
IS IT TRUE that after watching Jordan Baer’s presentation at Monday night’s City Council meeting City Councilman Jonathan Weaver saw something in Mr. Baer’s video that inspired him to file a criminal complaint against Mr. Baer for grave desecration?…this charge is petty, small, and not in the spirit of repairing the neglected cemeteries of Evansville that Baer was there advocating for? …one would wonder why Councilman Weaver did not file a criminal complaint against Evansville’s alpha crypt keeper Chris Cooke for not reporting his closely held secret that graves plots of babies located at Locust Hill cemetery was paved over without public disclosure? …we wonder whom ever paved over the grave plots of babies broke Federal and State laws and should had been be reported by Mr. Cooke to the authorities? …this irrationally vengeful complaint filed by Councilman Weaver  against Mr.Baer is below the dignity of anyone worthy of being an elected representative of any informed electorate?
IS IT TRUE that it seems as though the Courier and Press along with some other local media have come to the realization that the Gallup Poll from 2011 that christened Evansville as the obesity capital of America has turned out to be a good thing?…of course there were wails of denial and attempts to discredit the poll by dozens of public officials when the study was released?…in the world of control system dynamics it is only negative feedback that leads to improvement?…many elected officials and other people of good intention buy limited understanding of the performance process always seemed to think blowing candy and unicorns up a populations rear end and whispering false complements into undeserving ears was the right way to seek improvement?…since Gallup christened Evansville as the obesity capital of America a group of organizations and most notably Mayor Lloyd Winnecke have taken the bull by the horns and created programs to encourage exercise and a better diet?…it is not just by chance that Evansville is no longer the obesity capital of America?…that distinction disappeared because some concerned locals saw the negative feedback as a call to action and did something about it?…this is the best way to deal with negative feedback in every instance and all who have been a part of this are deserving of praise and congratulations?…the CCO hopes that all legitimate negative feedback in the future inspires improvement efforts like this one did?
IS IT TRUE the aforementioned recognition that negative feedback creates a golden opportunity for improvement is something the CCO has been hoping would catch fire for some time?…when we expose things like dilapidated cemeteries, shabby parks, local government spending $250,000 for a house that is worth $60,000, etc. ad nauseum, we really want to see these things fixed?…sometimes that happens but most of the time it does not?…when we make fun and ridicule a financial accounting mistake that exploded because new software was not tested before the old system was scrapped it is in hopes that such foolishness will not be repeated?…when we call for the City of Evansville to have an on staff expertise in vetting projects it is because the failure to have this has resulted in embarrassment and wasted efforts and we want it changed?…today we are encouraged that at least one place that has the motto “give light and the people will find their own wayâ€, has finally seen the light that only can come from a positive response to negative feedback?
IS IT TRUE an unexpected reality of Obamacare is being told through anecdotes in local papers and on social media but the hard numbers reveal the evidence is far more than anecdotal?…CBS News has confirmed with insurance companies across the country that more than two million people are getting notices they no longer can keep their existing plans?…in California, there are 279,000; in Michigan, 140,000; Florida, 300,000; and in New Jersey, 800,000?…those numbers are certain to go even higher?…President. Obama repeatedly said, “If you like your doctor or health care plan, you can keep it?…the White House spin machine has now morphed those hundreds of statements into, “What the president said and what everybody said all along is that there are going to be changes brought about by the Affordable Care Act to create minimum standards of coverage?”…the only two words in the English language that adequately describe this spin are BULL $&#!?
Our city council is disgraceful.
BINGO!!! Lindsey hit a new low with the reduced pay for the Fire Chief and the Assistant Chief, but Weaver snatched the “record” away quickly. What a ridiculous thing to do! Evansville wants to be seen as an up-and-coming city, but we have Bozos on the City Council.
Lindsey was just following through with terms of the latest contract that the fire fighters approved granting parody pay between the police department and fire department, apparently there was a $3k difference between the chief of police pay and the fire chief pay at least that’s how I understand it, but the bigger issue is why a political appointed position like police chief and fire chief pay $90K plus in the first place…isn’t that in close proximity to what the mayor is paid?
Either the mayor gig is grossly underpaid or the two chief positions are grossly over paid, lets not forget both of these positions also include perks like a take home vehicle.
Don’t get me wrong but putting Lindsey in the same boat as Weaver isn’t correct, he has his very own boat he’s trying to keep afloat.
I hereby challenge Councilman Jonathan Weaver to a boxing match.
I will give him the courtesy of naming the time and place, but I will insist on charging admission and donating all proceeds to charity. How about the Alhambra Theatre fund. That’ll work.
I just want a legal forum in which to punch him in his $#%@ing nose.
can I have the popcorn concession? I’ll donate all my profits
To make it fair Brad you should offer to tie one hand behind your back.
Did anyone find the reasoning behind how that local politician Weaver got the black eye shiner before mentioned in past comments,maybe it was sparing practice..?
I watched one of your council meetings on public television after that, they never showed him on camera, so It wasn’t confirmed one supposes from afar. 🙂
Lol. You’re crazy. I have to say that you are one of the most fun to follow people that I have met recently. There’s no telling what you are going to say next. From my experience of fighting and amateur boxing when I was younger, the tale of the tape would go to Weaver. He has a huge advantage on reach and weight. You seem to be more emotionally charged which could be a good or bad thing. In all honesty, I’ve wished that I could get some ring time with quite a few people. Good thing that I’ve changed my ways.
Phillip: Only from what was presented and read through the media lately. You shouldn’t count too muck on your said former skills. Time is not a bodies physical friend, historically.
Try some more walks across the street,like you said, in the cemetery before you run up any steps doing a the rocky thing there fellow.
Maybe you might get the local cemetery czar fellow to partner with you too for the political conceptualizations sharing, and the mutual benefits of getting in shape. Admirable effort for sure.
Variation of actual municipally funded pathways taken is prudent however, considering compaction,settling and erosion issues present in the local region.
Its always good to improve or change approaches, that to is commendable.
die dulci freure
have a nice day
I stand about 5’10” and weigh about 180 lbs. I have not measured my reach, but I do know I can reach all the parts that count. 😉
Actually the more I think about it, the better this idea generally sounds.
Who would like to see Winnecke vs. Davis or Winnecke vs. Friend? How about Missy Mosby vs. Her Own Shadow? We could make an evening of it, kinda like Guns and Hoses, but with political figures.
Being able to reach the parts that count could end in a disqualification.
Davis would kick all their asses. He runs marathons and is the sparring partner for his brother who fights in MMA cage matches at The Coliseum. I saw Davis break one guys nose in the ring. And break another guys ribs. It was no joke. I wouldn’t mess with either of them. Winney and Weaver would be a fair fight. Both are light weights. I’d pay to see that sissy fight.
Brad-I can understand how Weaver and Missy can bring out the barbarian in most of us. But having said that, you need to leave Weaver alone. It’s not nice that eagles should attack butterflies.
Obama’s “Big Lie”,–reminds me of the statement of President Nixon,–“I am not a Crook”.
Paved over Babies’ graves?
Nothing less than a “Pack of Dogs” have controlled Evansville for sometime.
Yes! We are Evansville! Be Proud!
—-of What? The Quality of our Politicians, and their legacies?
I don’t think so.
Brad put me down for 20 tickets for the fight. Odds are 10 to 1 that you win because chicken Weaver won’t show up because he will be to busy interviewing with Channel 25 about stupid stuff.
I want 20 tickets also. I think it will be a knockout in the first round but it will be worth every cent!!
How horrible to hear that the city has entombed baby grave plots under a paved road at Locust Hill cemetery. This is the final resting place for deceased babies that have been buried at Locust Hill. I now know where not to take my deceased family members. I agree somebody needs to report this issue soon as possible to the Federal and State officials. Mr. Cooke ought to be ashamed of himself for not reporting this horrible act to State and Federal officials. Also the Mayor and City Council members should be ashamed.
Taken down because post was insulting.
This is really terrible news that babies are buried under a paved road with the knowledge of city officials and nothing was done about this. Everyone involved in this coverup should either be fired or ran out of office. I have never heard anything like this in my life. I’m really ashamed to tell people I’m from Evansville.
I watched the Evansville City Council Meeting on Channel 12 Cable the other night. Nothing else worth watching was on TV at the time.
I think that the guy in charge of the City Owned Cemeteries said that the roads were built before he came to that job. He did admit that he was aware of the problem. He also said many times that if the city council were to give him more funding that he could get more done. I find it ironic that the speakers have to stand up and get drilled by city council while they get to sit down in plush leather high back chairs. Perhaps if they were to buy metal folding chairs instead for the City Council to sit in during these meetings they could save a little more money and get a few more head stones put up right!
I know from past experience that ground tends to slump downhill over time. If you put up a stick into the ground on the side of a unstable hillside a few years later that still will be tilting over due to the ground moving underneath it. It’s a well know fact of Geology that sloping ground will eventually slump downhill and take anything on top of the ground or in the ground with it.
So putting grave stones on the side of a hill and expecting them to remain straight vertical over 100 years is not going to happen.
The City keeps building new stadiums and ignoring the routine necessary maintenance of things in the city. Be it the parks or the cemeteries.
This sort of reminds me of the Romans a thousand years ago. They spent a lot of time, effort and money building huge Coliseums for the Gladiators to fight each other or to fight with lions to please the masses. I guess Cesar was hoping to keep the people happy with all types of Games in the Coliseums. They even flooded the arena and put naval ships in the water to fight each other to the death. All to keep the people busy. I guess when the people were busy they didn’t notice the heads stones falling down on the hill sides.
Mr. Weaver was quick to compliment the Cemetery Guy and boost his ego. I thought that was sweet of him after the other council people blasted the poor guy.
And speaking of being awarded the title of the most obese city in the USA. Our Cemetery guy may need to listen to the Mayor’s advise and get a little more exercise and eat a little less. He would be wise to follow the Mayor’s example as serious health problems come with Obesity. How’s that for some good criticisms that if taken in the right manner can really make things better. Seriously Chris you need to lose about 150 lbs and get health or you are going to die from heart disease long before you should. Get off your duff and take Weaver for a long walk.
People should give the guy a break when it comes to taking care of city property. People who work for the city are just really “place keepers” in that they hold the job but are not paid enough and always have insufficient funding to do the job properly. And that is true with most of the city departments. Even the Police and Fire Departments need a lot more money to do the job properly. But unfortunately money does not grow on trees and people don’t want to pay higher taxes. So there you have out. You get what you pay for! I think that many of these politicians see their jobs as just playing the game and trying to see if they can get re-elected again.
“Mr. Weaver was quick to compliment the Cemetery Guy and boost his ego. I thought that was sweet of him after the other council people blasted the poor guy.”
This is 2 funny, you should buy Weaver some FRUIT OF LOOMS and put your money where your mouth is!
It figures a coward like Weaver would wait til the end to compliment Chris Crooke! If he was sincere and had a backbone he would have followed up on Stephanie’s so called Witch Hunt hah… Weaver reminds me of that guy that was the third or fifth wheel. A tag along that chimes in after everyone has not only said their peace, but has already left the table, too!
Jonathan Weaver should be ashamed of himself. At a minimum, Weaver owes Mr. Baer a very public apology.
Even if we paid higher tax would we get what we paid for? I think not, Detroit is an example of higher tax. The last time Oak Hill Cemetery was in good shape was when Community Corrections was under Circuit Court and had the job of caring for it. The last 2 sheriff’s haven’t been very community minded.
Right at Halloween we get this grave problem !
It might be some kind of sinister plot.
Can you dig it?
It would be cool to raise the necessary funds for headstone repair doing a Halloween tour through Oak Hill Cemetery. Fake spirits and all. People in this area would definately frown on it.
That is actually a GREAT idea! Why don’t the cemeteries partner with a haunted house production company to put on a haunted graveyard every year? It could even be a drive-thru variety with all proceeds going toward upkeep.
Perhaps it could be a partnership with the Boys and Girls Club, Impact Ministries, The Dream Center, or other community kids organizations. It could give kids a super fun activity while raising money for good causes.
Cemeteries are such a waste. I’m actually not too upset about that. I don’t hear the dead complaining too much.
Taken down because post wasn’t proper.
Excellent IIT, yes even the part about the ACA.
Obama’s original text with edits
If you like you c̶r̶a̶p̶p̶y̶ plan you can keep it.
Ok the president should NOT have been so declarative about the ACA, there is no getting around that but let’s be honest a lot of these plans were almost worthless. F
Full of loopholes, fine print, exclusions, and yearly and lifetime caps for coverage.
Further, most of these ancedotal stories you are seeing on the cable shows, the folks are not comparing apples to apples, or they are BADLY misinformed or they are just flat out lying.
The President is a damn intentional liar. He has now lost Jonah Goldberg who packed plenty of water for him in the past. Obama will never enjoy the trust of America again. We may like him as a person but we will never believe him again.
Thanks, “BB”, for giving the complainers a correct answer. I agree that the President over-simplified and over-sold the ability to keep existing coverage, but the coverage being cancelled is not adequate. People should be glad they can get better insurance, but if they have an adequate income, they are going to have to take “personal responsibility” and pay for it. Afterall, this program was designed by the Heritage Foundation.
That’s Obama for you. Got himself elected by hating on the 1% and now dismissing the 5% who are losing their coverage as an insignificant number who should have figured it out. I guess if this jackass burned your house down you would thank him for it. How many lies does it take to register with you that this guy is a big arrogant fraud?
A liberal espousing “personal responsibility”. Oh wait, they didn’t include everyone, just those with “adequate income”.
Here is my personal story about such plans. I started my first business in 1989 and we had little money for benefits even for the partners. We did however invest in one of these so called “WORTHLESS” plans for ourselves and our 4 employees. Along came 1991 and the birth of my 3rd child which was complicated. I paid the $2,500 deductible and some co pay amount with the “WORTHLESS” plan paying the rest. When 1992 came along my child was diagnosed with leukemia and had to spend 6 months in the UCLA medical center that included a bone marrow transplant. The bill was about $700,000. The “WORTHLESS” plan paid the entire tab and UCLA did not even ask for the deductible. That “WORTHLESS” plan saved my home and my financial future. There were three other families in the cancer ward at UCLA with the same coverage who were entrepreneurs with children who had cancer.
If the premium would have been triple what it was as the plans that fit ObamaCare’s terms and conditions seem to cost, we would not have been able to afford insurance. In truth for the self employed, part time, or small business owners these “WORTHLESS” plans have been their only option and the most cost effective way to mitigate the risks of a catastrophic medical emergency. It seems to me as though the bill that was never read has eliminated that option and created a trap for those who can’t afford the new premiums. The effective ban on catastrophic coverage is yet another big mistake.
Obviously, you are a sophisticated consumer, and did NOT buy a junk plan, but a lot of consumers have. I would think you’d be breathing a sigh of relief that your child who had leukemia will not have to face a “life-time cap” on coverage.
You also know that you are comparing premiums paid over 20 years ago to premiums today, which is a big flaw in your comparison.
The catastrophic coverage is limited, but it is available to most of the people who will be best-off with it.
No, at that time I was not sophisticated. The plan I bought that I could afford was for catastrophic events. The rest of the story is that my child was cured is a college graduate and was recently married. If ObamaCare had been passed in 1988 in its present form she would have died and I would have been bankrupted.
There is no flaw in my comparison. When I left my good job to start a business the Cobra was about $700 per month that I did not have. As I recall the “Worthless” premium was about $150 per month. These are comparable to the $300 and $1500 policies of today in terms of hours worked to pay for them.
When you get down to the core of BHO’s statements about keeping your plan, anyone has to admit that what he was saying was either a blatant lie or he is terribly ignorant. With all of the changes being made, there was no way that the insurance plans could remain unchanged. Everyone would have to pay a higher premium to cover the additional costs, therefore no one could keep their same insurance which (as I would define it) would include unchanged premiums.
Bless your family for what you and your child endured. So glad to hear that not only did that child survive, but that she now lives a happy and successful life.
This unaffordable care act is intended to wipe out small business — that is becoming more and more evident. It is also dependent on young and healthy people who are finding that their premiums are increased greatly under this plan. If they don’t sign up it fails. If we ever get numbers from the administration about actual sign ups and just who is signing up it will be very telling about the solvency of what Hillary Clinton just last week called ‘a great experiment.’
I don’t follow the logic behind your belief that under Obamacare, you would have gone bankrupt and your child would have died. I did run a scenario on kff.org, using two adults in their early 30’s and 1 child. With an income of $40,000/yr the premium, after subsidy and tax credits, would be $2548/yr. The same scenario with a $60,000 income would be $5700/yr, and an $80,000 income would not get subsidy or tax credits. That does not appear unreasonable to me, does it to you?
As a small business owner at the time I was paying for 6 family plans from a start-up company budget so multiply the numbers by 6. For the first 6 months we drew no salary at all. Under ObamaCare my choice out of financial necessity would have been to pay the fine as an individual and offer nothing to my employees. When the leukemia came along I would have had no coverage period. Without care leukemia is a death sentence. I did not have sufficient resources to have paid and I assure you that I would not have had the heart to work 18 hours a day as an entrepreneur during a time that a child was dying. My absence from the day to day operation would have damaged if not killed the business.
From a “have a job” perspective I understand your argument. As an entrepreneur I assure you there is no one to fall back on when disaster strikes. ObamaCare has orphaned people like entrepreneurs or the self employed. That is the world I have lived in during more than half of my career. Try to look at this situation from the perspective of a business owner. There is no FMLA, nice benefit package, or any thing in place for small business owners yet according to the Kauffman Foundation all net job creation comes from such places. It is a pitty that ObamaCare will have this negative impact on start-up businesses but that is what we get as a country for electing someone that never had to struggle to make a payroll or create a single job with their own money. I am not surprised that the President has limited knowledge of entrepreneurial decisions. He has no background in such things and put no such people in his cabinet.
By the way, during that time my taxable income was over $100,000 but the income I actually paid myself was only half of that. I was reinvesting in the growth of the business yet being taxed as if I was not.
I used to have a junk plan that would’ve now been dropped or gone up in cost under Obama care. I had a cheap boss who paid me like a slave and did not offer benefits. The one I paid for to cover emergencies was from anthem. I had to go to the ER one night and it covered zero, nada, zilch. So the ones that are getting dropped had crap coverage, end of story. You’re biased and you’re letting that affect how you portray your situation from 1988. I now have insurance through my employer and what I pay for premiums is not increasing this year. You’ve got to spend some money up front to save later with this plan. Want a real solution? Tell the Koch bros to get f***ed and pass single payer.
What you call crap coverage is better than no coverage as my personal situation is testimony to. I also have insurance now provided by my employer. Want a real solution. Think, read, think again, read again, negotiate if you must and don’t vote on anything until it has been read and understood by congress. Finally test the software before an advertising campaign. As for the Koch Brothers, what to they have to do with anything at all. It is my understanding that they occupied neither the White House or either house of congress when ObamaCare was passed without reading it. I am not opposed to single payer as long as the plan is designed by rational people which this one was not.
It always amazes me that people are so stupid, they have to be told by a less than sterling example of a reporter like Moyers, that what they like, be it insurance, entertainment, or whatever, is inadequate and just plain wrong. Of course government always knows best and get its costs accurate. Give people light and they will find there way. Buying insurance is not rocket science.
Joe I can tell I touched a nerve and I know that when it directly affects your child’s health and welfare I can understand. So I apologize for that.
I looked up the ACA requirement for catastrophic coverage and you have to be under 30 or apply for a hardship exemption. I don’t agree with this after all one of the main goals of the ACA was to stop the 350,000 medical bankruptcies we have each year and and to prevent others from jamming the rest of us with an unexpected medical bills.
It is not you Brains, you are my friend and I respect your judgment. It is that drivel coming from the White House that marginalizes the job creators and is trying desperately to whitewash intentional lies and abject failure of absentee management. If Jay Carney said the things to my face that he was spewing about “just the 5%” who are getting cancelled who “should have known”, I would put his ass in the hospital. Neither he or the person he speaks for has a clue. All they care about is how they look and tomorrow’s poll.
Why can’t the White House just admit this program as they have implemented it is headed for failure, take a deep breath, and hire a team with the brains and discipline fix it. As you know, I support universal healthcare and believe it can not only work but work more efficiently than what we have now. The team in charge at this time is so out of touch with the reality of anything but a traditional job holder that it is astonishing. At this point I do not think the President could plan and organize a birthday party for his two children. He could give a good speech about it though.
Now I understand what your situation was, but you would not be obligated to furnish insurance for your employees and/or partners.
I just hope the President takes Gary Lauer up on his offer to run the exchanges at no cost to the taxpayers. His company already has the apparatus to handle it in place. Lauer’s company is the largest health insurance market in the country. He says he wants to do this because he was un-insurable before ACA, as a cancer survivior. His son is also a Type I diabetic, who was also deemed un-insurable.
Joe–Well said. Give yourself an “A”.
Joe- I have to remind myself that Brad Ellsworth, who has never had a job outside of the government voted for ACA. I have found that people who work at government jobs over a lifetime take on a royalty persona. I think in the future we are going to see more professional work as private contractors and instead of a w2 will receive a 1099. A 1099 gives an entirely different perspective on tax dollars and how they are spent. I think 1099’s are the wave of the future and unions will steadily decline. I still find the PLA for the hotel hard to stomach as it mostly shuts out small businesses.
And your alternative to the Affordable Health Care act is to send all the poor who can’t afford insurance to the ER making everyone else ER visit or hospital vist all that much more expensive?
Sorry but I’m not buying your alternative plan which is no plan at all
All you GOP do is hope and pray that Obama will fail and tuck tail and walk out of the White House. Well keep on praying as that’s not going to happen how much you wish for Obama care to fail.
What you should be doing it thinking of new ways to help insure that people can stay healthy and if they get sick it won’t cost them their homes and life savings.
IMHO the hosptials and all that’s associated with hospital care is over prices and way out of line with other costs.
The real way to solve this problem is more doctors who work for less money. Same with ever thing else that’s associated with medical care.
Medical care cost have gone over the cliff and need to be reeled back in. Same with energy costs. That’s the bottom line.
Some stupid pill doesn’t need to cost $300 for a month’s supply. That’s price gouging so that the pharmaceutical industry people can live high on the hog while other’s suffer from lack of medications.
With all due respect, you are a piece of work.”the president should not have been so declarative about the ACA”. Let’s just say the president should not have lied to the American public. He has so little respect for the American citizen(that includes you) that, from day one he started lying and continues to do so. On top of that, he has good people like you that seem to come up with excuses for his lying butt. WHY?
Weaver’s erratic misuse of process must be a Halloween joke. If not, maybe it’s a warning to others who would come to the City Council to make their feelings known. If, heaven forfend, it is the latter Mr. Weaver becomes the face of ‘chilling effect’. Trying to discourage citizens from making their views known to officeholders shouldn’t be a function of a city councilman.
Jordan Baer obviously has strongly held feelings. Trying to get a charge filed as Weaver evidently did seems a little much. Actually it seems a lot much. The Indiana statutes protecting graves are generally focused on looters, grave robbers, and such. This should tell the voters it’s time to send Weaver back to his loom before he metastasizes.
Jonathan Weaver has made a month-appropriate ghoulish and trivial political move. His stunt will earn him bold type in the History of Shoddy Political Performances, Vanderburgh County Division.
Agreed. Weaver should be called on to resign, as he is attempting to intimidate citizens who come forward with legitimate concerns.
Bingo. fox one hold, target altitude challenged, stall V/ne-V/s1 eminent,pancaked, crashed and burned. no egress visible.
Doesn’t Obama’s staff intimidate and threaten media people who say bad things about him? Threads and intimidation seems to be a liberal democrat mode of operation. What we are seeing here in Evansville is fairly typical of Chicago and Detroit democrat politics. Did we think we would be exempt from thug tactics? The last election for mayor of this fair city could well have set the standard for future elections.
What specifically is Beaver accusing Jordan of doing? How did he desecrate a grave or graves?
While I still believe that the whole thing was an ambush and I support Weaver on most issues of late, I whole-heartedly disagree with any attempts to pursue criminal charges against Jordan. I do not believe that there was any bad intent in Jordan act of righting the memorial. It is a simple act of someone trying to do the right thing without full knowledge of cemetery guidelines and reestrictions. I have offered to help Jordan or any other concerned citizen at Oak Hill under the direction of the Superintendent. We need more collaboration and cooperation. Keep the criticism constructive so we can move forward.
Wise words Phyllip. If and when a volunteer group is assembled to tackle some of these issues, I’ll be there alongside you and Jordan, time permitting.
Weaver, stupid is never cool.
If it was he would be Homecoming King and Missy Mosby would be Homecoming Queen!
Ron White says:”you can’t fix stupid”
Superintendent of Cemeteries of Evansville Chris Cooke announced that he was invited to the City-Council Meeting on Monday, October 28th, 2013 with no prior notice or time to prepare, but yet shared with all those present that he ‘in preparation for the meeting pulled the complaints that were filed (6)’ against the Evansville Cemeteries for the last 6 years and in addition he went through his records of alleged conversations he had with City Councilwoman Connie Robinson and City Councilman John Friend from September 2010? One can conclude that this would consummate as a form of preparation for the meeting.
Superintendent of Cemeteries of Evansville Chris Cooke should be very familiar with Jordan Baer concerning his political activism efforts in regards to the conditions of the graveyards since he made a formal presentation last year at City Council budget hearings. Another contradiction to the stance Cooke took in regards to Jordan Baer.
The International Cemetery, Cremation and Funeral Association that Superintendent of Cemeteries of Evansville Chris Cooke claimed to have graduated from offers membership and incentives. It is a national association or organization, not a University. The aforementioned Association is not a bonafide University which would offer a Diploma, Bachelor’s , Master’s and/or Doctoral degrees? Upon further research, this University is not accredited by a Regional and/or National Accrediting agencies that is recognized by the Department of Education as an Institution of Higher Learning? Furthermore, we want to know does this University have a curriculum that is approved by a state agency to offer certification in this particular field.
Upon research from the ICCFA’s website states that the mission statement of the ICCFA is ‘to improve the appearance and operations of their properties.’ This is the alleged University that Cooke claimed to not only have graduated from but had achieved honors in such as Valedictorian of his graduating class.
As Superintendent of Cemeteries of Evansville Chris Cooke stated there are some updates in policies, one of which mandates that pets are not allowed on the premises. On Saturday, October 26th, 2013 pets were present for a fundraising effort at Oak Hill Cemetery, which is seemingly a violation of such stated and posted rules and regulations.
Furthermore, to Mr.Weaver… You accuse Stephanie of a witch hunt and you spoke ill of bullying… What your doing in regards towards Jordan Baer is just that.
Weaver comes across as someone who is not all too cerebral! If brain cells were a form of currency, he would be bankrupt!
Now that we know graves were paved over we must respond and HOW we respond will help define us as a community.
Are we to cintinue to drive over these graves and act as if nothing is wrong? I certainly hope not. If so I am 100% moving into another county because this is not something I want to be associated with in any way.
I bet corporations will feel the same way. Not that corporations will relocate right away, but when new investors are looking for a new site and while other communitites are wooing those companies, I would bet they ask if they want to relocate to a community where we willingly desecrate graves – as everyone that has drove on that road has done.
I call for the road to be demolished and those graves moved and the road replaced with gravel for a few years whild natural compaction of the soil takes place.
Don’t shoot the messenger but correct the error.
Taken down off message.
Superintendent of Cemeteries of Evansville Chris Cooke announced that he was invited to the City-Council Meeting on Monday, October 28th, 2013 with no prior notice or time to prepare, but yet shared with all those present that he ‘in preparation for the meeting pulled the complaints that were filed (6)’ against the Evansville Cemeteries for the last 6 years and in addition he went through his records of alleged conversations he had with City Councilwoman Connie Robinson and City Councilman John Friend from September 2010? One can conclude that this would consummate as a form of preparation for the meeting.
Superintendent of Cemeteries of Evansville Chris Cooke should be very familiar with Jordan Baer concerning his political activism efforts in regards to the conditions of the graveyards since he made a formal presentation last year at City Council budget hearings. Another contradiction to the stance Cooke took in regards to Jordan Baer.
The International Cemetery, Cremation and Funeral Association that Superintendent of Cemeteries of Evansville Chris Cooke claimed to have graduated from offers membership and incentives. It is a national association or organization, not a University. The aforementioned Association is not a bonafide University which would offer a Diploma, Bachelor’s , Master’s and/or Doctoral degrees? Upon further research, this University is not accredited by a Regional and/or National Accrediting agencies that is recognized by the Department of Education as an Institution of Higher Learning? Furthermore, we want to know does this University have a curriculum that is approved by a state agency to offer certification in this particular field.
Upon research from the ICCFA’s website states that the mission statement of the ICCFA is ‘to improve the appearance and operations of their properties.’ This is the alleged University that Cooke claimed to not only have graduated from but had achieved honors in such as Valedictorian of his graduating class.
As Superintendent of Cemeteries of Evansville Chris Cooke stated there are some updates in policies, one of which mandates that pets are not allowed on the premises. On Saturday, October 26th, 2013 pets were present for a fundraising effort at Oak Hill Cemetery, which is seemingly a violation of such stated and posted rules and regulations.
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Chris Cooke’s LinkedIn page is a study in resume padding where seminars are exaggerated and presented as if they were a university degree:
Valedictorian of a five day cemetery association seminar?
The ICCFAU four year undergrad curriculum consists of five days each July. Students who complete a five day seminar gpt four years becomes a ICCFAU “graduate”.
To imply this as a four year undergraduate program is fraud in my book.
Reminds me of Jack Black in Bernie:
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CCO i do not even call barry obamas excuses spins they are down right lies…….after 5 yrs of obama i did not know or lying to the face of Americans and for any human being to defend this they cannot have an ounce of dignity or self respect…..these people cannot wipe their #### with out the government telling them what toilet paper to use…….
Did the City Council cut their own budget while they were asking all the other to cut or did the council add to theirs. I heard they added $25K to the City Attorney budget and $100K to the Council budget to hire professional services.
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