IS IT TRUE Part 2 & a Video Dedicated to those who have not yet BALANCED THE BOOKS


IS IT TRUE we are sitting on the edge of seats to get a look at the audits of the Ford Center and the general audit of the calendar year 2012 accounting of the City of Evansville?…the Mole Nation tells us that this ain’t gonna be pretty?…some well placed moles tell us the audits are already done and in the hands of City officials?…we are wondering if these public documents will be released as they should be or if the Winnecke Administration will have to be served with a FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST as the Weinzapfel Administration was time and time again?

IS IT TRUE this song called “Sick of It” by Skillet should become the anthem of the people of Evansville who are fed up with closed door deals, mortgaging our future to subsidize fun and games, and demand a focused effort to invest in the kind of infrastructure that cities are supposed to provide?…we hope you all read the words as the music plays and commit the spirit of this song to your diligence in making demands from local government?


  1. Do NOT waste another second if you KNOW the audits are done and have been sent to the responsible entities.

    Download and fill out this form now:

    Then, hand deliver the request to the government unit during regular working hours of that unit and ask that a copy of the request be made and time stamped for you to take with you.


  2. Evansville’s elitists continue to embrace the “Oldest Profession”—
    “Screw your Neighbor”, abeted by the C&P cheering on the “Gang’s” Rape of the Public Treasury at every turn.

      • Are you seriously saying you think Evansville’s fiscal problems were caused by Republicans? There has been no Republican control in Evansville since the early 1970’s. The troubles in this little union enclave are most certainly traced to Democrat control of local government. That includes that Democrat controlled Mayor Lloyd Winnecke’s current spending ambitions.

        You must have been hitting the pipe last night if you think Evansville’s decline is because of anything a Republican has ever done.

          • You must keep that pipe in your mouth all the time if you are basing your opinions on the words of Mrs. Mayor.

        • I believe that we can trace the “little union enclave” to the fact that Russ Lloyd SR invited the Teamsters to “REPRESENT” the city employees. Yes, If memory serves me correctly, he agreed to let the Teamsters in without so much as a vote by the rank and file. And, I believe, Russ, SR was a Republican.

          I liked what Russ did for Evansville, but he did make that one serious error in judgment.

          • Indeed you are correct when it comes to city employees. The unions of Evansville were running jobs off long before Russ Sr. took office though. It was a big mistake but Russ did that to keep the peace. He should have broken their back when he could. McDonald sure as hell wasn’t going to oppose anything union.

      • 2005 to present: Weinzapfel and Weinzapfel redux.

        Continuing to spend taxpayer dollars you do not have, at a time when the financial world around you is falling apart is either total ignorance and incompetence or deliberate corruption.


  3. Excerpted from Weinzapfel’s current bio information on his employer’s website, with editorial comment by moi.

    * * * * * * *

    From 2004 to 2011, Jonathan served two terms as mayor of Evansville, Indiana. During his tenure as mayor, his administration spearheaded many economic development and neighborhood revitalization programs. His initiatives included:

    Forming economic development agreements leading to job creation, including a $22 million AT&T Indiana call center,…(average salary is $23.K annually)

    a $30 million corporate headquarters for American General Finance,…(it is painful to think of the taxpayer money that was poured into this project just prior to the company imploding. I wonder if we have paid off all the bonds yet?)

    a $20 million Berry Plastics investment…( the taxpayers have poured millions into Berry Plastics and most of that was done when the company was PRIVATELY OWNED.)

    and a $3.5 million investment from GBT USA…..(the wind turbine business at the former Whirlpool plant. We have not heard much from them recently)

    Construction of the Ford Center, a $127.5 million multipurpose arena downtown…..(Well, what can we say that has not already been said? Perhaps when the audit goes public we will have more to discuss)

    Investing more than $60 million in a new storm sewer system on the southeast side of Evansville to address flooding problems….(It was a start, which BTW only came after much sustained public outcry about the continual flooding.)

    Front Door Pride neighborhood revitalization program, which worked to transform the blighted Haynie’s Corner neighborhood using public-private partnerships with area banks to incentivize construction and remodeling of homes……(You mean building $250.K homes on the taxpayer dime and then selling them for half that price? Hell of a deal for some well connected people!)

    Establishing the Evansville Arts District…..(now if the could just get some artist to move in.)

    Restructuring the delivery of economic development services in southwestern Indiana through the creation of the Economic Development Coalition and the Growth Alliance of Greater Evansville……(no one who witnessed it could claim otherwise than Weinzapfel “streamlined” the delivery of tax dollars into the projects of his choosing.)


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