IS IT TRUE? Part 2: April 7, 2011 Baby Steps in the Parks


Is This How Evansville's Parks Should Look?

IS IT TRUE? Part 2: April 7, 2011

IS IT TRUE that when a child stepped on a needle in an Evansville City Park that no responses came from the Parks and Recreation Department for several months?…that when it was pointed out in 2010 that the condition of the Vann-Pollack Park was deplorable and that it was so full of fowl mouthed punks NOTHING WAS DONE?…that it seems as though a half dozen articles and a continuous stream of TV exposure for the neglect of the parks and pools was what it took to get the people at Parks and Recreation off of their backsides and to start taking some positive actions?…that it is a sin and a shame that quietly pointing out needed maintenance does not get anything done but that media exposure will?…that thanks to the inaction of the Evansville Parks and Recreation Department and the failure of the City of Evansville to adequately maintain our parks that a simple Google search would give an outsider or a business executive the impression that Evansville’s parks resemble Fort Apache the Bronx or the late 70’s movie Warriors?…that it is about time things started happening?

IS IT TRUE that Kid’s Kingdom after only 7 years is in need of a major overhaul?…that if the day to day maintenance had been done during those 7 years that this privately funded overhaul would not be necessary?…that we are thankful and grateful for the generosity of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in taking the leadership role that the City of Evansville should have been taking for the last 7 years to assure that this volunteer built park deserves?…that the City of Evansville seems to think that the Sunset Park is all better now that some sand where multiple needles from drug addicts have been found has been replaced with mulch?…that replacing sand with mulch eliminates a play area and does absolutely nothing to alter the “patrons” of Sunset Park?

IS IT TRUE that an election year really seems to bring out the press releases when it comes to doing ones job?…that it was announced yesterday that the much maligned Lorraine Pool will be re-opening this year?…that the expense incurred to diagnose the problem was a whopping $7,500?…that the repair needed is just a new liner at a cost of $37,200?…that for the failure to allocate $44,700 that the children of Southeast Evansville were without a public pool last summer?…that several lifeguards went without summer jobs?…that pools charge entrance fees?…that this is just another example of neglect and misappropriation of funding?…that if this was not an election year, that if there had been no media exposure for the neglect, and that if the powers that be were not threatened by these revelations that NOTHING WOULD BE GETTING DONE NOW?…that a load of mulch, a private donation, a couple of trucks of gravel, and a pool liner is a start but only a start?

IS IT TRUE that the media and fed up parents need to keep the City of Evansville’s feet to the fire and demand answers from candidates for city offices about the detail plans for all of the parks of Evansville to be restored to a condition that promotes activity and CIVIC PRIDE?


  1. During last summer’s heat Helfrich pool was not open & the reason given was because they didn’t have enough lifeguards to work it. Hartke pool’s kiddie pool was not open, we have no idea why. Lorraine was always closed, but promises kept being made to open it. When the city has a swim meet at one pool, the meets only last a few hours, but they don’t open the pool to the public for the rest of the day. This loses out on making money on admissions. It does not make sense! When trying to contact parks & rec to just ask a simple question on if the pool will be open the phone does not get answered. Now if you look at the Parks & Rec website the listing & locations of the pools has been removed this year. Good luck on finding your nearest pool if your new to the city.

  2. Also, why is Goebel Soccer Complex’s gates kept closed all the time? If this is a Parks & Rec facilty then why does the taxpaying public not have access to it? It would be nice to go kick a soccer ball around with your kid once in a while.
    Their excuse will probably be they don’t have the staff to go unlock the gates everyday.

  3. Dear future Mayor,

    Please stop all NEW construction projects in all of Evansville. Please fix our sewers, streets, sidewalks, and parks. These are the basic job requirements when holding the mayoral position in the City of Evansville. Always has been. If you feel that there is some other project that takes precendent over these basic requirements. Please excuse yourself from the mayoral race now….or we will excuse you!


    C You!

  4. Has anyone seen Lorraine pool? They kept pushing back the opening date last year-once the leaves turned, it was pretty evident someone fibbed-whatcha bet it wont happen this year?

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