IS IT TRUE? Part 2 July 13, 2011

IS IT TRUE that it was also reported to us regarding the fearless leader of VenuWorks Evansville’s speech at Rotary yesterday that the topic of parking was brought up?…that the answer as we agree is that there are a sufficient number of spaces within walking distance of the new Arena?…that the real concern that most people have is not with the number of spots available but with the difficulty in finding one of them?…that Roberts has easy parking to deal with since you just drive up and down the aisles until you find one?…that downtown Evansville with several towers, some street parking, the back 40, and neighborhood parking will be more confusing and frustrating?…that the fearless leader of VenuWorks answer was that there will be numerous on street people to wave you to available parking places?…that these dudes need to seriously look into using iPhone apps to direct people to available parking as many other cities are already doing?

IS IT TRUE that the true test of being a multipurpose arena will be in being able to host one event in the afternoon and another in the evening?…that it was disclosed yesterday by the fearless leader of VenuWorks that during the first year that Ice Hockey will not be able to be held on the same day as other events such as basketball due to having to work the bugs out in the changeover process from one entertainment set up to the next?…that Ice Hockey is supposedly scheduled for 31 days in 2012 and that UE basketball is scheduled for a similar amount?…that this does not seem to be a big deal UNTIL the hockey team makes the playoffs and those playoffs are scheduled for a date that a prepaid ticketed event is already on the schedule?

IS IT TRUE that a member of the Evansville City Council has accepted our offer to file a Freedom of Information Act request on his behalf?…that we are awaiting his instructions for the exact wording to use to make the request?…that the subject of this City Council members request is the insurance report that the City of Evansville and/or the Evansville Redevelopment Commission paid Old National $100,000 to do?…that both the City of Evansville and the ERC should be profoundly ashamed and embarrassed that a sitting member of the Evansville City Council had to ask for the help of the City County Observer in filing a FOIA request to get what he has already made multiple requests for in order to DO HIS JOB AS A COUNCILMAN?…the even the Supreme Soviet and the Politburo of the now defunct USSR allowed members of the Knesset to obtain documents on a “need to know” basis?…that Evansville, Indiana is a part of the United States of America and that the City of Evansville should stop treating elected officials as they are Krazy Komrad Kouncilmen?

IS IT TRUE that the ISTEP scores for the schools in Indiana are out and that the local schools have made some baby steps of improvement?…that for this progress we congratulate the EVSC and encourage more improvement?…that even with these improvements the passing rates for our public schools on the ISTEP are typically 10% lower than state averages?…that using the raw numbers that the CCO calculated that 91% of the private school students in Vanderburgh County passed and that 59% of the EVSC students passed?…that is a significant difference?…that if one takes it one step further the pass rate of the private schools is 54% higher than for the EVSC?…that the private schools spend less per student each year than the public schools do?…that education is not just about tossing money at school systems?


  1. Krazy Komrad Kouncilmen? CCO: get your trademark application in quickly ! This will make a great ad line for the R’s, not to mention a fun T-Shirt ! Oh, the royalties !!

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