IS IT TRUE? Part 2 July 28, 2011


IS IT TRUE? Part 2 July 28, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the debris removal down at the ROCK PILE that we hope to see become a hotel is reported to being taken across the money saving bridge to Kentucky?…that as the project is being substantially recycled (a good thing) that we wonder what is being done in Kentucky that makes use of the recycled ROCK PILE that could not have been done in Evansville or Vanderburgh County?

IS IT TRUE that our old friends CAPE AIR that did their best to make an Evansville to Indianapolis flight work here a couple of years ago is profiled in today’s Wall Street Journal?…that in the rush to put together a deal to avoid defaulting on the nation’s debt that one of the things that is reported to be destined for the scrap heap are airline subsidies that have been vital to maintaining flight schedules into regional airports like our very own Evansville Airport?…that the route of interest today is a 40 minute flight from Hagerstown, MD to Baltimore?…that the drive time for this flight is 80 minutes?…that when one takes into account the ground time involved with flying that providing a subsidy paid for with public dollars to save 40 minutes of flight time really does absolutely nothing to shorten the time of the trip?…that by the time the customers of this flight did the whole airport thing that it would be more than 80 minutes door to door?…that when looking for ways to save money for the country that eliminating subsidies that add no value at all is a great place to start?

IS IT TRUE that we wonder what knucklehead came up with a subsidy for a 40 minute flight in the first place?…that we are certain that there is more than enough waste on things that produce no value or even negative value to the taxpayers that can be eliminated to balance the federal budget?…that we seriously doubt that killing sacred but useless cows is something that either party at the local, state, or federal level have the political will to do?

IS IT TRUE that Evansville will be a more competitive location to attract and grow businesses when the Evansville Airport can support more frequent and competitive flights?…that if the price of those flights is borne by federal programs that do not make sense that we may be better off waiting until our markets will support the flights?…that getting federal assistance to build runways and purchase jetways are one-time expenses and can make economic sense?…that subsidizing commercial flights that are mostly empty are a gift that keeps on taking?

IS IT TRUE that excessive regulation at the local level is another destroyer of wealth and deterrent to entrepreneurial activity?…that there are actually places in this country where local governments place licensing and training requirements on simple tasks like mowing yards, painting nails, grooming dogs, arranging flowers, and painting bathrooms?…that onerous and pointless occupational licenses prevent small businesses from being started and discourage entrepreneurs?…that it seems like the more license based restrictions that are place upon budding entrepreneurs that the worse the city doing it seems to perform?…that some of the most oppressive restrictions of this type are in the City of Detroit?…that we encourage anyone who is in favor of nuisance restrictions as a way to fill the city coffers to take trip to Detroit and observe the outcomes of protectionist policies?…that Detroit has lost 1,000,000 people since 1950?…that Detroit is now rationing city services to neighborhoods “most likely to survive”?…that Detroit is not an example for anyone to follow?

IS IT TRUE that some Detroitisms exists here in Evansville?…that the most onerous and oppressive rules in Evansville are in the construction trades?…that we have 8,000+ abandoned homes to show for it?…that no such restrictions exist on lawn mowing?…that we do not really have a problem with finding someone to mow in Evansville?…that we hope that our city administration will gravitate more toward promoting entrepreneurism than toward restricting it?…that if a city wants to be like Detroit all they need to do is act like Detroit?…that no one in their right mind would encourage that?


  1. Good thing the naybobs approved the purchase of tracking devices for the rubble at their last meeting . . . broadcasts are coming in crystal clear ! I hear the Kentuckians are developing an alternative to traditional cigarettes, and because of all of the “smoke and mirrors” in this project they were interested in the our debris.

  2. IS IT TRUE that the debris removal down at the ROCK PILE that we hope to see become a hotel is reported to being taken across the money saving bridge to Kentucky?…that as the project is being substantially recycled (a good thing) that we wonder what is being done in Kentucky that makes use of the recycled ROCK PILE that could not have been done in Evansville or Vanderburgh County?


    Ah….Just using it for a Bob Green memorial….seriously though we would send it to the land fill, they probably are filling in a low laying area to help with flooding or erosion, but I’m just guessing.

    IS IT TRUE that some Detroitisms exists here in Evansville?…that the most onerous and oppressive rules in Evansville are in the construction trades?…that we have 8,000+ abandoned homes to show for it?…that no such restrictions exist on lawn mowing?…that we do not really have a problem with finding someone to mow in Evansville?…


    Well kinda’ true, while not many kids want to work mowing grass there are lots of adults doing it as a sideline business or primary job, licenses are just a matter of time, most of these small businesses that have signage on their trailer or truck are now being harassed by the DOT & IDOT to make sure they comply with ICC & DOT rules, which is total BS.

    When you live in a nanny state anything is possible……I’ve heard rumors that if you own a tree trimming business here in Evansville that it might be necessary to have at least one arborist on staff.

    Can you prune your own trees?

    Do we really need a Urban Forestry Department?

    Licenses, fees and fines keep the city coffers full….. 🙂

  3. I miss Cape Air, those 8 passenger cessina’s were a great way to get to Indy. And didn’t Owensboro subsidize flights to Orlando and Nashville for a while because they needed only a few more boardings each year to qualify for a very large Federal grant?

  4. Owensboro lost their flights to (I believe it was) Memphis, because they lost their subsidy for it and the price shot up and the plane’s traveled mostly empty.

    • Owensboro has direct flights to Orlando. I know I have been on them. 90 minute flight for about $225 round trip. Subsidized or not every seat was full and it was a great value.

      • at one time they were subsidized so that they were down to $39 each way, just enough sold to get the grant from the feds

  5. True Americansâ„¢ don’t like all the needless regulations that hamstring the Job Creators®.

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