IS IT TRUE? Part 2 May 20, 2011


Evansville's Promoter???

IS IT TRUE? May 20, 2011

IS IT TRUE that merger mania took over part of the Civic Center again last night?…that in yet another planning session that nothing was settled and the two or more factions that have developed are digging their heels in on their respective positions regarding the future of law enforcement in Vanderburgh County and the City of Evansville?…that a full three of the six (half) ward based members of the City Council have expressed the desire of their constituents is to LEAVE LAW ENFORCEMENT ALONE?…that if the consolidation committee so misread this most important and expensive element of the service that government provides that there are impaired judgments throughout the rest of the proposal too?…that lets just call this thing what it is and be done with it?…that the most used adjective that the consolidation proposal seems to have placed in front of it starts with cluster?

IS IT TRUE that this proposal makes no financial, moral, or even prosperity based imperative that has any basis is reality?…that there is about the same amount of elevative substance in this proposal as there was in the recent primary?…that that would be slim to none?…that just because the Chamber of Commerce believes in the theory of consolidation does not make the proposal that is in place a basis on which to go forward?…that as the City County Observer has opined on many occasions “when you show the people of the City of Evansville and Vanderburgh County tangible benefit, they will recognize it and support consolidation”?…that so far we have only heard condescendence and been shown nothing of value?…that experimentation for the sake of experimenting is not a reason to enact permanent and irreversible change?…that this needs to start over or it needs to be discarded?

IS IT TRUE that the Vanderburgh Democratic Party faithful shall be having its 6th Annual Lifetime Achievement Award Dinner on June 8th at Bauer House in Darmstadt?…we congratulate Vanderburgh County Democratic party Central Committee for holding this worthwhile event?…that feel that this event shall begin the political healing of the Vanderburgh Democratic party?…that all eyes are on Team Rick Davis, Party Chairman, Mark Owens and Union Leader, Jack McNeely?

IS IT TRUE that “CCO MOLE 206” has corrected a CCO “IS IT TRUE” statement concerning the Vanderburgh County Democratic was giving money to relocate from the Executive Inn Parking garage to old Welborn Hospital building owned by the Kunkel Group?…that the Evansville Redevelopment Commission didn’t pay the Democratic party to relocate…that another entity has commented to pay them to relocate?…that this entity hasn’t paid the party to move their headquarters as of yet? …the figure that has been alleged to be paid to the Democratic Party for this move is between $1 to $10,000?

IS IT TRUE that Evansville made it onto Jay Leno’s monologue on Wednesday night?…that our newly bestowed distinction of being the most obese place in America is gaining us national attention?…that Leno made fun of the Evansville jail saying that it does not even need bars because they put us at the bottom of the stairs and we can’t climb out?…that this is not good publicity but that as one Facebook comment said “if the tent fits, wear it”?

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer got over 30 referrals yesterday from a never before heard of website called…that this happened as a result of someone from Evansville posting a link on that site to the CCO article from 3 weeks ago about Evansville being named the obesity capital of America?…that the poster was quite disturbed and embarrassed at Evansville’s new distinction?

IS IT TRUE that all of these humiliations are a call to action and that as a community we need to rise to that call to action by living healthier, cleaning our streets, fixing our sewers, etc. etc. etc?…that this is an opportunity for Evansville to acknowledge these problems and others and to do something about it?…that this election year of 2011 is a great catalyst to change how we live for the better?


  1. “… all eyes are on Team Rick Davis, Party Chairman, Mark Owens and Union Leader, Jack McNeely?”

    How about Team Weaver?

      • Henry, if you haven’t received your invite to the awards banquet yet, it’s because there are no Rick volunteers over at headquarters helping the one and only staffer stuff them into envelopes … all 1250 of them … so why don’t you go over there and pick yours up, save the party a stamp, and frame it!

  2. I believe that the CCO’s professed optimism about the sad facts of the day are refreshing.

    Let this day be the “hitting bottom” point.

    May we all pitch in and make Evansville and Vanderburgh County a better place. …


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