IS IT TRUE October 24, 2012 PART 2


IS IT TRUE October 24, 2012 PART 2

IS IT TRUE that a new home grown family owned Westside business is getting ready to opening its doors to the people of this region? …that this business didn’t seek any public assistance such as grants or tax credits from GAGE, County Commission, City Council or Mayor Winnecke? …that the family of Andy Davidson has invested about $5 million dollars of their own money to bring Tin Man Brewing Company to Evansville? … that this new brewery shall be an earth friendly business that has a Mash Filter system that helps conserves both energy and water? …this type of filter uses about 40% less water and 15-20% less natural gas than a traditional Lager? …that this local Brewery shall create and produce a Robust Porter, Irish Red Ale, America IPS, Irish Dry Stout and a Bohemian Pilsner craft beers on site? …that the Davidson family has work miracles in renovating the building that shall house this upscale Brewery?…it’s about time our local elected officials drop by the Tin Man Brewery located on West Franklin street and thank the Davidson family members for locating this soon to be employer of 75 local people? …the City County Observer would like to be one of the first to thank the Davidson Family for bringing this one day regional multi-million dollars business to Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that Roberts Stadium did not “break even” most years? …if you look at the financials reports (this is public record) it often made money? …that SMG who managed Robert’s Stadium had no income from a hockey team, no naming rights, no start up loan from the city, and no loge seating “never” lost $300,000 per year? …that we wonder why VenuWorks seemly withheld their profit and loss statement until after they were awarded the Victory Theatre management contract? …that under the management of Roberts Stadium by SMG they not only made money but also able to pay for some of the losses of the Victory Theatre? …that with the Ford Center financially underperforming and no income left to support Victory Theatre losses the Parks Department had to dump the $350,000 a year debt off of their books and bury them within the DMD and hiding the $350,000 from their books to help fund Roberts Park?

IS IT TRUE with the vote on consolidation looming and both sides making their case it is difficult not to dream about just how much good saving could have been implemented if the consolidation committee had not taken the cowards way out and forbidden some of the biggest opportunities from being considered?…that with a current combined City-County budget that spends roughly $1,800 for every resident of Vanderburgh County when Fort Wayne-Allen County is spending closer to $1,200 per year, THERE SHOULD HAVE BEEN SOME REAL TANGIBLE SAVINGS?…just scaling could have saved up to $100 Million per year IF EVANSVILLE-VANDERBURGH HAD THE COURAGE TO SIMPLY COPY OTHERS?…at this point the decision to support consolidation looks very much like the Obama Campaign of 2008 that was swept into office on the promise of HOPE AND CHANGE?…it is very difficult to justify trusting any group of candidates to do the right thing when entrusted with nothing by HOPE?…it is regretful that the consolidation plan is so protective of sacred cows that HOPE for real CHANGE has been forcefully deferred for 10 whole years?…that would’a, should’a, and could’a are the most regretted words in the English language but they are a perfect description of the consolidation plan through the eyes of one who believes in the concept but is in disbelief at just how toothless the reality is?

IS IT TRUE that the CCO encourages the City Council to put a moratorium on further spending on things that are non-revenue generators of a playtime nature?…this means Centennial Park and Roberts Park both of which will eat up a total of more than $10 Million and cost maintenance fees that Evansville does not have?…the City of Evansville needs to get its own financial house in order before it expects to be an attractive candidate for consolidation with the county or even with a place like Darmstadt?


  1. I’m impressed by the Tin Man Brewing Company so far. What they have done with their marketing campaign, their website, their brewing process, their swag, the historic boarding house and tavern in which they’re located, and how they have spread the word via their Facebook page is remarkable.

    The fact that they didn’t seek any assistance from government makes it all the more remarkable. I have not had the occasion of tasting the fruits of their labor as yet, but I plan on being one of the first in line when it becomes available. I’m particularly looking forward to the Irish Red Ale and the Irish Dry Stout.

    I think if the beer is as good as all the other ingredients they have going for them, they can’t lose.

  2. We have passed the Tin Man Brewery many times, eager to see the changes to the old buildings. It is looking so great, and the design work and outside appearance suggests an even more outstanding interior. Welcome to Franklin Street, and the new “place to be”. Come on down to Franklin Street any evening, and you will find a bustling, thriving, energetic community, with many food emporiums, people, drinks, and entertainment. Congratualtion Tin Man, we look forward to your opening.

  3. “IS IT TRUE that the CCO encourages the City Council to put a moratorium on further spending on things that are non-revenue generators of a playtime nature?…this means Centennial Park and Roberts Park both of which will eat up a total of more than $10 Million and cost maintenance fees that Evansville does not have?…the City of Evansville needs to get its own financial house in order before it expects to be an attractive candidate for consolidation with the county or even with a place like Darmstadt?”

    I couldn’t agree more with this, which is the reason I’m kinda shocked to see Mr. Friend – someone who just voted to approve the 2013 budget with much of this spending in it – awarded a Mole of the Year by the CCO. What gives?

  4. Three cheers for Tin Man Brewery for not getting government handouts.

    You bet I shall be supporting this new startup business because they built it and not government!

  5. If Obama got elected because he gave us hope in 2008, then again he will be elected in 2012, because Romney definitely doesn’t give us any hope at all. Romney is like the pro consolidation team, vote yes and if we win, we will tell you what you get. Romneys stance on issues are all over the map because he changes his stance like I change my socks.
    Vote Obama

  6. The owners of Tin Man won the lottery and decided to open a brewery. They didn’t need assistance from anyone.

    • Well lottery or not, Whirlpool has more money than these guys and they shook Weinzapfel down like a $2 whore and we paid the bill. These guys have honor and politicians do not.

    • Most of the corporate welfare in this country goes to people and companies who could afford it themselves. That doesn’t stop them from asking or the government from giving.

      The fact that family has chosen to make a serious investment in Evansville and employ people through their venture is a commendable and ballsy thing to do, especially in the current business climate. They will provide jobs for up to 75 families with a product that people will enjoy. That’s what it’s all about.

      • “Most of the corporate welfare in this country goes to people and companies who could afford it themselves.”


  7. +1 more to the Tin Man. I had the good luck to check out the interior of the building recently. Incredible work going on inside! Outside is looking sharp as well. If these brews pass muster (and I am confident they will) I will be very proud to always have a six-pack (or three) in my fridge.

  8. It takes more than luck to open and run a business. I would like to see more people walk off of the assembly line, out of the classroom and out of the cubicle; stop being wage slaves and take responsibility for their own lives. Hats off to the Tin Man…
    Superman ain’t gonna save you and neither is government…

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