IS IT TRUE? October 4, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? October 4, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville Redevelopment Commission is meeting this morning and that small snippets of both the McCurdy Hotel apartment conversion and the VETTING contract for the downtown Convention Hotel are on the agenda?…that while the VETTING may be taking longer than expected the fact that a change order is on the agenda and that the process is taking what seems like forever is a good indication that real VETTING is really going on?…that when a recommendation is issued by Hunden Strategic Partners that the CCO hopes to be able to publish the entire study that lead to the recommendation?…that learning about VETTING is a good addition to the skill set of local people and that someday when new members are seated on the ERC maybe just maybe we won’t have five people who apparently have never even heard the word?

IS IT TRUE that speaking of VETTING we wonder if any VETTING like activities have begun on the capacity of City Centre Properties LLC?…that we surely would expect something as simple as making sure that the real estate taxes have been paid on the property before granting an extension of any kind to this development company?…that the CCO dutifully checks every day to see if that has happened?…that someone on the ERC should have the Vanderburgh County Treasurers Office on speed dial to learn if the taxes have been paid?…that no legitimate lending institution will fund a loan without the taxes being paid?… ?…that the ERC who has embraced VETTING for the hotel should extend that sane and correct activity to the McCurdy?…that the mantra for today’s ERC meeting for the taxpayers of Evansville to be properly served should be “NO TAXES NO EXTENSION”?…that keeping things simple has never been so easy?

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer has been checking everyday to see if the real estate taxes have been paid on the McCurdy Hotel? …that on the morning of October 4th, parcel #82-06-30-020-005.002-029 also known as the McCurdy Hotel and located at 100 SE Riverside in Evansville, IN indicates that there is still a delinquent tax amount of $12,274.76?…that if we can report that the taxes are paid on this property that the CCO will become more enthused about the proposition of this project moving forward?…that it has now been 14 full days since Mr. Steve Scott was advised that the taxes on the McCurdy Hotel have not been paid?

IS IT TRUE that we have been privy to the information that one of the respondents to the RFP to build a downtown Convention Hotel has provided everything that they were asked for to Hunden Strategic Partners to be VETTED?…that we also hear that EB-5 financing for such a project in this location has taken a positive step forward?…that we have no information whatsoever regarding the other proposal?

IS IT TRUE that the CCO would like to offer to take columnist Morton Marcus on a tour of Evansville?…that the path we would follow would start in the downtown and meander through the Front Door Pride area?…that next we would be sure to show Marcus parts of the Southside, the Southeast Side, and the area in the 3rd Ward where that dangerous rubble pile still sets?…that only through seeing both the good parts of Evansville that a cheerleader or a “Cruise Director in Chief” would include in Marcus’s itinerary and the parts where the sewers are failing and as Tom Barnett so cleverly describes is “abandonment of houses is a growth industry” can Mr. Marcus really start to get a grip on why signs of life in the downtown just don’t match one’s paradigm for thriving and vibrant?


  1. The ERC couldn’t understand the business plan of a lemonade stand. This group is hopelessly over their heads as evidenced by the years of consistently incompetent decisions made on both the McCurdy and Executive Inn fiascoes.

    • “when new members are seated on the ERC maybe just maybe we won’t have five people who apparently have never even heard the word?”

      I hope that the new Mayor does away witht he ERC and puts this back these responsibilities/obligations back in the hands of the City Council where it belongs.

  2. Does anyone have any contact information for City Centre Properties LLC? I think the readers of the CCO should bombard them with calls, e-mails, and letters about the past-due McCurdy taxes.

    I tried Googling them, but came up blank.

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