IS IT TRUE? October 4, 2011: Is this Cairo or is the America?


Federal Government Minister of Awareness

IS IT TRUE? October 4, 2011

IS IT TRUE that last spring during the Arab uprisings that toppled several oppressive regimes that the City County Observer opined that such things could easily happen in the United States if the economy did not improve?…that we were chided by some of our readers for making such a rash statement?…that the economy has not improved, that stagnation is a good term to describe what is going on, and that the street protests that the City County Observer predicted are now on American soil?…that the parade of over a thousand young people and middle aged but out of work professionals that started out as a tent city near Wall Street has grown and expanded?…that American people who are discontent over the state of the economy have been pepper sprayed and that 700 have been arrested?…that the non-violent but in your face movement has now spread to other cities from Maine to Seattle to Los Angeles and seems to have some representation at nearly every Federal Reserve Bank?…that the only other local voice to join the City County Observer’s prediction of what was coming to our shores if things did not get better was 5th Ward Republican candidate for Evansville City Council Brent Grafton?

IS IT TRUE that all cities in America do not have Wall Street or a branch of the Federal Reserve to make their frustrations known before?…that if and when this movement of discontentment moves to smaller cities like Evansville that the gathering places are likely to be local government buildings or private businesses that serve as proxies for Wall Street?…that we do not see a solution in sight that will diffuse this discontentment?

IS IT TRUE that there are those who appear to see the future and those who are afraid to look?…that there are those with the courage to recognize the potential for uprisings and those who are afraid to see?…that there are those who are willing to lay it on the line in by stating what to them is highly probable and there are those who cover their eyes, their ears, and their mouths in “three wise monkey” style or bury their heads in the sand?…that all progress starts with awareness?…that those who are unaware or those that refuse to acknowledge the obvious have no business leading anything?

IS IT TRUE that street protests are one of the things that happens when idle time is available to masses of people?…that unemployment increases idle time?…that unemployment added to a belief that the system is not working and stoked by the cries of “CLASS WARFARE”, “ENVY”, and “HATE’ coming from the nation’s leadership has the very real potential to backfire in a Kent State kind of way?…that as the lovely fall weather turns cold and unemployed people exhaust their extended unemployment benefits, heat has to be set on 40 degrees, there is no money for Christmas and Hanukkah presents and the Holiday turkey turns to a chicken or a can of spam that we may truly have a Arab style uprising?…that the CCO is not predicting blood in the streets and that we hope with all of our hearts that it will never come to that but we acknowledge that the powder keg is in place for disaster?…that we just hope that if the powder keg is lit that it is not our own government that lights it?

IS IT TRUE that just this morning in an article in the Courier and Press about the “Zombie Marches” in New York and other cities that some postings appeared to be trying to organize a “Zombie March” on Vectren?…that the CP disabled the posting option for that story?…that we support the CP’s decision and that private comment forums are not the place to allow the organization of “Zombie Marches”?…that if the aspiring Zombie Marchers want to organize they can do that on their own?


  1. I will reserve comment on whether these latest incidents are indeed “grassroots” until further information is in. There is a certain element in this country that thinks it can benefit from class-warfare.

    Most of the people on this sight believe in free market capitalism. I count myself among those people. I do NOT however believe in fraud.

    Alan Greenspan and Henry Paulson were willing to testify in front of a congressional oversight panel that the 500 to 600 trillion dollar “unregulated” market in credit default swaps did not represent a danger to the American economy. Brooksley Born testified at the same congressional hearing that those derivatives did represent a threat to the economy.

    Clearly, a hand full of private bankers on Wall Street held the power to collapse the United States and, in all probability, the world economy.

    That can not be allowed to happen again, ever, and yet, what have you heard about any controls being put in place to prevent it?

    That is what the grassroots should be there, and in Washington D.C., protesting. Their clarion call should be: What measures have been put in place that will guarantee that the past events that created this depression can never be repeated?

    If they are not given satisfactory answers to that and other questions, then it would be time for civil disobedience.

    We did not throw off the yoke placed upon us by the British Monarchy only to have it placed back upon us by a hand full of unethical, even fraudulent, private banks on Wall Street!


    • Thanks Press….very well spoken and spot on.

      On the Cairo or America, I think if you lift the curtain in Egypt you will find the same military regime running things, they just threw their figure head leader under the bus to make it look good and shut everyone up….reminds me of a song by the Who. 😉


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