IS IT TRUE? Part 2 August 11, 2011 Why Waste Talent??


IS IT TRUE? Part 2 August 11, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville area is home to a large number of underutilized educated professionals of all ages?…that the recent fiasco with the Evansville Redevelopment Commission voluntarily failing to vet the proposals for the downtown Convention Hotel and the subsequent hiring of out of town firms to do this task underscores this problem?…that there are probably more than 20 people who live here and have both the time and talent to have done this task who are either off the radar screens of local government or blacklisted for not being loyal to the powers that be?…that there may actually be enough underutilized or untapped brain power in this community to do a profound amount of good at high levels if only the machine would get out of the way and let them?…that this is a problem that the next City of Evansville administration needs to make a high priority?

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer is considering developing some kind of online system that enables Evansville’s large network of highly educated and qualified professionals to be paired up with local businesses?…that it is well known that there is a very large number of highly qualified people in Evansville who are not being utilized to their highest and best use?…that if Evansville found a way to utilize this untapped talent bank that we may be able to keep talented people from leaving?..that it is our belief that there is sufficient talent available in Evansville so that we do not have to hire Indianapolis based firms every time that a task that involves cognitive thought comes along?…that there will be more news on the development soon?

IS IT TRUE that in the coming weeks or months a series of human resource related articles will be forthcoming with the intention to educate local businesses on the advantages and the methods of tapping local high end talent to solve their nagging problems?…that this has been a long time coming but that now is the time to start to mobilize previously squandered resources in a wide array of expertise’s?

IS IT TRUE many people feel that the negative political and financial decisions made by Mayor Weinzapfel over the last 2 years may cause some outstanding and extremely dedicated Department Heads working for the City of Evansville future employment problems either in the public and/or private sector?…that we hope that the new Mayor of Evansville will pay special attention to consider continued employment for the following Department Heads presently working for the City of Evansville?…that they are; Director of Transportation and Services, Zoo Director, all the City of Evansville Golf Pro’s, Human Relations Commission Director, Director of the Environmental Protection Agency, City of Evansville Personnel Director, Director of the Levee Authority, Director of Area Plan and MPO and Solid Waste Director, and the Chief of Police?…that the above City of Evansville employees are being wrongly blamed for some “bad public policy” decisions handed down to them by the Mayor?…we say job well done to the above public servants and wish you well in their next job search?


  1. The distrubing thing is there are members of the ERC who are qualified to vet the hotel proposals, but fow whatever reasons didn’t.

    • So it’s better to look incompenent and oblivious than to take a chance on making an incorrect decision based upon informed and extensive research?

      • Big Pappa: apparently according to the brain surgeons at ERC that’s the case. My guess is that Sara Miller of ONB and Greg Elpers, CPA at Harding & Shymanski have enough knowledge to have done any round of the vetting effortlessly. However, they are mere puppets. Any talent they may have they more than forfeited by being pussy cats (slang). All the more reason those two, plus Bob Goldman, Jay Carter & Jody Phillips, need to resign (and I mean by 5 PM today). This Round 3 vetting is likely not due to the incompetence of The Jackson House 5 (ERC), but because they now have no reason to stick their necks out and make a mistake. Much better to hire an outside expert and blame them if Round 3 is a bust like Rounds 1 and 2. Come on ERC Members, you are not doing your careers a favor by overstaying your welcome. If you don’t have the stones, then hit the bricks !!!

      • This should not be the case but it probably is indeed the case. Political appointments in Evansville are granted as resume’ builders on a patronage basis. The worst thing in the world is to be an intelligent political appointee on a rubber stamp board. I am sure that some of the people currently serving on the ERC knew they were not doing a good job yet let the powers that be dictate their votes none the less.

  2. “In a country where the sole employer is the State, opposition means death by slow starvation. The old principle: who does not work shall not eat, has been replaced by a new one: who does not obey shall not eat.”

    • Leon, clearly the ERC members need to read a bit more:

      From this hour I ordain myself loos’d of limits and imaginary lines,
      Going where I list, my own master total and absolute,
      Listening to others, considering well what they say,
      Pausing, searching, receiving, contemplating,
      Gently, but with undeniable will, divesting myself of the holds that would hold me. (5)

      Walt Whitman, Song of the Open Road; Leaves of Grass (1855)

  3. Okay, Okay……..Here it is…..The meeting tomorrow is between Ron Geary owner of the Icemen to try and hammer out a deal. This is fact and has been confirmed as of an hour ago!

    • Hit the road Jack; and don’t you come back no more, no more, no more, no more ! Hit the road Jack, your credibility is shot after yesterday’s round where you stated that they would be voting Kunkel in on Friday. Adios, have fun in sunny Mexico, don’t drink the water and watch out for the CCO predator drone hovering overhead.

  4. Tell me, what have you contributed lately? Are you certain that both things were not on the agenda for tomorrow? Is there a possibilty that one of them may have been put on hold for a little bit longer? Think before you type because the only things that you know are things that have already came to pass, you are not connected in any shape or form!

    • knowing him like I do, the alefellow is connected–as in he will connect the dots in this caper. Now Jackie, tell us your role in this riverside drama. Yesterday you claimed that the ERC was not in your league ! Did you get sent down to AAA ? And no, I don’t think a hotel decision and the hockey contract were on the same agenda. I don’t think the ERC members are bright enough to deal with more than one topic at a time, and they struggle with polysyllabic words !

      • It is becoming very clear to me that the only pupose of this website is to trash your current administration and undermine anything and everything that they do. The citizens of Evansville have no idea what it takes to get projects like this going. You have elected and/or hired every last one of them to do a job. LET THEM DO IT!

        • Do you really think after the fiascos of the hotel and the McCurdy that they are both capable and willing to do their job. If the Mayor, the ERC, and the City Council would have done their job none of these discussions would be necessary.

          Heck man, if the Mayor was doing his job in an honest and transparent manner there would never have been a City County Observer.

          • Does that mean it really had nothing to do with the mayor not appointing a certain someone to the ABC board? If not, I sure get tired of being lied to.

        • Great point. I’m tired of any undeserved criticism of the regime. Look at all the City recent successes: McCurdy, not with $1.4 million flushed. Executive Inn demo/hotel, total fiasco and the ERC could not put on their seat belt without the pre-flight instruction. CVB opus one million dollar ball fields. Front door pride. Thunder on the Ohio, thanks Shriners for the life raft. Homestead tax grab, saved by Gov. Daniels. Secret sales of suites in the hockey arena. Almost forgot, no hockey team in the hockey arena.

          • Lost Whirlpool, lost the bluecats.

            SMG fiasco. Aztar fiasco, running off their head man, William Yung. Fall festival booth fiasco. Ball field proposal, tennis facility proposal fiasco.

            Ran off the rangers, later a hypodermic needle incident unaddressed still?

            Parking lots given away…

            Old welborn property sold to “friends” for $10, supposedly in a competitive process?

            Don’t forget the coattail responsibility, too. Durham, Weaver & Reicken? (With their own lists of “achievements”)

        • The City-County Observer would not exist if the Courier had done its job for the last eight years-maybe more. By acting as Whiney-Boy’s lap dog they have destroyed any credibility they had in the first place. They have also accelerated the decline in the population of this city and whatever respect the voters once had for the Democratic-National Socialist? Party.

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