IS IT TRUE October 7, 2013
IS IT TRUE the debate over where the IU Medical School should land is one that can be settled with data instead of with emotions or political favoritism?…the way to take this from a decision made by pillow talk and political cronyism to one made on the parameters that would be best for the IU Medical School is for those who are in a position to do so to use GIS technology to identify the absolute best geographical location based on the criteria input by the IU Medical School?…this technology is available through a company called ESRI that is located in Redlands, CA or through the University of Redlands College of Business?…Evansville is no stranger to implementation of GIS based solutions as former Vanderburgh County Assessor Cheryl Musgrave brought that technology to town roughly 10 years ago when she was in that office?…what the CCO wishes for the IU Medical School is that it lands in the best place for people to get a medical education and for the school to thrive in its Southwest Indiana location whether that is downtown Evansville, Warrick County, or one of a dozen other locations that have the acreage required to place it?…as in everything that gets done we encourage the best minds to use the best tools so that the decision is the most logical place with the highest potential for growth and success?…GIS is the way to do that as long as agenda driven politicians do not game the system by corrupting the input parameters?
IS IT TRUE Evansville had another of our frequent big rains this weekend creating a stark reminder that our sewers are dilapidated and that there is a perfectly good reason that the EPA stepped forward to mandate that the combined sewers must be repaired?…the EPA has not yet given the green light to the City of Evansville’s $545 Million plan that is proposed to take 28 years to implement?…the longer this goes without an answer the more likely it is that the EPA is leaning toward a counter proposal that is going to be closer to the $810 Million solution they provided that will only be allotted 20 years to implement?…the difference is real and is measured by the number of allowable discharges of raw sewage into the Ohio River?…it is nearly beyond belief that the City of Evansville is trying to get the EPA to authorize us to take longer and do a lesser job of keeping raw sewage out of the river that we drink from and recreate in?…spending money on play things while delaying the implementation of a sewer project on the basis of money is just about the most nonsensical thing possible?
IS IT TRUE Mayor Winnecke is now quoted as saying the idea for bringing private money into the convention hotel deal was hatched at a tailgate party at an IU football game?…with any due respect to this claim that may be appropriate the City County Observer has been advocating for local equity to be in this deal for years, and even went so far as to publish a sample private placement memorandum as a suggestion on how this could be done?…perhaps we planted a seed in the minds of the Mayor that he has forgotten?…the fact remains that this idea came from the CCO and not the Mayor or anyone else at a tailgate party?…he can call it evolution, metamorphosis, or even an epiphany but the truth of the matter is that the answer was put forward right under his nose all along?…clicking ruby slippers together and saying “there’s no place like a hotel†is only for the movies?…the hotel deal finally happened when reality met practicality and without the local equity deal there would not be a hotel deal in place today?
IS IT TRUE it is now only hours until it has been a week since the federal government shut down?…for most of us even with deliberate actions being taken to cause inconveniences for the American people, the fact remains that most of us are not impacted?…just like the chicken little moaning over the approaching sequester that is still not solved the wailing of elected officials about how bad shutting the government down would be seems to have been no more than a toddler’s tantrum for candy?…the real debate will come in a couple of weeks when the debt ceiling is reached and the government starts to default on select financial obligations?…that is when the pontificating clowns on both sides with stop the whining and get serious about a solution that involves strategy, competence, and compromise?…until then unless you find it amusing to watch babies whine, treat this dirty diaper crew as though they don’t exist?
Just so long as the IU Med Center isn’t located on the North Green River Washboard Expressway everything will be okay. If the Med Center is located out by the Goebel Soccer Complex, the students and staff will be so jostled by the time they arrived in class, their scrambled brain matter wouldn’t be able to absorb knowledge.
GIS technology is the way to approach the Medical School location, and if Mayor W. fails to embrace the idea, we will know that something smells in the deal.
Speaking of something smelling, this sewer project HAS to go forward now. It is time for downtown and some other areas in the city to stop smelling like inadequate sewers!
What ends up in the streets and basements, and olfactory senses in Evansville during the combined sewers outflow eventually always makes it into the creeks and Ohio river basin. That as treated or untreated outflow during CSO events.
That in time then makes it to the Gulf of mexico,that’s the key to defeating the issue,address and control the climate change conditions due to input causes.
Elkaybee, Use thinking of the overall monthly costing to the EVSD customer might be offset somewhat if in fact the planning was to incrementally resolve the overall main runoff CSO events issues.
Those mandated by the Ohio river basin mandates and its connection to a climate change plan incrementally.
Retention and control of storm events with developing, however old science before the treatment process goes after the cause of the mandate focus.
Having a resource management system to profit with revenue commercially as a community asset is what I am proposing can be done…anywhere on the planet. About 800 mandate needed locations in the United states alone. 772 and counting.
I have small but relative models working in locations on the east coast,the southern gulf states and the western dry wash flash flood regions.
Soon the northwest. The model in Alabama returned “very positive data” in the last 48 hours.
Work exceeded expectations of control, per a sustained large rainfall event.
The event modeled in Southwestern Indiana was also well within expectations of the test site, data recovered since Thursday afternoon was “met expectations”.
Site improvements will further develop the model.
The use of GIS with reference to the best working location for a IU medical center is a solid start, However as I keep noting, make sure to plan for a upgraded infrastructure in place,before the bricks,use the shovel first.
Your description of the sensory inputs during heavy rains reminds me of the same type sensory inputs experienced while stationed at Clark AB, Philippines.
Yes,the binjo ditches,basically that is what Bee slough is, a Hoosier binjo ditch, man along the Subic expressway and the turn to Dua it was bad back in the day.
I swear you could smell it as the cabin vented to field elevation on the approach.
Heck Venice Italy isn’t much better under some conditions, Paris France sometimes stinks worst than the Veterans parkway. Conditions population and the 1700 years of sedimentation.
Human waste has been layering for a long time in many global locations.
Its why a improvement plan that will work anywhere has community commercial infrastructure value moving forward.
terra irradient
illuminate the lands.
They probably improved all that around Angeles city after the nasty 4′-5′ of volcanic ash covered the place a while back.
A wise man once said . “you can get anything done if your willing to give someone else the credit.”
I hope that the USI area is strongly considered as it makes perfect sense with all the available resources and housing there.
The West side doesn’t seem to be interested in development. They fight everything that is proposed there. Additionally, the USI campus is too far from the other academic partners and clinical sights.
The USI campus would be the best location for the new IU Medical School. It would also be the next location for a new Hospitial in the future.
I would think that in the next 20 years one of the two hospitals may build a new hospital out there someday.
A lot of potential patients come to the Evansville Hospitals via the West Side of Evansville. Deaconess already has two hospitals and a clinic and many smaller instant care buildings in the area.
Why would anyone put a medical school downtown when the only hospital in the downtown area closed down because they were losing money. (Anyone remember Welborn Hospital and Welborn Clinic?)
St Mary’s bought out the hospital and closed it down and Deaconess bought the Clinic and still operates it.
Many of the USI nursing students (3rd and 4th year students)already commute to USI and the hospitals for their clinical studies and to work at interns in the summer time. I don’t see any nursing schools located in the Evansville Downtown area. Do you? No they located on First Ave, UE area, USI and Warrick County. Not one nursing school program located it’s school building downtown.
The only hospital left in Evansville is not downtown. It’s the older Deaconess Hospital that’s not located downtown. But I don’t see much room to build a medical school on the Deaconess campus.
What we should be doing is thinking about what IU wants not what the downtown business people want. All they want is more money in their own pockets. Thankfully IU gets to make the decision as to where locate their new medical school and not the city.
LKB: The Evansville westside was the first model I used and received data for concerning the CSO issues in the area.
Placed the model close to an Howell low point. Elevation difference in the run off per system manifolding was more extreme and offered some worst case conditions.
The north side area along Stringtowne to the lower areas south of the creek has a overflow base to study to.
As the media noted locally so does 1st avenue around the north side sewers combinations. Your Kleymeyer location can be used for a solution there.
The eastside sewer influx to the pumping stations in the lower east side and the Roberts site are another good model point. (That is very easily fixable from Weinbach ave east it already has had progressive construction.)
Lodge avenue kinda stands out as an place to start planned improvements running down to base.
The smells generated along the Veterans parkway gateway are worst case they should see some planned improvements for (Biological+smell contamination) with the ESWD projected Bee slough improvements.
However the CSO levels to the river will likely remain somewhat unchanged in heavy rainfall events.
Lower areas will see the venting and back up retention until run off maximums are decreased,with climate change solid numbers, that isn’t going to look good in your local area.
The levels of the river are prime in the capabilities of the present system to adapt.
Look at yesterdays Louisville Ky rain event,and projected CSO.
Your ESWD not only has to meet big numbers in discharge improvements, look at what they must clean up for your treated supplies,big job,real big! With the changes on the horizon.
When you experience the discomfort of the bad smelling CSO what would you think might show up on an nearby 24 hour forced air captured atmospheric biological samples per/locations?
Yes its poor infrastructure, everybody can do better.
This problem is just unhealthy period , time its fixed nation wide.
Read up on the 2012 clean water act,really we can do better. Climate change and invasive species come into play not that far down the road.
Disease propagation due to increasing incursion of warming temperate zones could only be thirty years away.
I’m seriously lacking in technical knowledge about sewers. I know that water runs downhill and poo is stinky and spreads disease and that’s about all. I do know that we should have been “on this” years ago, when it would have been less expensive. If there is a way to take this on incrementally with projects that have the most effect getting the most emphasis, I’m for it. I just want to lose the mantel of the “Turds in the Street Capital of the World” and have a state-of-the-art Medical School.
Do what the city leader did years ago, that’le get everybody look’in. I heard Cher might go on tour with her new album.,did then.
Is that why Franklin Street is thriving and Main Street is dying? Westsiders have leadership and community pride, a combination that is hard to beat. The Fall Festival is this week. Remember when Main Street had Thunder on the Ohio.
Silly East-sider. 🙂 just because we don’t want urban sprawl does not mean we are anti development. BTW, “east side girl,” I hope you enjoy our WEST-SIDE Fall Festival. 🙂
I will enjoy avoiding it, unless I get hooked into taking grandkids!
IF it goes downtown, it should be very close to the LLoyd. This would give great access to Deaconess, plus easy access east and west via the Lloyd. The medical school would bring a certain number of overnight visitors. Having it located downtown would most likely have those visitors staying in a hotel that the city invested $20M of the people’s in. There is no reason to have this medical school located next to the hotel and Ford Center. Having it located deep into downtown would only make it harder to get to and increase traffic flow issues.
* people’s money in *
Plus the further south it goes the higher the crime rates get.
The Old Downtown dreamers still try to highjack anything and anything to “save” their beloved, though smelly’ Old Downtown. The immediate position taken by “The Chosen Ones” was the gauntlet thrown down with words like “Fight like a Dickens” and “Downtown” instead of the Call to rise to the moment for the “Whole of Evansville”. Again we see the focus brought to bear with words like, “Vibrant Core”,–whatever that means, and to whom. Evansville is a CITY–ands that’s much more than Old Downtown. I would hope to see Common Sense “Rise to the Moment” for Evansville, and a “Good” site could be a reality,—and not pre-determined by a return to Snegal Tactics.
Crash LaRue: I just recently can confirm what you refer to as “snegal” tactics.
Didn’t really understand just what that meant until recently, again, having some orbital science available doesn’t hinder ones quest for understanding. 😉
Good luck! On your move to The Carolina’s I do have some retired friends there they love it.
SNEGAL = Sneaky but Legal. The word was invented by the CCO to describe local government activities that are well described by our acronym.
Does the Editor know anyone who would be willing to write a short treatise on how GIS technology works and present it for publication here? I’d like to read up on the subject.
Editor: The definition assumes legality.
Ethical “not so much”. Therefore maybe the legality of the tactic is similar in the application.
I guess ole Friday had it right.
dic mihi solum facta,domina.
Just the facts ma’am.
Laura, it is sites, not sights.
You’re right. I know better, I just didn’t do better! Btw, your namesake is one of my favorite political philosophers!
Well, some sites are sights,and a vision can become either. 😉
You’re right. When I did my nursing clincials, I saw a lot of sights at the sites!
EKB: I’ll bet you did.
erogo,eo ipsa, per angusta in augusta
therefore by that very act, through difficulties to great things.
Most of all: Primum non nocere
First do no harm….(hippocratic oath) 🙂
I see no reason the medical school will not end up in Warrick County, they want it very badly and have a higher bonding capacity left than Evansville will after we subsidize a hotel, to entice them to come there. It would be nice to own some cornfields in the Eppworth Road area.
Couldn’t hardly believe this when I read it, but it does seem to be the norm for this Presidential administration.
Why do people keep lying and making up numbers about the IU med school? The entire IU Med school, all years, all campuses enrollment only totals 1200. The Evansville facility might enroll up to 150-200(maybe) 100 is more realistic. Many faculty that would teach there are already here in some capacity. Not sure where this would employ 2000 comes from. If so it would become the most hands on educational facility in the history of the world.
“Most hands on” or most hands in? ….whatever, the 150-200 seems more like actual student population numbers.
I agree on the faculty issue, but the school is not just about MDs. They will also produce PAs, Nurse Practitioners, Physical Therapists, and Radiological Techs. I think the inflated employment figures are based on a projected maximum enrollment of around 1200 for all of the programs to be offered. Obviously, the enrollment will not start with max numbers, but I still believe that a Medical School will be more “transformative” for the community than the downtown hotel or the ever-changing McCurdy project.
Cheryl Musgrave DID NOT introduce GIS technology to Evansville a decade ago. There was already a local group working on applications and implementation of GIS technology here in the late 90s. Musgrave benefited from many years of preparation and development that took place long before she was elected.
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