IS IT TRUE? Part 2 May 27, 2011 Term Limits?? Consolidation??


Lifetime Bureaucrats with No Term Limits

IS IT TRUE? Part 2 May 27, 2011

IS IT TRUE that in the consolidation workshop last night that the subject of term limits was discussed?…that term limits are thought by many to be one of the best ways to keep fresh minds cycling into public service?…that term limits also serve to prevent lifetime elected officials from getting stale or complacent?…that the other side of the argument is that sometimes term limits force the retirement of dedicated high quality elected officials and that the election cycle is the ultimate form of term limits?…that both arguments have merit?

IS IT TRUE that last night the Vanderburgh County Commissioners Abell, Winnecke, and Melcher were unanimous in their support of limiting a future elected County Council to two terms of office?…that these are people who have a unique understanding of the value of serving in different offices as they have all served on multiple governing bodies in their political careers?…that the Evansville City Council was not in such agreement?…that 7 members of the City Council were in attendance but that all seven voted?…that Councilmen McGinn and Adams both agreed with the County Commissioners that two terms is an acceptable limit?…that lame duck councilmen Walker and Watts opposed term limits?…that sitting members of the City Council Robinson, Friend, and Mosby joined in the opposition?…that the most vocal opponent of term limits was incumbent Democratic candidate from the 2nd Ward Missy Mosby?

IS IT TRUE that Councilwoman Connie Robinson is an excellent example of why term limits can have negative consequences?…that term after term that Connie continues to be the most energetic and qualified representative of the 4th Ward?…that term limits would rob the City of Evansville of Councilwoman Robinson’s dedicated service?

IS IT TRUE that on the other side of that coin, public entities across the world without term limits seem to end up populated with self serving or disinterested people who “NEED” the financial benefits of public service?…that term limits prevent City Councils, State Legislators, and National Governing bodies from becoming a dumping ground for people with only name recognition and patronage favors to keep them in office?…that for every one wonderful Connie Robinson there seems to be dozens of Strom Thurmonds who hang onto power until they can’t stay awake through the legislative sessions?…then that the term limit question may be answered by asking “is it worth letting dozens of Strom Thurmonds maintain power for the privilege of keeping one Councilwoman Robinson”?

IS IT TRUE that perhaps there is a better way?…that a competency test administered every election cycle would not only solve the problem of having entrenched career bureaucrats but could also act as a form of “vetting” for cognizant thought capacity too?…that an idiot in office can do just as much damage during a first term and they can in their 10th term?


  1. Missy Mosby is a prime example of the need of term limits. Just because she likes the power and pretige it does not make her a good leader or councilperson. Lets vote Missy out and give others a chance to fix what is wrong with Evansville. John and Missy have spent this city into a debt that our children will be paying on for years. While letting our infrastructure suffer with neglct and abuse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Missy Mosby is a prime example of the need of term limits. Just because she likes the power and prestige it does not make her a good leader or councilperson. Lets vote Missy out and give others a chance to fix what is wrong with Evansville. John and Missy have spent this city into a debt that our children will be paying on for years. While letting our infrastructure suffer with neglect and abuse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. “Just because she likes the power and prestige…”

    Nobody’s interested in Your “psychoanalysis” of the Local Leaders–speak to us of Their Actual Efforts & Accomplishments with which You find Fault.

    “Let’s vote ___(fill in the blank)___ out and give others a chance to fix what is wrong with Evansville. ___(Fill in the Blanks)___ have spent this city into a debt that our children will be paying on for years. While letting our infrastructure suffer with neglect and abuse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

    Don’t You EVER Get SICK of “Listening” To Your Same OLD Songs??????????????

    ANYONE Who’s Paid The LEAST-little Amount of Attention To Evansville During The Past 4-5 Years That Missy Mosby (et al.) Has Been In Office–KNOWS Just How MUCH of Our City’s Long Neglected & Abused Infrastructure Has Been UP-Graded–ALREADY. I Thank HER (et al.) For Having Given KEY AID IN Support of THIS Good Work.

    If You Y’all were unable to attend the Evansville-EPA CSO-CAC Advisory Meetings of 2007…Where Missy Provided Testimony ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL To The Success of These Efforts…Let Me Assure You–She Hit NOTHING SHORT of A–Bases Loaded Home Run–For The People of Our Town.

  4. Is it true that this report is not fully accurate? Is it true, for example, that Curt John did not leave the meeting because he was never in attendance at the meeting to begin with? Is it also true that Missy Mosby was not the first person to raise the objection to term limits for council members, and it was not she who offered either the stiffist nor the most vocal objections to term limits? Is it true also that the first discussion regarding term limits at the meeting last night was regarding term limits for the mayor, and that this article doesn’t even touch on that issue? Is it true that no one from the City County Observer was present at the meeting last night, therefore that this entire article appears to be second hand information?

    • Actually the CCO was represented in the meeting by a couple of Moles. Our comments with regard to term limits were with regard to all offices not just the Council. Thanks for correcting one error that was in the article. It is now corrected.

      • That narrows it down pretty darn close, since there were only about 10 people in the audience!

        And the only unified government offices subject to a discussion and straw poll by the joint council/commission regarding term limits were the mayor and council. So your “moles” are uncorrect if they told you “all offices” were dicussed and put to a straw poll vote regarding term limits.

        And yes, I see where you changed the script of your article, and where it now says, ” … that 7 members of the City Council were in attendance but that only seven casted a vote?” Third time’s a charm!

  5. We do not need profession politicians or people that want the job because they need the extra income. I would support term limits, 2 to 3 terms is more than enough for Mayor, City Council or any elected office. Term limits would help bring new blood into the system; help eliminate people being elected solely on name recognition and stop some of the patronage favoritism. Limiting City Council members to 2 terms would prevent them for collecting retirement benefits from the city, (10 years is required to be vested in city plan), and this would save the city money down the road. To be honest, while I would not mind getting the retirement benefits, I do not need them; I have a plan through work. Not sure what the cost to the city is for the retirement plan, if anyone knows please tell me. It may not be much of a savings but every little bit helps, would rather have the city use the money to make improvements to our parks, or for public safety. Therefore, in closing I would have to go along with Vanderburgh County Commissioners Abell, Winnecke, Melcher, and Councilmen McGinn and Adams and support a limit of two terms of office.

  6. Thank you Mr Walters…..all one has to do is look at Washington DC to see the clear need for term limits, while it is true we could loose a good public servant by adopting them it’s worth the risk to rid our government (at all levels) from career politicians. As I’ve stated before public representation was never intended for career politicians or even lawyers for that matter but for average citizens to take their turn serving their community.

  7. Term limits are an easy way of making sure ineffective politicians are removed from office. I believe it is a cop out for what all citizens should be doing which is staying engaged in the system and holding your public servants accountable. We do that by voting. Money and name recognition play a large part in how we elect rather than the issues. As to the proposal of including term limits in our local government, it should first be noted that our city council is part time. This is not a career. I dare say most of our elected councilpersons would earn not much more than minimum wage for the hours devoted to their position. Secondly, other than Frank McDonald, there has not been a mayor who sought office more than two terms in my lifetime. In addition, for those who have served on the council more than two terms, I believe we would find they have been more of an asset than liability. They have insight and experience that transcends administrations. Lastly, it presupposes that it would bring new blood into the system. If we look to our county government, term limits for offices of recorder, clerk, treasurer, etc merely means that in 8 years they move next door into another elected position. It is not new blood, its recirculated.

    This is not to say there are not merits to term limits but lets look at what we aim to achieve by making this proposal. If it does not create efficiency or better government, then why? Either way this is not going to have a great effect on whether the average citizen votes for or against the referendum.

  8. We do not need to have term limits, you have that with the ballot box allready.

    If you have term limits, you will start to see more of the office hopping after the term limit.

  9. Why is it that we would all want professional carpenters, plumbers and electricians to help build our homes, professional accountants to prepare our taxes, professional doctors to heal us, professional actors to entertain us, etc. However the term professional politician, is considered a pejorative and a dirty word?

    • The professions that you cite are all licensed professions that have to pass tests and prove competence to practice. They are also bonded and have malpractice insurance requirements to practice. Last time I looked the only real qualifications to be a professional politician were to be without a felony on your record and a pulse. The pulse is occasionally not required.

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