IS IT TRUE? October 31, 2011


IS IT TRUE? October 31, 2011

IS IT TRUE that Evansville is well known for being resistance to change and that the first UE Aces game produced one of the funniest resistance to change stories yet?…that some out of towners who usually met up with their Evansville friends in the Roberts Stadium parking lot and then go to their seats together were discussion where and how to do the same?…that after much confusion and discussion they agreed to just meet at the Roberts Stadium parking lot like they always have and drive in one car to the Ford Center downtown?…that of all the new things that the Ford Center offered the $6 beer is the one they remembered as though getting hosed for a beer at a ball game was just invented in Evansville last Saturday?…that the trick of hosing people for food and drinks is an old trick mastered by every stadium and movie theatre in America?…that we do wonder where the best tailgate parties in downtown Evansville will be?…that perhaps we could add some public “Cornhole” space?…that was a joke that only Harrisburg, PA would take serious and consider issuing some “Cornhole Revenue Bonds” to pay for it?

IS IT TRUE that of all the money that has been spent in downtown Evansville the sidewalk improvements and the decorator streetlights really do add some attractiveness?…that giant flower pots that are attended to and kept fresh will do the same?…that this writer put forth an idea in 2007 to convert those big gun barrel ashtrays to flower urns and to start enforcing litter laws to improve the appearance of downtown Evansville?…that it was shot down like a dog in the street by the powers that be?…that the cost would have been in the low 4 figure range and the money could have been raised?…that the City of Evansville was not willing to water the plants?…that by drilling a couple of holes in the ashtrays and making a fiberglass bezel to fit over the top of the ugly ashtrays that an attractive urn with good drainage would be the result?…that it can still be done?

IS IT TRUE that changing the direction of all of the streets does not seem to have made any difference at all?…that the only difference thus far is parallel parking on Main Street now is done into a space on ones right as opposed to ones left?…that we hope the reversals were free because it is no improvement?…that it is no damage either so live and let live?

IS IT TRUE that Halloween like much American life has been neutered to the point that it hardly seems to be worth the effort?…that Halloween was always a chance to burn off energy and have some fun by making mischief?…that Halloween used to start at dusk and now it “officially” finishes at dusk all in the name of safety?…that kids used to scare each other, toss water balloons, soap windows when no candy was offered, and occasionally toss eggs all in good fun?…that the very words “trick or treat” meant “give me a treat or you will get tricked”?…that life in the well controlled spin zone is not nearly as interesting as it was when kids could be kids a couple of times a year?

IS IT TRUE that the members of Occupy Wall Street who dress up like zombies and march around will be right at home today?…that they will be even more at home tomorrow in communities like New York where there are large “Dia de los Muertos” (Day of the Dead) celebrations?…that Dia de los Muertos is actually a much misunderstood celebration that’s true purpose is to “Celebrate Life by Honoring the Dead”?…that this is one more thing that this guy misses about living in California?


  1. Welcome to the big city of tailgating. Have you ever been to a Colts game in Indy? They tailgate in the parking lots. I suggest they find a empty parking lot to park in (should not be that hard, nothing else is happening downtown) and tailgate there. Knowing Evansville they will be ticketed for having to much fun, or the city will figure out a cornhole tax to help pay for the Ford Center. The beer is fine, if your going there to get drunk you either have more money then you need or you have no life. Three problem with the new Ford Center, hospitality room to small, no leg room in the seats, and Location,Location,Location.

    • I like your comment and yes, we are VERY TOUGH on enforcing the “illegal smile” ordinance.

      The hospitality room could conceivably be enlarged, the seating possibly improved, but that Location, Location, Location will always be the “deal breaker.”
      How about those Colts? 0-8 (ouch)

      • Every once in a while a little rain must fall. But to say ouch is being very kind, its more than ugly. Never knew Payton played defense,kick off,punt receiving, and game planning. Not to mention he must pick the draft choices also. What an amazing man.

        • Saw a cartoon today. A kid is looking into his Halloween treat bag and with a sad look says “Awww, more Colts tickets!”

    • One more problem pardner. It smells like a big pile of crap down there when the wind is blowing from Bee Slough. Dat smell will really ruin a nice tailgate party. You know da nose is a big part of our sense of taste. Bee Slough Burgers anyone?

  2. It is true that the arena presents the second blockade against people trying to enter downtown EVV. The first is the granite local government building. Every time I go down Walnut St. to the Civic Center, I see the mottled wall of faded blue and gray barn roofing hanging over the street, blocking my way. How long before they build something across Sycamore?

    Why do they call it “downtown” when it could be called Centre Town or Center Town? You have the Civic Center, The Centre and Ford Center. Lack of imagination.

    Now, explain to our kids why the words “center” and “centre” mean the same thing but are spelled two ways. Could it be that someone decided to try to appear educated, artsy or maybe elitist in renaming the Vanderburgh Auditorium?

  3. Centre–nothing more than an Elitest attempt, to try to impart Culture is alive and well in Old Downtown, but it is always Good for a hearty laugh from the rest of us “rubes”.

  4. THEN DONT GO THERE. Plain and simple. There were 3800 people at the game Saturday and less than 2 blocks away you could find plenty of parking spaces. You don’t like the new arena then stay away. It is here to stay.

    • Hey, you must be the new marketing whiz kid for the Ford Center.

      “You don’t like, then stay away!” Great slogan for “the John.”

    • Hey Tom, I’m going to use your money to build a giant golden statue of myself in the middle of town. If you don’t like it, don’t look at it – deal?

    • For a venue that seats 11,000……I’d say 3800 was a very small crowd that really wouldn’t test much of the parking situation.


      • I went to the Philharmonic Saturday night (at least someone on this board has culture). I happened to catch someone leaving the Aces game at around 6:15 PM, and I grabbed their spot on Main at 5th. A “Victory” was both my destination and my parking outcome. Easy last Saturday, blanger you are right: make it 12,000 and things will be different.

  5. Parallel parking is now on the right vs. on the left. A foreshadowing of the upcoming election, eh’ comrade ?

    • Insightful catch there beerguy. There are nuances like that in IS IT TRUE every chance we get to put them there. Good man. You got it.

      • Great screen name, able to catch the CCO nuances, finder of good parking spots, and he has culture to boot.
        Man, I want out hang out with that guy!

  6. In Evansville you will have to tailgate in the Stadium park and then have the designated driver take you down to the Ford Center..there something just not right with this… I know what it is there NO parking lot downtown..

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