IS IT TRUE Part 2: Is Nancy Pelosi in Charge of the Evansville City Council?



IS IT TRUE that the Evansville Cty Council recieved their packets for tonights meeting at the end of the business day on Friday?…that included in that packet was a ordinance that will be entered into its first reading tonight that the CCO has published this morning?…that this ordinance is asking for the City of Evansville to borrow $5 Million at market rates (4% +/-) to then turn around and loan to EarthCare Energy at an interest rate of 1.5%?…that as of early this morning we do not know of any member of the City Council that has actually read the contents of the 30 or so page proposed loan agreement that covers the terms of the loan that the City of Evansville is being asked to make to EarthCare Energy?…that legislative bodies have been put into places of being asked to make big money decisions before?…that it has already been 3 years since then House Speaker Nancy Pelosi uttered her famous line “we have to pass it to see what is in it” referring to the now much criticized $787 Million Federal Stimulus Package?…that taking a month to read that bill would have been good advice and may have resulted in better legislation?

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville City Council would be well served to delay this vote for a couple of weeks so that all nine of them can read and maybe even seek outside council with respect to translating the contents and ramifications of this action?…that pushing something through before all nine members of the Evansville City Council can actually pass a test on this proposal with at least a gentleman’s C is a disservice to the community?…that mimicking and parroting Nancy Pelosi is not what is expected of the Evansville City Council?…that those that do not have a background in reading complex documents need to be given the time to make an informed decision and to seek the will of the people who elected them?…that a decision by any city to get into the business of issueing “junk bonds” to private businesses is a serious decision that needs to undergo the scrutiny of the voters?…that the CCO encourages the City Council to exercise the good sense to think this through?…that if this is such a good deal that it will still be available in 2 weeks?

IS IT TRUE that the City Council members need to ask some questions that are normally associated with VETTING that has not exactly been a skill exhibited in Evansville lately?…that the first question should be with respect to the exclusivity or lack thereof of the technology that is being licensed by EarthCare Energy?…that the next question should be to ask about the other attempts to raise capital to implement or license this technology by the Reno based business that invented it?…that if this is such a great thing one would think that being only 200 miles from the venture capital enclave of Silicon Valley would have already yielded some results?…that the question “why has some private investor not already financed this” needs to be answered?…that one of those potential private investors is Vectren Corporation that is clearly in favor of the City of Evansvlle making this loan to EarthCare Energy?…that the CCO wonders if or if not Vectren or one of its subsidiaries has made an equity investment in this company and why?

IS IT TRUE that this needs to be VETTED well and the City Council needs to be able to justify whatever action is taken well into the future?…that the last money that was supposedly programmed for loaning to businesses to create jobs was confiscted by the Weinzapfel Administration to build Front Door Pride houses?…that was one big mistake and that we hope that another collasal mistake is not make on behalf of the people of Evansville who will be left holding the bag if this deal goes sour?…that we encourage our City Council members to THINK, THINK, THINK, AND THINK SOME MORE BEFORE following the Nancy Pelosi Doctrine of “Pass before Reading”?


    • This isn’t the first thing the City Council has tried to pass without the knowledge of the public!!! They passed the Pro-Homosexual, Anti-Christian ordinance without publishing it, prior to the meeting!! It was published the DAY AFTER IT WAS PASSED….that’s on the up and up!!!

  1. So I am sitting here watching this gentleman give his power-point presentation to 9 members of the Evansville City Council who have no idea what the hell this guy is talking about. Way to technical for the members to digest.

    But there is one thing that most of these council members should be smart enough to understand, and that is that private equity firms snatch up companies with a promising future long before you or I ever get a chance at them.

    Those companies would never go hat in hand to seek financing from taxpayers if the private equity firms were interested in them, unless they are looking for freebies so they can hang onto their own ownership of the company by use of taxpayer funds.

    In any event, this needs to be vetted by some people who have expertise in this field so that the council hears more than just the sales pitch of this Earth Care Energy employee.


  2. The CCO is the only sailor awake in the engine room. Does it really matter to Vectren if the technology is feasible or not? If they own the asset and can persuade the regulators that it is good and needful, then it goes on the asset sheet AKA your rate.

  3. First of all, let’s run like a bunny as fast as we can from these frauds. And BTW, Pelosi’s famous “pass the bill so that we can find out what’s in it” remark was in regard to Obamacare.

  4. I was pleased to see that The Evansville Courier & Press made had full and complete reporting of last evening’s City Council meeting. They help keep the voting public aware of what our civic leaders are doing.

    • Wasn’t that ZERO word report captivating. The silence is deafening and the blank sheets are blinding.

  5. Is there any way we can put the city council’s phone number on the “no call” list?

    I hear the council just got a call from Nigeria from a man who has won the MegaMillions jackpot. He has promised to give the city council 20% of the jackpot if they will just wire him $3,000. for the trip over here to collect his winnings.

    Council will hear the proposal at the next meeting.


  6. I listened for awhile, got bored-who sicked this guy on us? If there were any merit in this, Vectren would’ve snatched it up-it looked like one of those brain stimulators. I didn’t know what he was talking about either, but I could almost hear “handy, dandy”-“why you can set it up in less than an hour! ” umm ok.

    Slack jawed rubes.

  7. I felt like I was watching the Onceler selling Thneeds-that everyone needs!

    I am the Lorax-I speak for the trees.

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