Home archived-iit IS IT TRUE Part 2 March 5, 2014

IS IT TRUE Part 2 March 5, 2014

Mole #??
Mole #??

IS IT TRUE the Political Committee to re-elect County Commissioner Marsha Abell filed a report with the Vanderburgh County Clerk office that revealed that the following groups and organizations listed below donated to the re-election committee of Marsha Abell?

IS IT TRUE the Vanderburgh County GOP Committee headed by Chairmen Wayne Parke donated $5,000 to Marsha Abell re-election committee?…that Marsha Abell Republican primary foe Bruce Ungethiem approached GOP Chairmen Wayne Parke for a similar political donation from the local party?…that Mr. Parke told him “NO”?

IS IT TRUE that Friends of Mayor Winnecke donated $1,000 to Commissioner Abell’s re-election campaign?

IS IT TRUE the law firm of Barnes and Thornburg, LLP from Indy who are allegedly doing legal work the proposed downtown hotel donated $5,000 towards Ms. Abell’s re-election bid?

IS IT TRUE last night Evansville City Councilman Weaver had a political re-election fund raising event? …Mayor Winnecke and his wife attended this event?

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer’s article complement yesterday must have resonated well with lots of people because we set a single day traffic record?…on Tuesday March 4, 2014 the CCO had 7,181 unique visitors who read a total of 16,288 pageviews?…this is a daily record in both categories by 60%?…the bulk of these visits are from the tri-state and Google indicates they are being referred to us by Facebook?…unless something drastically changes there will be a new record today as there were already 15,000 pageviews and 8,500 unique visitors at the time this was written?…that is enough unique visitors to swing any election that has ever been held in Evansville, and that is just this mornings traffic?


  1. Wayne Parke should be force to resign. He should have stayed out of a party primary battle. I’m a supporter of Marsha but know that Mr. Parkes action could have cost her the election.

    • Ruth Ann: The Republican Precinct Committeemen elected me by a 10 to 1 margin to be their party leader. I will lead to do first what is best for the City/County citizens and 2nd what is best for the Republican Party. A leader is suppose to lead —not set on the sidelines.

      There is nothing in the Republican Party Rules that says the Chairman cannot/should not endorse one Republican candidate over another. When there is one Candidate that will do a much better job in the office, I will be endorsing the better candidate. In this situation, Marsha Abell is by far the best candidate.

      For my job performance as Chairman, I receive strong positive comments from the Vanderburgh County Republicans. There are more Republicans holding Office in Vanderburgh County than there ever has–a good report card.

      • Wayne why not look for the best candidate not just the best crony for the party! Just because one has held many offices and lived off the people for a long long time does not make them the best candidate at this time!! Hey is Winnecke/Wienzapfel light at a 90% approval rating now?

        • rk812: As stated above, I did look at both candidates. Marsha Abell is by far the best candidate

          • If Mr. 10-1 tells me this and I look at the candidates I would have to vote for Bruce. I believe that the Abell’s might be great fund raisers but pitiful leaders and commissioners!!!!!!!

      • Editor: Below is the actual unedited email I sent to Bruce on 2/21/14. He has not responded to my email. He has not told me what he has ever done to support the Republican Party.

        From: Wayne Parke [mailto:wparke@wowway.com]
        Sent: Friday, February 21, 2014 3:35 PM
        To: Bruce Ungetheim
        Subject: Your Email Dated 2/20/14–Response

        Bruce —

        You knew way before you ever filed to run for County Commissioner that I was going to fully support and would be endorsing Marsha Abell to be re-elected as County Commissioner. You informed me that you were going to run, no matter what, and if I did not remain neutral you might run as a Democrat or an Independent.

        As the Republican County Chairman, I support Marsha because overall she has done a very good job as a County Commissioner. Marsha has many years of experience in city/county government where she has served as City Clerk,County Clerk,County Council Member and now County Commissioner. She is, by far, the best qualified candidate for the position. Marsha also has the strong support of the Republican leadership in Vanderburgh County.

        In addition, Marsha and her husband have been a long time supporters of the Vanderburgh Republican Party and its candidates by giving a substantial amount of time and money to help make our City/County the best it can be. I do not recall you giving any time or financial support to the Party. If you have, please let me know what it is.

        I as an individual or as Vanderburgh County Republican Chairman will not be making a contribution to your campaign to unseat Marsha.

        Wayne Parke
        Chairman VCRP

        • Does Wayne do anything other than suck on the public nipple? I honestly don’t know much about the guy other than he seems kind of delusional. CCO can you do a profile article?

        • No politically correct wishy washy double speak from Mr. Parke. Straight shooter. Almost Reaganesque in clarity and purpose. I have just gained respect for Chairman Parke’s position of fully supporting a solid Republican officeholder. Refreshing to see backbone and loyalty in local politics.

        • So tenure and loyalty and fundraising ability are the way to judge republican candidates.

          Performance as a steward for the taxpayers is not a criteria.

          However, for teachers you and the GOP support performance only, tenure and loyalty mean nothing.

          Got it!

          Marsha’s performance is ABYSMAL. Supporting the hotel and the naming rights giveaway is just the start of lousy list of satan sandwiches handed to the people of Vanderburgh County by Marsha.

          • Can you explain the naming rights giveaway to me. What was the value of the naming rights of the Centre. Who was in line to pay for it? Are there any comps where a building of the same age and functions were named? Just a few questions so I can understand what was given away.

          • Abell has said that they couldn’t find a buyer for the naming rights to The Centre, claiming it was essentially a worthless asset, yet neither she nor the other two losers calling themselves ‘representatives’ of the people’s interestes who signed away those rights along with the $1m tickets and 60 free uses of the facilities has ever offered up a single shred of evidence to support this LIE.

            If it is not a lie, they should be able to produce phone records where they pitched to potential buyers. They should be able to produce meeting minutes where they discussed detailed plans to present a naming rights package to potential buyers. There should be EVIDENCE in the records.

            They will not show them because they DO NOT EXIST.

            They never tried to sell those rights in any concerted or effective way to anyone. I question whether they were ever even discussed in any official meetings before they decided to give them away virtually for free. If they did, by all means, lets see the minutes of said meetings!

            Phyllis Davis’ asinine line of questioning proves once again he is nothing but a bootlicking fool incapable of original or critical thinking. Phyllip, while you we’re standing there suckling Marsha Abell’s teats like an orphaned donkey, did you think to ask her where those meeting minutes might be? Or did you just take your wet nurse’s word for it?

          • The burden of proof lies with you because you are the one making the assertion that the naming rights were given away. The fact that you can’t answer one single question that I asked proves that the giveaway claim is nothing more than another speculation and assumption that you call a fact. Same ol’ Linzy. Very little facts, whole lot of name-calling. So childish.

          • Why would a smart business person want their business name on a failing convention center? Just so you know I am not a fan of the current hotel deal. I just try to look at things unbiased and the naming rights are nit picking at best. It is not like giving away NFL season tickets and a naming package.

          • Whatever…..

            Totally depends on the company/business and their own branding, if you as a business have a strong enough brand as does ONB, the association with a money loosing county property looks more like charity than an advertizing opportunity. In this case it will have no negative effect on the ONB brand, it will in fact add to their brand awareness by simply repeating their name over and over when events are advertised.

            The average consumer cares little about the reasons for the ONB naming rights deal, they only associate the name with the venue and the attraction they may have a interest in attending.

            The only people who care or have a interest in the cause/effect of the deal are the very few who do pay attention, those folks are probably less that 2 percent of the population and of that percentage how many deal with ONB in the first place?


          • To answer your question, Phyllip, no one was in line to pay for naming rights because they hadn’t been put up for sale. The assertion that the Commissioners had tried is a lie.

          • I get what you are saying. I do believe share holders and customers may disagree. If I read a headline, “Old National Bank Center Closes Due to Loss” or bankrupsy, folds, etc I am going to be worried about how this will effect my company, shares or any intrest i may have. A headline alone can cause a negative impact. Bank and Loss are never two words you want to hear about. As a board member the first thing I would ask when offered free advertising is, “Is this place profitable and reputable?” But that is just me.

          • There are/were no prospective buyers because the naming rights for the Centre have no real value. To put it in real life terms…Say I have an old widget in my garage that is not of any use to me any more, but my neighbor Johnny might need it. I would give it to him because I know that the fair market value of it is virtually zero. Should I list it on Craigslist, the Thrifty Nickel, etc before giving it to my friend? I wasn’t part of the decision, but I would assume that it was a gesture to thank ONB for being good partners with the community. To try to make it a scandal is most definitely nitpicking.

          • A catch-22. If the rights have no value, which is a ludicrous line if ever I’ve heard one, then why did ONB want them?

  2. Not a big Parke fan, but how can you blame him for supporting the current position holder and discouraging nasty local primary fights that have the ability to rip a party apart?

    • Because his choice in the general will be either Bruce or throwing support to whoever wins the dem. primary. Marsha is toast, watch or a giant sht-storm to sink her in the weeks before the May election.

      • The Republicans and Chairman Parke will support their primary winner in the general election. Republicans do not backstab their primary winners like the former Democrat regime did to Rick Davis.

        • We’ll see about that. Patronage, cronyism and 10’s of millions of dollars of favors, jobs, contracts and all sorts of mischief are involved.

          Suddenly out of nowhere certain principles we be dropped like a hot potato.

          If Ungethiem upsets Abell your theory will be put to test.

          • I can’t speak for anyone else, but I think there are other Republicans that would do the same thing. I have my personal opinions about both candidates based on my personal interactions with them and I will vote based on those opinions. Regardless of which candidate wins in the primary, I will support the winner in the general. I can guarantee you that regardless of what I think of either one of them, I will have more in common with them than any candidate put up there by the Democrats.

          • JB, I knew that you would eventually wisen up. Too bad I can’t say the same for your namesake.

    • KnowNothing, agree 100% with your analysis. Chairman Parke properly supports a good office holder and hopes they don’t spent alot of money in a divisive primary battle, when that money is better spent in the general election against a democrat opponent.

      • Couple points… the party does not want this primary fight.

        Second how much has Mr. Ungethiem raised for the Vandy GOP? Because Marsha has raised many times $5,0000 for the county party. The party returning the favor is justified.

        • It’s not about how money a candidate can raise, it should be about the good the candidate can do for the city/county. Or what about how their decisions have hurt the city.

  3. Congratulations on your new records! It really makes me feel a lot better about this area to know there are that many people who really DO have an interest in local government. You rock, CCO!

    • EKB, You’d probably be surprised by the range and location of the record visits,as well.

    • +1 Congratulations,I’m curious if the topic of EarthCare had anything to do with the traffic? could it be that other communities/businesses are doing their due diligence because of a possible deal and actually spending a few minuets searching the net?


      • The increased traffic is substantially all in and around Evansville. I can see the where from our Google Analytics portal. I can even see when and the reality is that at about 5 o’clock yesterday afternoon we got a big jump in traffic and it has sustained itself. I just checked and today thus far there are 20,209 pageviews from 11,518 unique visitors. That is roughly six times what we would expect at 2:15 on a Wednesday afternoon. We did not do any promotion at all. What I think may have happened is that someone has taken it upon themselves to promote our content and/or some local papers from outside of Vanderburgh County may have put a link up. Whoever is driving the traffic knows what they are doing to have had this much impact. I am sure this has nothing to do with any other community vetting Earthcare. I am just as sure that our coverage of this subject is of interest to many people and the other media outlets are for some reason ignoring what is going on.

        • There is a link going around facebook that is one of your old Vectren articles. I had at least 4 friends post it. I do not think they knew it was from 2010.

          • Same here. I had 8 friends all of a suddenly posting the Vectren article from 2010?!?

            I asked one of them about it and he said, “yeah I saw a bunch of my friends post it, so I read it and posted it too.”


          • This Vectren article is still relevant. More so now I think. And I also think it shows the relevancy of the CCO in the topics it chooses for its articles. Though the article was written in 2010, it is still on topic right now and people can relate to feeling the same pain. If anything, more so.

        • John Blair is sponsoring a meeting tonight at Central Library about energy and VEctren. I would be there now if I could.

          • I got cut off from my post by some electronic surprise. What was left off is GO JOHN!!!!!!!

  4. If I were a Repubican, I would be insulted that LW would attend his shill Weaver’s fundraiser.

      • Because, like I told you, local party affiliation means nothing. You’re either in the good ole boys club or out.

        • +1

          It would be interesting to look at Weinzapfel’s phone records to see who and how many calls he gets from the civic center…only the NSA knows for sure! 😉


        • LOL… didn’t Weaver attend the fund raiser for Winnecke a few weeks ago? and in our world of politics it makes perfect sense, as Wayne will surly point out we don’t have a two party system in the traditional sense it’s more a party of “US” and “Everyone Else”, think about it for a few.


          • It would be interesting to know how much he raised and how much came from members of which party. You’re right about the “US” v “Everyone Else”. If the voters don’t wake up soon, it will be too late.

      • Because Weaver and the other Benedict Arnolds below supported Winnecke over Davis.

        Missy Mosby
        Connie Robinson
        John Friend
        Connor O’Daniel
        Mike Goebel
        Eric Williams
        Stephanie Terry
        Troy Tornatta
        Bill Jeffers
        Z Tuley
        Annie Groves

  5. Years ago I heard a pretty smart guy say that they wouldn’t let you vote if it really meant anything.

    Occasionally it looks like it does, but does it really?

    • Not if it’s done blindly, on party lines. Otherwise, I think it may matter sometimes. That is, unless you cast one of the 3,700 votes in Warrick Co. that didn’t get counted.

      • I’d say my vote for McCloskey counted in 1984. It was the closest election for a congressional district that I can remember. He won by 4 votes after a recount that went on for 4 months. Not much changed. Not much ever changes. I agree it can matter sometimes, I just think those times are few and the changes effected are generally minimal. I’m sure exceptions abound. The country is so fractured now that votes might count for more than usual. They might mean something.

    • That is really very good. All the years I have spared with you and it took you this long to drag that statement out of your hat. Now I have heard it all and may as well die…later…much much later.

      • You were doing so well until those last four words.

        Couldn’t hardly get that out.

  6. When Bruce beats Marsha I expect Wane to do the honorable thing by resigning his GOP Chairmen post.

  7. Wayne who are you supporting in the Republican primary for County Council? Will it be Pete “No Show” Swaim or John Montrastelle? Waiting for you to respond to this loaded question Mr. Parke. Let’s see if you have the same balls you had in the Abell and Ungethiem Republican primary race. We are waiting for an answer Wayne.

    • Marty F: I have studied both Republican Candidaes carefully. I support Pete Swaim.

  8. I also want to know who Mr. Parke is supporting in the County Council primary election between Pete and John.

    Now is the time for Wayne to become a stand up guy.

  9. I too can’t wait for Mr. Parke to answer the question about the race between Pete Swaim and John Montrastelle.

  10. Several things here…

    1. Did Weaver ever officially lose his Democrat designation? I certainly hope so.

    2. Speaking of Abel, isn’t it funny how we were talking about shuttering up the courthouse and coliseum if we didn’t get this grand hotel downtown (don’t ask me how those two could ever feed off of each other), but now that we have a new county commission president we are getting more renovations to the courthouse (http://news.wnin.org/post/old-courthouse-renovation-continue). I’m so VERY thankful we have different leadership on these buildings.

    3. Parke shouldn’t waste his time supporting Swaim or Monastrelle until they are ready to answer some serious and tough questions about their votes or actions respectively. I’m not seeing anything good out of either camp lately. That’s sad, because Pete Swaim really is a good guy who makes good decisions when he is allowed to think for himself.

    4. Wayne Parke needs to spend MUCH MORE time supporting Jeremy Heath. Mr. Heath has taken bold leadership positions on high speed rail and the LST among many other issues. Wayne needs to support him and the CCO needs to publish his article he sent in a few weeks ago.

    • Rails&RobertsStadium Says: 4. Wayne Parke needs to spend MUCH MORE time supporting Jeremy Heath.

      I do support Jermey Heath for HD 77.

      • Support is a broad term. Realistically, to win a seat like the one he is going for, he is going to have to have a tremendous amount of financial support from both you and the rest of the party leaders. Jeremy has earned it many times over. He’s done a lot of good things for this city and it’s time the local gop rewarded him by focusing more time on his race and less time on other less worthy candidate races.

        • That is a very hard seat to take from the incumbent. It is an uphill battle and from the conversation that Jeremy and I had last week at the NAACP banquet, he is aware of it and up for the battle. I’m sure that his presence there was because of the local party. A lot of the people that were in attendance are from HD77. It’s just too bad that there wasn’t more time for Jeremy to work the room, but to be honest I’m not sure that that is his style. Anyways, he is a viable candidate. He has and will continue to receive the support from the local party. The area where he needs the most help is setting up his campaign to get his name out there.

  11. Jordan, we didn’t get the article that Mr. Health sent us a couple of weeks ago. Ask him to resend it to us and we shall publish it.

    Thanks for the headers up.

    • No problem, it happens. I just sent him an email asking him to resend.

      I know there’s a lot of support for Reicken and minus her positions for I-69 and the saga surrounding the LST, I don’t have a problem with her.

      But I’m telling you guys, we have a great opportunity to elect a person who does the right things, says the right things, and commits to doing the right things. The positions he has taken in support of high speed rail and moving the LST to the historic Mead Johnson’s Terminal @ the Port of Evansville is the kind of bold leadership we need here.

      Jeremy also boldly supported the Save Roberts Stadium movement as well as building the ball fields where they should be- at Kleymeyer Park. Too many times, we have politicians just telling us what we want to hear or what will keep them from falling out of the graces of the party big wigs. With Jeremy Heath we have a chance to change that mentality.

      Check it out his site- http://www.heathforhoosiers.com/

      The local gop party, like the local dem party, needs to break away from the old and tired money movers and start investing in young and up and coming candidates who are what this city really wants and really needs. Shaun Short is another person that fits this bill.

      • Also Wayne, you need to find a position for Sean Shelby. Yet another great candidate in your arsenal to use.

  12. Mr. Parke looks like the political game is on. I’m a big supporter of John Montrastelle for County Council. Your public statement in this evening CCO stateing that you’ll supporting Pete has just cost Marsha Abell a big block of votes from me and my family.

    I went war to fight against a county that had dictatorial rule. Now I’m faced with another dictator here in my own county.

    Primary elections are for the masses to decide who they want to serve in elected positions not political party bosses!

    Shame on you Wayne Parke!

    • Typical one party system, cronies vs peons…. We’re not worthy, we’re not worthy. time to remnd the “party bosses” who’s really the boss. approval rating 175%. Strait party voters are idiots, mindless drones who think they make a difference, should stay home. Make theline shorter for informed voters.

    • That is a very hard seat to take from the incumbent. It is an uphill battle and from the conversation that Jeremy and I had last week at the NAACP banquet, he is aware of it and up for the battle. I’m sure that his presence there was because of the local party. A lot of the people that were in attendance are from HD77. It’s just too bad that there wasn’t more time for Jeremy to work the room, but to be honest I’m not sure that that is his style. Anyways, he is a viable candidate. He has and will continue to receive the support from the local party. The area where he needs the most help is setting up his campaign to get his name out there.

  13. is there anyone on here that their email address doesn’t end @evansvillestatehospitalresident.com? I am sick and tired of people judged on their job merit because they have an R or D behind their name. I couldn’t give a crap about a letter! People need judged if they are the best candidate in your opinion then vote for that person. too many people skate into positions and we have a few right now cause to many people vote hellbent on a R or D straight ticket instead of the best candidate. I wish they would abolish straight ticket one dot voting. We all are Evansville residents first, not a letter. Vote the best candidate not a letter like this page as dissolved to.

    • Agreed, wish they’d leave the letters off the ballot completely. In wash.state no party designatio on ballots till state level, much more unbiased voters.

      • I’m on board with that. I like the way California is doing its primaries, state wide. The top two vote getters compete for the office in the general election, even if it is two of the same party. I think a primary of that kind would draw more participation.

        • LKB,
          Thanks for the election lesson re CA. I like this idea. I have often not voted in primaries because of need to declare a party when I in fact belong to neither party and refuse to lie.

          • You are not declaring a party in the primary. You are simply saying which party that you would like to vote on. Loyal members of both parties take the primary ballot for the other party regularly.

        • I believe this is the first time I have agreed with ekayee, but hers is an attitude I have held for more than twenty years.

  14. I suspect Mr Park will be supporting Kathryn Martin since he asked her to jump parties. Has he asked Weaver the same question ( I hope)

  15. Phyllip Davis says:

    March 6, 2014 at 6:23 am

    The burden of proof lies with you because you are the one making the assertion that the naming rights were given away. The fact that you can’t answer one single question that I asked proves that the giveaway claim is nothing more than another speculation and assumption that you call a fact. Same ol’ Linzy. Very little facts, whole lot of name-calling. So childish.

    Joe Gries has publicly stated their will be NO check from ONB regarding the naming rights. ZERO $$$, ZIP, NADA, ZILCH, EMPTY.

    Of course you already know this, you’re just being a passive aggressive swellhead.

    • BB: Bing,or youtube The old video (Dire Straits,money for nothing”*) live at Knebworth,Hertfordshire England 1990. “Imagine that” money for nothing in an darn Amphitheater. Standing room only.

      I’d like to have the ownership rights for a place like that,aye.

      “Qui cum respexissent,quod pertinet ad praesentem diem.”

      “Looking back seems befitting today.”

    • The naming rights of the Centre had a fair market value of $0. No one wanted it. Do you have proof that there was an offer from anyone else? Of course you don’t, you’re just following the path of so many low-information Democrats.

      • OK my little company will off $100 for the naming rights. We get all the tickets, etc that ONB got. It’s $100 more than ONB gave so I win correct?

      • Phyllip, Since the market value was zero, we will give away a untold amounts of freebies (tickets, box seats, rentals) to pay someone to put their name on the place. All those seats and dates could be used to bring in cash to the place. Why lose money. Keep it at a zero sum. Your reasoning is defective.

      • The County Commissioners did not solicit offers. They never put naming rights up for sale or opened them for bids.

        Phyllip Davis, you’re a fool and a toady.

        • Brad, you are coward and child. You come on your uncle’s blog and talk crap about people and you have never and will never say anything derogatory to me in person. Now that you’ve moved away from Evansville you are even more brazen, but it’s okay. I am a patient man and we will discuss the name-calling the very next time I ever see you in person.

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