on their way to adding between $25 Million and $50 Million to the cost of the isolated world within the arena walls?…that life and construction projects to not happen in a vacuum?…that a comment on the CCO yesterday by a supporter of the current administration said “thinking good thoughts will not make good things happen”?…that Curt (posters screen name) should have told his idol this before this whole “think good thought” lack of big picture planning process on MLK was ever started?


  1. Is it true that humility in a politician is a desired trait? That it is obviously lacking in Mr Weaver’s personality, and that now we can add Mr Weaver to our political “Hit List” of unfavorable candidates to be turned out in November. If the candidates for the November election think that a party affiliation is going to grant them protection via voters voting a straight party ticket they are sadly mistaken, the upcoming election will be one of voters picking and choosing the best candidates across party lines. If Rick Davis has proven anything it’s that party affiliation is no longer a shield for less then desirable candidates to use to get elected.

  2. It’s obvious the arrogant Dems who overlooked Davis and his old-fashioned “get-out-the-vote” and stick to the issues type of campaign are bitter.
    But crying about it and throwing accusations out of nowhere makes it worse. Voters who don’t really know these candidates form an opinion based on what the candidates say to the media…and Troy and Weaver make themselves look like d-bags.

  3. It seems the voters added Mr. Weaver to their hits list this week as well. GREATEST HITS list. There is a reason he had the most votes of anyone this week. You only achieve that by being liked, approved and supported by the voters.

    • Indeed he did. Maybe he should run for Mayor. After all it only took about 12,000 votes to ascend to that office 4 years ago.

      Come to think of it David Nixon pulled in 2,268 votes against Mayor Weinzapfel’s 13,097 so if you had been the Democratic nominee a paltry 2,269 votes could have made you Mayor Curt.

    • Hopefully, after they seen his little theatrics on the news the next day, they will remember that come November and not put him on the City Council. He had the same kind of tantrum after he lossed in the Assessor’s race.

      The arrogance of this guy. To say that he won’t put Davis on “his” team. Funny, I thought Davis was running for the top position in the City.

  4. –And King Id/aka Weinzapple, Dreams he has a Political Future?
    I suggest he throw down his campaign stash for a parking lot purchase close to “The John” and look to that investment to fund the Depends in his old age and not the “fruits” of Public Office.

    PS. I bet The Citizens would sell him one for a little over $600,000.00

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