IS IT TRUE that Evansville City Council approved the 2015 City budget?  …that Mayor Winnecke and the leadership of Council met a numbers of times to craft the 2015 budget?  …after all said and done the 2015 City budget was agreed upon by both parties?  …after the 2015 City budget was approved the Mayor and his Controller decided how to spend the monies on that was approved by City Council?  …during the 2015 calendar year the Mayors directed his Controller to write checks to pay for all operational expenses in running city government for 2015?  …during the 9th month of the budget year the Mayor informed the leadership of Council they have a $8 million dollar budget shortfall and need to borrow $8 million dollars from the Riverboat and Rainey Day funds in order to pay employee wages and other bills?  …that Council  loaned the City the $8 million the Mayor requested?  …we would like for you to explain why the Mayor is publicly stating that City Council was at fault concerning the major budget shortfall crisis now facing the City of Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that yesterday the Evansville Courier and Press didn’t endorsed Alex Burton for an At Large City Council seat? … because Alex Burton didn’t have a history of being a womanizing and late night party animal may have been held against him?  …do you think that Alex Burton being an outstanding  and highly respected person that have earned many impressive educational and professional honors at a ripe young age was held against him concerning the Courier and Press political endorsement?

IS IT TRUE at Mondays City Council meeting 4th Ward City Councilwomen Connie Robinson received a picture of the Fire Chief dressed like a black man holding a liquor bottle at a social event?  … this picture offended Mrs, Robinson and she openly bashed Chief Connelly for betraying a drunk black man?  …its obvious that Evansville Fire Chief Connelly should consider giving Mrs. Robinson a public apology for betraying himself as drunk black man ?  …we thought that this type of racial stereotyping stopped in the late 1980’s?

IS IT TRUE we are told that Evansville Fire Chief Connelly has become a major political liabilities for the Mayor in the 4th Ward?  … Mayor Winnecke has publicly stated that Chief Connelly shall be retained if he’s re-elected Mayor of Evansville?   …we predict that Chief Connelly will costs the Mayor many votes in the 4th ward because of his racial stereotyping of a person of color?

IS IT TRUE our most recent “READERS POLL” ask the question; “Do you think the recently called meeting by the Mayor to discuss the impact of the 2016 budget cuts was political in nature”?

IS IT TRUE every time City Controller Russ Lloyd Jr speaks about the excellent financial condition of Evansville we have flashbacks?  …wasn’t this guy the past Mayor of Evansville who spent our surplus Rainey Day funds down to almost nothing before he was voted out of office by an extremely large margin? …is this the same guy that spent almost $2 million dollars of taxpayers money to develop a new Downtown baseball stadium but pulled the plug on the project at the last minute?  …is this the same guy that recently announced that he overspent about $8 million dollars in the 2015 City budget and needed a bailout loan from City Council to make payroll and pay daily bills?  …its obvious that City Controller Russ Lloyds shouldn’t be considered a conservative watchdog because of his poor track record of handling our tax dollars?

Please take time and vote in today’s “Readers Poll”. Don’t miss reading today’s Feature articles because they are always an interesting read. Please scroll at the bottom of our paper so you can enjoy our creative political cartoons. Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without our permission.


  1. That 4th Ward City Councilwomen Connie Robinson gave Mayor Winnecke his job he seems to have forgotten.

  2. The fix is in at Courier & Press today.

    1) Unsigned editorial–blaming the City Council for the “budget mess” ; and

    2) Those bastards endorsed leading wifebeater Jonathan Weaver. Unbelievable.

    • They also used language like ‘lacerate’ in describing what they say the City Council did to Winnecke’s exorbitant budget. They are apparently being punished this morning by some unseen force for good, perhaps Johannes Gutenberg, by not being able to get their tainted product online. Been down a while now, maybe this is how it ends for the dying Winnecke house organ, the CourierPress.

    • That creep weaver, will “Bill Cosby”” a girls drink in a flash. Dirty SOB, women need to really keep an eye on their beverage when that crud is in the house.

  3. I’m waiting for machine groupie Phyllip Davis to come here and spin this as some kind of tribute to blacks or something.

  4. Give me a break!!!! Everyone needs to grow up and be an adult…..”OH IM OFFENDED BY SO AND SO, THEY NEED TO APOLOGIZE” GROW UP If you try hard enough, anyone can be offended by anything. And as far as the “News Paper” endorsing Weaver, WOW Is It true there are idiots choosing the endorsements?? And as far as that “news Papers” stories this morning on all the budget cuts…Cry me a river. When you don’t have the money, you need to cut back !! Period !

    • I miss Buddy and his down-to-earth political outlook. It’s clear that there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING “down to earth” behind the Courier’s endorsements for City Council-At-Large. They chose a serial loser of elections, an elderly narcissist, and a wife-beating Romeo to serve the public’s interests. The Courier doesn’t seem to think very highly of their readers.

  5. “IS IT TRUE our most recent “READERS POLL” ask the question; “Do you think the recently called meeting by the Mayor to discuss the impact of the 2016 budget cuts was political in nature”? (CCO)

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    Maybe we can find out today, from one of those department heads, just what wisdom the mayor imparted to them.

  6. I do not recall when a local election for mayor had so many false claims in their ads by an incumbent mayor that have gone unchallenged by the local media and the opposition candidate. Winnecke says crime has gone down. It has not. Winnecke says the city is in sound financial shape. It is not.

    Probably the two most important issues to voters, and what they see on television are absolute lies telling them that all is ok. Expanding the franchise to uninformed voters is like playing Russian roulette with the city and the country.

    • Press, I don’t want to call anyone a liar but he claims to have done something about the blight and he actually reduced the spending on demolitions and is trying to tell us less is more. Maybe he is not telling lies but just stupid and believes without question in the people he surrounds himself with.

  7. If Winnecke somehow wins, who will be the next Democrat County Chairman? Can that Chairman ever restore County party unity and loyalty? Unity and loyalty actually existed before the back stabbing of Rick Davis, which created the dysfunction in the party, as on display by the Democrat City Council members. As a result Winnecke won, and may win again in a City with a majority of registered Democrat voters.

    • MainStreetDemo:

      How about we just overlook party for a while and find a person who cares about the citizens and the city and has a good moral and ethical character? The people who are causing all the grief in local government have abandoned party long ago. They control the candidate selection process with their money and connections, but the independent candidate route is open to anyone, and a lot harder for them to control. Informed voters will make the right decision at the polls.

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