IS IT TRUE? Part 2 May 10, 2011
IS IT TRUE that it has been 120 hours this morning since the City County Observer offered a $500 bounty on anyone that Jonathan Weaver would come forward to back up his on camera assertions of being ELECTION SIGN THIEVES?…that Mr. Weaver has not yet accepted our challenge nor has he come forward to claim the bounty?…that he has exactly 48 hours to accept our challenge or it will no longer be available?…that we do not understand why Mr. Weaver has not come forward?…that a candidate for office is expected to be both honest and charitable?…that IF Mr. Weaver was honest in his allegations of theft that the City County Observer has given him the perfect opportunity to be charitable as a result of his honesty?…that we are waiting?
IS IT TRUE one our “CCO Moles” went to turn on water at a rental home he owns?…that only one person was available to serve a large volume of customers (8 to 10) standing in line? …that after about 25 minutes of standing in line our “Mole” encountered one rude employee of the City of Evansville Water and Sewer Department?…if this person worked in the private sector and treated customers the way she treated a “CCO MOLE” yesterday she would have been fired on the spot?…that we are extremely thankful that starting in January 2012 that the new administration shall have the opportunity to select a new entity to run the Water and Sewer Department business functions?
IS IT TRUE that the 9 Breaking Thrills at Theme Parks located in America posted by Browse Bing Travel cites that the World’s Longest Water Coaster is called the WILDEBEAST located at Holiday World and Splashing Safari in Santa Claus, Ind.
IS IT TRUE that we are hearing that it is time for newly elected Prosecutor of Vanderburgh County , Nick Herman should consider establishing a white collar Division within his office? …that this new entity could not only rid white collar crimes in the private and but also in the public sectors alike?
IS IT TRUE that one should follow the responses posted by JOEBIDEN in the CITY COUNTY OBSERVER in its daily “IS IT TRUE” posts?…that JOEBIDEN is close to finding out who the real “CCO Mole # 3” is? …that he is almost ready to discover who “CCO MOLE # 3” is but isn’t there yet?…that “CCO MOLE # 3” is saying that JOEBIDEN is one of 7 final candidates capable of replacing him in this coming November when he retires?
IS IT TRUE that not only does a “vetting†process need to be established for big projects involving the use of public money but that the Evansville community needs to familiarize itself with the word?…that on four occasions yesterday members of the Evansville media and even elected officials have been overheard talking about “venting†the hotel developer?…that “vetting†is a process where the capability and financial capacity of a person or a company undergo an in depth examination and are either approved or not approved by a financially astute committee?…that “venting†is typically used to describe talking through a particular aggravation that one may have with some person or situation?…that there was plenty of “VENTING†going on in Evansville on cell phones last night over the lack of “VETTING†that has been done by the powers that be with respect to the Downtown Convention Hotel?…that most everyone understands that so far a PULSE and GOOD INTENTIONS are the criteria for vetting developers and they are finally starting to vent about how low the bar is set?…that we hope that we will no longer hear the word VENT used for VET on the 10 o’clock news or anywhere else in Evansville?…that confusion like this is why we are sometimes talked down to by the powers that be and thought to be buffoons by certain outsiders?

“IS IT TRUE that we are hearing that it is time for newly elected Prosecutor of Vanderburgh County , Nick Herman should consider establishing a white collar Division within his office? …that this new entity could not only rid white collar crimes in the private and but also in the public sectors alike?”
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A good start would be for Hermann to ask a judge if Mike Duckworth is holding dual offices. The State Attorney General seems to think that is the case:
Appendix A (pages 10-11)
I wish someone would steal the Troy Tornatta signs located on Pollack Ave and those on the corner of South Green River and Covert Ave. Cmon Troy, the election’s over, you lost, put on your big boy pants and pick up your signs. Or do expect the little folks to do it for you?
I’m just glad he took the one down by the Pigeon Creek Greenway Trailhead. That’s probably the real reason Ohio Street has been closed this week. They didn’t want any locals seeing that horrendous sign.
these aren’t little signs, they are the 4’x8′ versions, and fwiw they are all on Walt Lowe properties. I’d like to have the posts but wouldn’t want to be accused of stealing them
Jonathon is a “willful boy” and a “loose cannon” if there ever was one. Sadly, he has the support of those who have forgotten he is not a weather-boy any more.
Vote him out.
Please, don’t feed his delusional ego. …
I think in the final 24 hours, the CCO should up the reward to $1,500 so Wailin’ Jon Weeper could pay for at least one billboard with that hideous layout he used in his 2010 assessor’s race. Or maybe offer him a 5-month run of CCO banner ads, but only if he uses that same 2010 artwork with stars encirling his head like someone beaned him with a ball bat.
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