IS IT TRUE: Part 2 August 29, 2011


IS IT TRUE: Part 2 August 29, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the gasoline prices in Evansville last weekend went particularly out of sight when compared with what was being charged in Kentucky?…that Evansville gas magically jumped up in price by roughly 30 cents per gallon to $3.79 in the middle of last week?…that just across the bridge in Henderson the price on Saturday was as always which is 10 cents less that it is in Evansville?…that a longer trip into the Commonwealth of Kentucky yielded an even greater differential?…that in Madisonville, KY and points south that the price of gas was only $3.49 on Saturday?…that either the people of Evansville got hosed by the stations because the Frog Follies was in town or we have another case of being fast to respond to upward price pressure but very slow to respond to dropping commodity prices?

IS IT TRUE that one or our readers has supplied us with a response they received from Indiana Senator Jim Tomes to a recent inquiry about how the state government may be able to represent the people of Indiana regarding the excessive pricing of electricity by Vectren?…that the text of that response is as follows?

“Your thoughts and opinions are an important part of the legislative process and I respect your comments. I understand your feelings very well. During the last legislative session (which was my first session), the lobbyist for Vectren came into my office to make introductions. I spoke very direct to them. I explained that I understand their situation with federal government mandates that imposes more cost on them to comply with more emission controls. However, I pointed out that my first concern is the ratepayers and the folks who are struggling, deciding whether to pay their electric bills or buy groceries. There is a lot more to all of this than what was in the newspaper article. I will always do my best to keep the citizens’ interest first in line. If I may ever be of assistance to you, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Jim Tomes State Senator 200 West Washington Street Indianapolis, IN 46204 (317) 232-9489”

IS IT TRUE that as long as big business pays people to go into the offices of our legislatures and our legislators receive them, governmental will continue to defer to big business?…that Vectren is but one of many companies that employs lobbyists to pester elected officials to do what they want them to when it comes to a rate increase?…that most private businesses that employ lobbyist actually have to compete in free markets?…that the free market for electricity in SW Indiana does not exist?…that the former USSR was about as free of a market as we have here when it comes to electricity?…monopolies that are granted by the state would make Karl Marx proud but have no business engaging in advertising or lobbying?…that all of those dollars spent on billboards, advertising, sponsorships, and LOBBYING are really paid for by the ratepayers money?…that government granted monopolies seem to act very much like governments and that is something that we already have enough of?

IS IT TRUE that the only local elected official that seems willing to even question Vectren on behalf of the people of SW Indiana is State Representative Gail Riecken who is currently doing speeches at civic meetings to advise citizens of their rights when it comes to questioning their utility bills?


  1. This has nothing to do with your headline, but I found it amusing anyway. Hope the sheep don’t become part of school lunch program!

    Hurrican Irene, closed refineries on east coast, higher gas prices. Logical economic consequences need not apply.

    • Hurricane Irene also dramatically lowered the demand for gasoline considering it shut down ground and air traffic over a large expanse of the Atlantic megalopolis.

      If you happen to be truly concerned about gasoline price gouging in Indiana, you should keep track of he wholesale price of gasoline on CNBC ticker tape, or online, in relationship to pump price jumps and creep-backs.

      Indiana and federal taxes add $0.62 to the wholesale price of each gallon of gasoline. Most retailers are operating on a cost plus $0.03 margin. So, if wholesale gasoline is say $2.89, as it was this morning, pump price in Evansville should be about $3.55 give or take a few pennies right now, midday. What is it?

    • blanger,

      A dust abatement room for construction of a wheelchair ramp. Now isn’t that special ?

      • Yeah….and more money then our mayor makes in a year just to supervise the project, it’s no wonder California is broke.

  2. “GIGGING the FROG FOLLIES” visitors is what the local gas stations were doing.

    It had nothing to do with the wholesale cost of gasoline or the taxes added.

    Considering how much money these great people spend in our area, without causing problems for the EPD or Sheriff’s Dept., you would think the gas stations could hold the line and settle for their regular profit without the ripping them off. They are a super group, including their kids on a family vacation. I wish we could get more groups like them to come here.

    Look for gas prices to go down next week, AFTER LABOR DAY.

    • I agree 100%. The Bonenberger Bros. (Farmboy/Big B) have done a wonderful job of promoting our community, the 4-H Center, and local restaurants with the Frog Follies. Too bad the gasoline retailers are the kind of bottom feeders who would gouge their own mothers for a nickel or a dime.

      • Now ALL the gasoline retailers are bottom feeders?

        Did it ever occur to you, kind citizens, that having a week long event where the Prius’ are left in the garages and the old cars [most with some serious muscle] are drug out to be shown off… that the demand for gas may have simply skyrocketed?

        • 3 cents a gallon profit….hard to make a living on that margin, but then again it would depend on the volume being sold. I’d say there is more profit in the milk and Twinkies being sold then the gas.


          • If you want to learn something, why not ask someone who knows rather than continually running off at the mouth about what you don’t know. But you’re right about one thing, the convenience stores are making more profit off the inside sales. That’s part of the overall plan.

  3. So can we expect a gas price increase prior to each huge national entertainment act that the Ford Center attracts when it opens?

  4. Just opened my Vectren bill. I am paying 14.88 cents per KWh. Its pitchfork time.

    • Be nice!

      Aren’t pitchforks banned because the very existence of pitchforks in the community has been linked to a reduction in visitor revenue at Aztar?

    • tar, feathers & lanterns on sale at Rural King through Saturday ! Send up a smoke signal when you make your move.

    Issued: September 14, 2009 Effective: September 14, 2009


    Available for all residential purposes and farm operations through one meter to individual customers whose maximum load requirements do not exceed 75 kilowatts.

    Character of Service

    Alternating current, sixty Hertz, single phase at a voltage of approximately 120/240 volts three-wire, or 120/208 volts three-wire as designated by the Company.

    Connection Charge ………………………………………….$9.40

    First 300 kWh …………………………………………$0.092945 per kWh

    Next 700 kWh ………………………………………………………$0.054178per kWh

    Over 1000 kWh ……………………………………………………..$0.044464 per kWh

    Monthly Minimum Charge:

    The minimum charge shall be the Connection Charge.

    Reconnection Charge:

    When the service has been turned off by Company for nonpayment of bills, a reconnection charge must be paid by Customer before such service is reconnected. (See Section 12 of General Terms and Conditions for Electric Service).
    When a reconnection of service is made for a Customer at the same location more often than once in a twelvemonth period and service has in each case been disconnected at the Customer’s request, a charge may be made by the Company for such reconnection of service.

    Equalized Monthly Payment Plan
    Company may, upon the request of Customer, bill Customer, commencing with the next full month’s bill and for the next successive 10 months, an amount equal to one-twelfth (1/12) of the estimated cost for all electric service rendered at the premises during the next twelve-month period under this rate schedule. During the first eleven months the cost of each month’s service calculated under this rate schedule will be charged to Customer’s account, and all payments made by Customer will be credited to this account. The bill rendered for the twelfth month will include the adjustment for the difference between the actual billing for the first eleven months and the payments made by Customer during the same period.
    If at any time during the first eleven months it is apparent that Customer’s expected use of service has been over or under estimated, Company shall have the right to revise the estimate and modify the succeeding monthly billings accordingly. When the monthly payments have been re-estimated, Company will advise Customer of the revised amount to be paid.

  6. Is it True that since I have complained and criticized Vectren in my jobs program, and in my interview with the Chamber of Commerce that I will not be seeing any PAC money from them?

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