IS IT TRUE that the Evansville Convention and Visitors Bureau settled the lawsuit filed by former Executive Director Marilee Fowler for a sum that is just over $43,000?…that the executive search fees already expended to replace her have already exceeded $30,000?…that the legal fees incurred by the ECVB in the past 10 months to defend Ms. Fowler’s lawsuit are just over $20,000?…that the total of these cost is nearly $100,000 and we have absolutely nothing to show for it and we still need to spend more good money in a search for an executive director?…that this should serve as a $100,000 lesson to those who wish to perpetuate poor public policy upon the taxpayers of Evansville that it is time for this nonsense to end?
IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer absolutely supports and is proud that the newly appointed board of directors is doing what it takes to start with a clean slate and to concentrate on making Evansville a visible location for visitors, conventions, and tourists?
Will this be deja vu all over again at the Evansville Housing Authority?
IS IT TRUE that the Evansville Housing Authority has hired the Ralph Anderson & Associates of Rocklin, Calif. to locate and interview candidates to be considered to become the next Executive Director of the Evansville Housing Authority? …..that it is refreshing to see that this City of Evansville sponsored board of directors at least didn’t hire a firm from Indianapolis to conduct this search?
It is pretty sad that a Good Employee had to Sue to get the money due her by contract, and then is ending up having to pay the very Attorney to help her, to get her money. That is pretty sad. Glad Marilee Fowler gets to go forward with her life…it is SAD day, that Evansville, Indiana, doesn’t have her Class to help the current EV CVB Board. They may have Sizzled and racing to the MOON putting Evansville on the Map. Hope the BEST for Marilee and her family, as Karma is going to take care of the others! God be with Marilee.
Why is the EHA looking for a new director? I thought the current director was doing a good job getting EHA out from under the mess left by the previous director. EHA is not on HUD’s bad list anymore – why get in the way of progress, now?
The last one who had been around for several years did not have her contract renewed thus they are looking again. As Rosanna Rosanna Danna used to say “its always something”.
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