IS IT TRUE October 24, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE October 24, 2012

IS IT TRUE the Reuters news agency is now reporting that the White House and the State Department had emails from known Islamic terrorist organization had claimed credit for the attack that resulted in the death of the American Ambassador to Libya and three other Americans?…the two emails specifically mention that the Libyan group called Ansar al-Sharia had asserted responsibility for the attacks?…the White House including the President of the United States continued to blame the killings on a spontaneous response to a video that had been on youtube since May for a period of two weeks after the September 11th attacks?…that in the name of common sense one would think that even the most challenged people could connect those dots and acknowledge the significance of the dates, the reality of the attackers, and the absurdness of blaming a video?…election years make for some strange rationalizations?

IS IT TRUE that it is now be projected that gasoline prices will be dropping up to 50 cents a gallon in the United States before the election?…what will amount to over a 10% drop in prices in two weeks is projected to happen on the same day when Iran is threatening to “cut us off”?…that despite the threats from Iran the supply has exceeded demand at the perfect time for gas prices to become favorable right before we head to the polls to vote?…that two tanks of gas for two cars at a 50 cent a gallon price break will mean an election day dividend of about $25 for this household?…that with the accompanying fall in corporate earnings that has inspired a selloff of stocks to the tune of $500 Billion is lost equity in the last 3 days that getting $25 will cover the cost of a case of Corona and 3 limes to heal the pains from the market losses?…the cynics among us might just think the drop in gas prices is somehow manipulated by the government to improve the mood of the country as we vote?…the reality is that it is probably an oversupply caused by people conserving during the last couple of months when we were all bent over a barrel every time we filled up our tanks?

IS IT TRUE that hitting a bit closer to home, the City County Observer was not at all surprised to hear that the Ford Center incurred $300,000 in operating losses in its first year and that the projection is that the losses will continue and grow?…in the summer of 2009 Arena Project Manager John Kish stated that he expects to see a positive flow of cash from the beginning. Making a large profit isn’t a goal, since that would mean tickets sold for various events could be cheaper then followed his statement with, “The arena needs to at least break even.”?…that very same summer former Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel touted “the Recession” as the best time to build an arena because materials were cheaper and interest rates were lower but about to rise?…we wonder since the Ford Center seems to be a great venue for concerts, the Icemen are overachieving, and even UE basketball is drawing the 3,000 person crowds that the Arena pro-forma projected just how the place could possibly be losing money?…it has not been more than a couple of months since press releases went out stating how the Ford Center was making money?…we wonder if the City of Evansville was doing the books and failing to reconcile because both of these claims cannot possibly be the truth?

IS IT TRUE that when the repayment of the debt on the Ford Center is added to the total the annual losses (or should we call it redistribution) amounts to $8 Million plus the operating losses leaving the other projects in Evansville short by $8.3 Million this year and $8.4 Million next year?…this could easily continue for 20 years or more?…there is still nothing like buying a Rolls Royce on credit when the plumbing doesn’t work to measure the practical nature of an administration?…the other promise of a 4-Star hotel “if” we build the Arena is still a dirt lot that will require roughly $20 Million of public dollars to materialize just like the CCO said it would?


  1. REUTERS POLL: Obama Is Going To Trounce Mitt Romney In A Landslide

    With two weeks to go before Election Day, a new Reuters/Ipsos forecast released today predicts an Electoral College landslide for President Barack Obama over Republican rival Mitt Romney.

    Read more:

    • Care to make a friendly over/under wager on the 206 electors that Reuters is projecting for Romney. I will take over for $50?

      • I do not bet (never have), but if I did I would consider this one.

        But even if he gets the number you suggest he still will NOT be President. The magic number is 270, not 206.

  2. Is it true that Romney has always had trouble taking a stance on a issue and staying with it?

    The biggest hurdle for Republican Mitt Romney to overcome in his six-plus years’ pursuit of the White House has been authenticity.

    On a range of issues – from abortion, health care, climate change, and coal to the minimum wage, campaign finance, and bank bailouts, to name a few – Romney has shifted positions and even been diametrically opposed to views he had held previously.

    It’s something that’s haunted him dating back to 1994 – in his first venture into politics – when he ran for the Senate against the late Ted Kennedy. “Mitt Romney isn’t pro-choice; he’s not anti-choice; he’s multiple choice,” Kennedy said of Romney’s stance on abortion in a memorable line from a Kennedy-Romney debate.

  3. Obama looks good only if the objective is socialism via a totalitarian dictator. Another four years of the Messiah and we are a third world country, a la Nigeria or Zimbabwae.

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