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IS IT TRUE? Part 2 July 14, 2011 Big Rock Emergency Warning


Emergency!! Emergency!! Big Rock Sleeping

IS IT TRUE? July 14, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer is now on its 12th day of leading the Courier and Press in minutes of viewing per month as measured by 3rd party web portals Alexa.com and trafficestimate.com?…that there is a site in Cincinnati that picked up and linked to our article regarding the difficulties that the blown revenue projections for the two riverfront stadiums are causing the people of Cincinnati?…that on Wednesday that the City County Observer had the 9th most read article from that news posting service in the Cincinnati area?…that it seems as though there is blundering in government everywhere and that having the courage to actually point it out pays off?

IS IT TRUE that we are pondering on the DECLARATION OF EMERGENCY that was issued by Mayor Weinzapfel yesterday so that the removal of the Pile of Rocks that used to be the Executive Inn can proceed as an official emergency?…that this declaration will make the removal go faster because there will not be the normal need for a formal bidding process?…that people in the know understand that this will mean that they can charge a higher price since there is no bidding process to keep the prices competitive?…that we will most certainly pay more for this and get it done faster due to this DECLARATION OF EMERGENCY?…that we are curious of just what an emergency is?

IS IT TRUE that the definition of an emergency is a situation that poses an immediate risk to health, life, property or environment?…that most emergencies require urgent intervention to prevent a worsening of the situation?…that the two Piles of Rocks already have a protective construction fence around them with appropriate warnings not to enter?…that these Piles of Rocks are firmly supported on the earth and do not appear to have any potential to fall to the ground or upon to some innocent bystander?…that other than offending someone with their ugliness that these Piles of Rocks appear to be both harmless and inanimate?…that there have not be any injuries reported by the public due to these Piles of Rocks jumping the fence to attack?…that none of the daily activity reports of the Evansville Police Department have any reports of these Rocks committing any acts of violence or robbery?…that these two Piles of Rocks do not appear to pose any immediate risk to the health, life, property, or environment whatsoever?…that a call to the local office of the EPA and a conversation with EPA Director Dona Bergman yielded an answer that there is nothing in their records to indicate that there is any EPA problem handled by their office?…that this is not an emergency at all and that this declaration is only being done to expedite a matter that is fully capable of being mitigated by conventional means?

IS IT TRUE that when a Rock fell off of the Skora Building down by the Greyhound Bus Station that a justifiable emergency order was issued and the building was razed?…that when that rainbow building down on 3rd St. that once housed the FolzCity Boutique caught on fire that an emergency order was issued by Mayor Weinzapfel and the building was razed?…that the owner of the building was presented with the bill for razing the place?…that work has already been completed on the lot that the Rock Pile is on?…that Klenck Construction has done this work and has not been paid?…that it is within their legal rights to file a mechanics lien on the lot for payment?…that many business people would do exactly that to assure that they do get paid for the work that is already completed?…that a mechanics lien will force this issue when and if a hotel developer is ever properly vetted to begin a hotel?

IS IT TRUE that the last time that the ERC met, that John Kish mentioned that there would be a change order needed to complete the debris removal at the Pile of Rocks?…that the DECLARATION OF EMERGENCY that the Mayor just made will eliminate the need to go out for bids or even to disclose that there is was a cost overrun that is large enough to require a new bid?…that we wonder just how much influence that suppressing this information played in the decision to declare an emergency for something that is clearly not a classic emergency?


  1. You know what? This whole emergency order story really highlights one of the major shortcomings of the City County Observer: No quotes from ligitimate or confirmed sources! Journalists can do better than that.

    A real news story is made by the informative, colorful, salty, etc. quotes from identified legit sources, don’t you think? I mean CCO “moles” are fine, I suppose, but there is no proof that 50 moles are really 50 individual reliable sources. Fifty moles could be a small handful of individuals who share a common agenda.

    How about when “reporting” news, or even when stirring controversy, the CCO occasionally quote someone involved in the story. For example:

    Someone from Klenk on why they pulled off, how much they’re owed, etc.

    Someone from DMD.

    Someone from ERC.

    Someone professionally experienced with bidding on and supervising emergency orders relative to structural hazards, etc.

    Something besides constant opinion, most of it negative.

    I know negativity sells commercial product. I know negativity sells political product. But negativity does not develop consensus in a community, and negativity does not educate. It deteriorates.

    • While I do have to agree with you I think the CCO did talk to the director of the Evansville EPA, and posted a quote from John Kish, the problem I see with the style of reporting that the CCO is trying to do is that not many will want to talk, the folks close to the situation will want anonymity to avoid reprisal, at this point in time I seriously doubt the city fathers look upon the CCO as a legitimate news organization. What the CCO is trying to do is open peoples eyes to problems facing the citizens of Evansville, there unfortunately is a lot of negativity that will come home to roost after our current mayor has left office, pointing it out now is rather proactive, it is bold, and really the Courier isn’t going to give bad press to any administration because of fears of being cut out of the news loop, it’s a common practice to hold access to information hostage so stories can be slanted in one direction or another.

      Myself, I think the CCO is doing a great service to the community, it’s needed and welcomed by most thinking people to have the CCO around keeping the pot stirred up, and apparently the city council has at lest one member who has the same sentiment.

      I do wish someone from the ERC would speak up, but I doubt that will ever happen, they would seem to be part of the same “Ole Boys Club” that has plagued our city for a great number of years.


      • Thanks blanger. Yes we did talk with the EPA and have spoken with several of the other people involved. The quotes were virtually identical to the quotes in the CP’s story. We did not bother to repeat them and probably just linked to the CP. They have done a decent job of covering the Pile of Rocks story. Lots the things that we get from “moles” they have to and for some reason just won’t run with it. You are quite right that lots of things are coming to roost.

        • Well, if the quotes you obtain from the same people as quoted in the Courier are so identical as to be worthless to you, how about seeking out unique sources and obtaining even more interesting quotes than those published by the Courier? You obviously want to outdo the Courier, as you frequently print data to that effect.

          Spice it up!

      • Blanger, I understand all that stuff. It’s obvious. But I disagree with your assessment of the Courier, since there was a time that the Courier and the Press both published truly investigative and hard hitting stories about local politics and municipal government. I think the problem now is that few local pols take the reporters seriously.

        My previous comments remain the same. If the CCO truly wants to be thought of as a legit news outlet, the stories have to be anchored in documented fact rather than presented as if they may or may not be true. And the stories need to include direct quotes from identified sources close to the story.

        We already know the position and the agenda of the CCO editors. Those are displayed daily. How, for example, do the skilled craftsmen who’ve built the arena feel? How do downtown merchants feel? How about quotes from homeless walkway regulars, even? How about some human interest injected into CCO stories? How about something other than incessant scolding? Get it?

        • Agreed….there was a time that not only the Courier & Press along with all the TV news teams took on investigative stories (it was their duty), heck all of the news outlets were of the same mind set find dirt and dig it up, expose the perps to the light of day, sadly it’s no longer that way. With the dawn of political correctness, the threat of being labeled a raciest, and lawyers wanting to sue everyone for looking at something sideways the days of true investigative journalism have pasted, big corporations own the majority of the news outlets now-a-days and not only control content but slant to suite their political agenda.

          What the CCO has is a start, a fresh start at bring back that type of reporting, it’ll be a up-hill battle to get recognized as being legitimate news agency but I think so far they have done well and are on the right track.

          I do agree with what you are saying but I do think it’s a little premature at this point in the CCO’s existence to have a staff of reporters going around asking questions, I doubt there is that much profit in banner ads to cover the costs…but given time, I’m sure it could happen.

          • We are three part time people. I write lots of content but can only allocate a couple of hours per day to the CCO because of other obligations. I am usually finished by 8 am with the CCO stuff. Another handles selling ads and another is backup for me and runs the Community Observer. That with a herd of moles is it. None of us draw a set salary.

  2. It’s time for picketing of the Civic Center demanding transparency, end to cronyism and back-door deals, proper vetting procedures, etc… etc…

  3. IS IT TRUE that we are pondering on the DECLARATION OF EMERGENCY that was issued by Mayor Weinzapfel yesterday so that the removal of the Pile of Rocks that used to be the Executive Inn can proceed as an official emergency?…that this declaration will make the removal go faster because there will not be the normal need for a formal bidding process?…that people in the know understand that this will mean that they can charge a higher price since there is no bidding process to keep the prices competitive?…that we will most certainly pay more for this and get it done faster due to this DECLARATION OF EMERGENCY?…that we are curious of just what an emergency is


    It quickly removes that smelly albatross from around King John’s neck for starters.

    • Declarations of Emergency to facilitate public works projects are allowed by Indiana State Statute when the situation warrants such a declaration and subsequent bidding and working procedures.

      What I’d be more interested in, rather than all this conspiracy theory and tiresome negativity, is the facts about why the contractor was not paid, if that is a fact, or what other reasons led the contractor to pull off.

      I’d also like to know where the debris is disposed, what it costs per ton to dispose of the debris at the disposal site, and whether there is any recycling of the solid concrete debris, like for revetment of stream banks or if the solid debris is used as roadway fill, whatever.

      Some other facts that might be interesting is what effect the arena project has had on downtown restaurant trade, whether local speculators have begun purchasing any properties downtown for additional businesses like clubs or even for private parking lots, how the traffic signal project is coming, whether there will be any mock events to test the street capacity, parking facilities, traffic flow, etc.

      I’d even like to see a sidewalk inventory regarding sidewalk conditions along the projected pedestrian accesses to the arena, like to see if there should be any upgrades for ADA compliance or just to avoid broken heels and stumbling hazards. I’d like to see professional study assessments whether there is a need for rest stations, park benches, drinking fountains, or additional tree plantings along the projected pedestrian routes from parking that might be up to 12 blocks from the arena.

      My point is, the arena is a fact. It ain’t going away, folks. Why doesn’t the CCO and others start discussing how we can make it a more pleasant fact?

      • Having a bad day?

        I was told yesterday by a worker (nope can’t name) that they pulled off the job because they had more pressing jobs to do around the tristate, when ask if there was any truth to the rumor they hadn’t been paid he said he had no clue.

        Given how the whole situation has been handled it’s not surprising that rumors are flying everywhere about every aspect of both projects. On the local speculators picking up properties downtown that fix was in before the first shovel was turned over, and the outlaying areas have also been picked up from what I’ve been told, you might ask Eric Williams about his purchases downtown he could give you a little insight.

        The rest of your talking points I too hope the city will take the time to do, sadly I doubt it will happen, we have a reactive government in place currently I doubt they plan anything out.


        • Not having a bad day at all. Just tired of backwards local politics, stupidity and negativity. But it looks like that’s what some people thrive on and will be voting for this November.

      • On the subject of the “traffic signal project,” are the new timing standards going to be included in that project? Standards have been calculated for yellow lights (which exist to safely clear intersections) based on several factors. The website is: http://www.shortyellowlights.com/standards/

        The MINIMUM TIME for ANY YELLOW TRAFFIC SIGNAL will be THREE SECONDS! There are numerous traffic lights in Evansville that are FAR SHORT of the times being recommend by PROFESSIONAL TRAFFIC ENGINEERS! As a matter of fact, there are certain GREEN lighs in the Evansville area that are only on for about ONE SECOND (such as the southbound intersection at the Lloyd and Shutte road)! There is no way that even 10% of the yellow lights in Evansville comply with the timing recommendations, as the are timed today! So, shouldn’t we be asking why almost NONE of Evansville’s THOUSANDS of traffic lights comply with recommended safety standards?

  4. So… How about we get some pictures of the piles of rubble (not roped off!) and construction equipment that is actually on many of the street corners where people can/do walk? (like around the Y…)

    You know, all those sidewalk repairs that seem to be lingering and lingering?

    You know, some of those holes in the sidewalks just waiting, and waiting for concrete?

    We need a picture of the boulders caged up, that says “Extreme DANGER”. Juxtaposed to a picture of a mom and her kids walking to the Y, OVER AND AROUND, NON-CAGED rubble and construction stuff, that says, “NORMAL”.

    • Why don’t you and all those other “concerned citizens” form a civic brigade to monitor all these perceived hazards, and then actually go out there and escort moms and kids and elderly folk along downtown sidewalks in a safe manner? I mean if you are so aware of dangers and impending doom, doesn’t that put you in a special position of responsibility to your fellow human being?

  5. if a large unmoving but unsightly pile of rocks is an emergency, what about the landslides along the river in Newburgh?

    • Ask the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. They’re responsible for maintaining river banks, not Jonathan Weinszapel.

  6. So, you seem to know lots of things about how government works. What are your thoughts on patronage and nepotism? Both of those things influence votes.

  7. Keep up the good news CCO, your format seems to have a viability that soon2b cannot grasp, but the proof is in the pudding, and the Numbers show CCO is doing something right.

    Soon2b those facts you request are out there and await your inquiry, get started , I’m sure the Weinzapfel Administration will fall all over themselves to supply You and the media with the Truth. –You will make a fine report on these points you raise I’m sure. Thanks ahead of time –Crash

  8. Whining to the CCO about “negativity” only tells us that the complainer is deeply committed to supporting the corrupt agenda of the Democratic Party. Furthermore, they demand that the CCO follow the lead of the Courier by ignoring Whineyzappel’s one million dollar campaign fund, and all of the under-the-table deals he has made with corrupt businesses.

    All of this amounts to an acceleration in the implosion of Evansville as a decent place to live. So if you would prefer to shove your head in the sand and permanently keep it there, be my freaking guest, but don’ be surprised in what you see when you come back up for air!

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