IS IT TRUE? Part 2 June 20, 2011 “Show us the Money”


IS IT TRUE? June 20, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer just had its second highest week ever for readership?…that the highest week was as expected the week of the 2011 primaries for the City of Evansville elections?…that we continue to climb in both and rankings?…that the number of people that are making the CCO a regular part of their day is steadily increasing?…that the statewide online publication Inside Indiana Business and the CCO have been consistently ranking similarly for the last couple of months?…that this is what we set goals to do a year ago when professional planning and daily publishing was being committed to?…that the CCO will be celebrating an anniversary in July?…

IS IT TRUE that insiders with financial savvy know that there is not sufficient information in place to make an informed public disclosure regarding the impact of bond underwriting if consolidation is passed?…that to even take such an action to a vote without sufficient numbers in place to inform the public of how such a merger could affect the coming increase in municipal utility rates is irresponsible?…that a full analysis needs to be conducted that includes the implementation of the EPA mandated improvements to the sewer system so that both the residents of the City of Evansville and Vanderburgh County will have some knowledge about how consolidation will impact their household budgets?…that absolutely NO SIGNIFICANT FINANCIAL SAVINGS have been identified by the consolidation committee, the Evansville City Council, or the Vanderburgh County Commissioners YET?…that this is beginning more and more to look like a faith based arranged marriage?…that as they say across the money saving bridge “THAT DOG DON’T HUNT”?

IS IT TRUE that both Republican Mayoral Candidate Lloyd Winnecke and City Council candidate E. Lon Walters have published position papers on the subject of JOB CREATION?…that both candidates are now on written record with the position that the formation of some INVESTMENT FUND so that Evansville money can back Evansville entrepreneurs?…that the City County Observer wholeheartedly agrees with these two gentlemen and hope to see other position papers coming forward in the near future?…that in a SWOT analysis that was conducted and included in 2000 that one of the weaknesses cited was the fact that there was NO INVESTMENT FUND IN EVANSVILLE?…that seven years later when another SWOT analysis was done in 2007 as part of the Wired Initiative that there was NO INVESTMENT FUND and that once again this fact was stated as a WEAKNESS and a THREAT?…that now four years later there is still NO INVESTMENT FUND IN EVANSVILLE?…that if a SWOT analysis were done again in 2011 that it would still be cited as a WEAKNESS and a THREAT?…that it should have been a STRENGTH and OPPORTUNITY by now?…that at least two candidates for office GET IT, that the business community at large seems to GIVE IT LIP SERVICE, and that the entrepreneurs who have BRAIN DRAINED to other places during the last 50 years certainly know it?…that we certainly hope that the newly stated awareness of the importance of INVESTMENT CAPITAL in the JOB CREATION EQUATION does not go on ignored by the wealthy of Evansville?…that as much as politicians need to support the concept of an Investment Fund and even purchase some shares in it with Public Money, that there is absolutely no place in the decision loop for private investment for political initiatives of any kind?

IS IT TRUE that people from all over Indiana and even in the Evansville community believe that there is sufficient wealth in this area to form an INVESTMENT FUND?…that either that perception is incorrect or that the people of wealth in Evansville prefer not to invest in Evansville talent?…that it is hard to make a justifiable case to an outside investor the Evansville is a good place for them to invest if local dollars are not made available to local businesses?…that the slogan to form an INVESTMENT FUND needs to be “If Evansville will not invest in itself, why would any outsider invest in Evansville”?


  1. Wait a minute, we got the boat under the idea that that as long as Evansville keeps tinking coins into the slots. We’ll get everything that we could ever want or need.

    Just like the consolidation dog that won’t hunt.

    Don’t Angel investors need a business environment that will allow comparable private enterprise returns and/or risk, than pulling the slot lever with a double bonus?

    Under Obamacare, will a future doctor be better off putting all that education money needed in a slot machine?

    What if Center City Properties decided that putting the local government money on red in Roulette, might be less risky and come with a higher reward?

    With the new hotel, valuation gap, couldn’t an argument be made that taxpayer money may have been better used buying scratch offs and powerball?

    Who would go into the banking business these days and be subject to Frank-Dodd, when you can just take your money to the boat? After all, Bank on Evansville has the basics covered on the taxpayer dime, don’t they?

    Let’s hear the case that an Investment fund will hunt! Anywhere near better than the government dogs that are already bringing home the bacon.

    Seriously, why would an investor leave his money here, in machinery. When you’ll be throwing more red meat to our electric outlets that take much bigger bites than in other places?

    The only thing worse than having a lame hunting dog, is feeding him delusions.

      • FDP
        Bank on Evansville
        EVSC bid winners
        Weinzapfel stadium bid winners
        Weinzapfel hotel bid winners
        The Kunkel Group
        Berry expansion
        Airport Authority
        McCurdy developer

      • I agree that, technically, Government dogs don’t have to do the “hunting” part – they are typically too fat & happy. Largely because politicians strap them to our backsides, making a good little nibble of flesh, very easy.

        But I never said they did the hunting, I said they brought home the bacon.

        Remember Lon, we recently went through the Opus One booze fest at CVB. Do you really think you can defend the statement that the bacon isn’t being brought home, by government? (Just because the bacon is being dished out faster than it comes in… doesn’t mean it isn’t there.)

        Hell, at FDP, with the money it sounds like they are blowing… They might as well be shingling the roofs with laminated $100 bills!

        The Shriners just pulled off a profit for their new festival. Has anybody asked what happened all that different from the Gage festivals?

  2. Evansville needs its’ own local version of the show “Shark Tank”

    We can call it “Carp Tank”

    • Hilarious!! Carp tank, where the people of Evansville go to eat. We could have Gar Tank, Cottonmouth Tank, Turd Tank, and a whole bunch of other delicate things that swim or float.

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