Home archived-iit IS IT TRUE OCTOBER 27, 2017



We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?”

IS IT TRUE we are told by people in the know that the person who was the most influential in bringing the I U Medical School to Evansville was local attorney and Indiana University Board of Trustee member Pat Shoulders?

IS IT TRUE we are told by people in the know that the person who was one of the most influential for securing the continue funding of the development of I-69 was District #78 State Representative Holli Sullivan of Evansville?

IS IT TRUE we are hearing that the soon to be announced candidate for Vanderburgh County Commission, Mike Duckworth, has the reputation of being the king of Vanderburgh County political patronage?

IS IT TRUE we are hearing that the committee that’s in charge of moving and redesigning the Kids Kingdon at Sunset Park are really doing a bang up job?  …we would like to thank Evansville Chief of Police Billy Bolin and his committee for making the new Kids Kingdon next to the Evansville Museum even better?
IS IT TRUE that the Hadi Shriners Mariners recently presented four (4) of the SHRINERS Children’s Hospitals with a check for $3,600?
IS IT TRUE that over the years that there has been talk about locating a “Slack Water Port” in the Evansville area?  …that the need for such a port is because of the goods being shipped by containers?  …that many of thousands containers arrive at blue water ports in the United States everyday?  …we wonder when will our locally elected city and county officials look into this issue?
IS IT TRUE we have an opportunity to build a “Slack Water Port” by excavating the dirt from the river bottoms and using it to build up the approach to the new I-69  bridge over the Ohio river in the area of Greenriver Road?
IS IT TRUE we are told by some political movers and shakers of the 4th Ward wish that  State Rep. Ryan Hatfield would become more available?
Today’s ‘READERS POLL’ question is: Do you feel that our elected officials should use our tax dollars towards housing and home repairs for people and families at or below 80 percent of median household income?
Please take time and read our newest feature articles entitled “LAW ENFORCEMENT, READERS POLL, BIRTHDAYS, HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS” posted in our sections.  You now are able to subscribe to get the CCO daily.
If you would like to advertise in the CCO please contact us City-County Observer@live.com.


EDITOR’S FOOTNOTE:  Any comments posted in this column do not represent the views or opinions of the City County Observer or our advertisers



  1. Duckwaddle – the king of patronage and the prince of serial double dipping; and no conflict of interest (that’s satire in case you missed it).
    If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, better watch your wallet…

    • Agreed. Would never ever vote for Mr. Duckworth, FOR ANYTHING, again. Go away!! Enough of him sucking off of the taxpayers!

    • How many politically appointed jobs has he had anyway? Shame on us for allowing someone to feed at the taxpayer trough for so long!

  2. Slack water port was and is a good idea. Attorney David Jones was a big proponent and had maps all over his office. Of course it isn’t fast or sexy so no politicos got on board. It would have delivered more long term impact than all of the fun and games nonsense combined.

  3. Has the City turned of the water/sewer access to the McCurdy given the unpaid $750,000 water/sewer bill?

    • They probably do that on a Friday. The EWSU usually shuts off water on Fridays so the account won’t be able to get the bill paid until Monday and the water turned back on then. That way the account is punished by being without water over a weekend.

  4. MAGA TRUMP………….ECONOMIC …..GROWTH……….up…….3%………………..stocks up 28% since MAGA TRUMP………….the swamp anti Americans hillary… barry hussein…. Uranium deal with ruskies going down…………………CLEAN THE SWAMP……………..GOD BLESS MAGA TRUMP……….

  5. uranium mueller needs to go to prison……………….MAGA TRUMP playing 4D chess……..…………..while the swamp is playing checkers…………….MAGA TRUMP loaded up all the liberal commie dumbassess in a fake investigation…….AND NOW barry hussein hillary and the dnc are going to prison…….😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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