IS IT TRUE any time that someone looks at numbers whether for a polling agency or to interpret election results? …certain assumptions are made which allow whomever is analyzing the data to make an educated guess as to what happened and what is likely to happen in the future?

IS IT TRUE the only assumptions made in this causal analysis are that the primary voters will vote in a substantially similar manner to how they voted in the primary? …the causal assumption made here is that roughly the same number of voters will turn out this fall as they did four years ago?

IS IT TRUE while it is unfair to directly compare the primary vote totals of the two Mayoral candidates, the numbers can be used to give us a reasonable guide as to what to expect in the fall?   …the wild cards in this causal analysis are the votes that will be cast for the Independent Mayoral candidates Steve Wozniak and Republican not voting because of the Jack Schriber scandal in the November 3, 2015 general election?

IS IT TRUE there were a total of 6,503 votes cast in the May primary? …the results show Mayor Winnecke receiving 1,723 to Gail Riecken’s 3,785 or a difference of 2,062?

IS IT TRUE It’s no secret that many more people voted in the Democratic primary than in the Republican primary?  … does this discrepancy between the Republican and Democrat slates invalidate any comparison of the Mayoral totals or can they still be used as a guide to how this race is shaping up?

IS IT TRUE during the 2011 general election, there were 21,673 votes cast for Mayoral candidatesI? … If we assume that the 6,503 people that voted in the primary will return to vote in the fall, then we would expect Mayor Winnecke to remain approximately 2,000 votes behind after their votes are tallied? … after those 6,500 people cast their ballots, there should be around 15,000 votes remaining? …In order to tie, Mayor Winnecke would have to receive 2,000 votes to offset Ms. Riecken’s lead and then get an additional 6,500 of the remaining 13,000 votes.? …In other words, after losing the race among the roughly 6,500 primary voters by over 2,000 votes, the Mayor would have to get over 65% of the remaining 15,000 votes to win?

IS IT TRUE we predict that whom ever wins the Mayoral election shall do so by a very slim margin?

IS IT TRUE we look forward to reading your causal breakdown of  the Mayoral election results for the upcoming November 3, 2015 election?

IS IT TRUE that last night Mayoral debate spent 25 minutes discussing the Jack Schriber situation?  …very few  pointed questions were asked by the panel on the real issues of the campaign?  …if they were they had very little substance? … voters gained very little from this debate ?  …the debate moderator let the debate become boring? …to bad that Brad Bryd of Channel 25 wasn’t the moderator because we know that he would had keep the debate moving and lively?  …the entire debate was a lost opportunity for the people of Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that Gail Riecken took a shot at Winnecke concerning the financial drain on the city’s pocketbook.  …Mrs. Riecken pointed out that the city had $4 million in reserves in the General Fund 3 1/ 2 years ago?  …she charged that the General Fund has gone down every year?  …she also stated that this fund had only $300,000 beginning this year?  …Mayor Winnecke stated that this a typical move that a Mayor makes?   …the Mayor also stated that this is no more than, if you get paid on one Monday and you’re running low on cash on Friday,  and you just taking something out of your savings account to put in your checking account to pay bills? …our comment to this statement is ‘are you kidding us”?

IS IT TRUE that the debate panel’s questions about the Schriber scandal appeared to make the Mayor very uncomfortable?  …he just kept repeating that he had to guard the integrity of the investigation, whatever question was asked about this issue?

IS IT TRUE we are extremely pleased that the Jack Schriber’s City Council campaign funds will be returned to donors by the end of the year? …the remaining funds remaining funds for “Citizens for Schriber” campaign will be returned, on a pro-rata basis to campaign contributors?

IS IT TRUE the next move that Mr. Schribers campaign committee should do is  publicly ask fellow Republicans not to vote for him but instead vote for Michelle Mercer  City Council at Large instead?  …the voters can do so by not voting a straight Republican ticket?

IS IT TRUE that this years “Outstanding Community Services Award” luncheon at Tropicana-Evansville is completely sold out? …this event officially starts at 12 noon on October 26, 2015? … this means that the last six (6) “Outstanding Community Services Award” events were a sellout?

Please take time and vote in today’s “Readers Poll”. Don’t miss reading today’s Feature articles because they are always an interesting read. Please scroll at the bottom of our paper so you can enjoy our creative political cartoons. Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without our permission.


  1. In the primary lots of Republicans took a Democrat ballot to vote for Weaver and/or Mosby. Did you factor that into your analysis?

  2. The General Fund is always $2 million less than the Winnecke administration ever admits to. They are counting “total monies” twice. If you don’t believe me ask for a reconcilement between all city funds and all bank accounts.

  3. The late clarification yesterday (around 2 PM, ahead of the debate) by Winnecke that no one from EPD told him that Schriber had admitted to the sexual molestation of a child is THE BIG LIE of this election. This is a Grand Canyon of a lie, it is beyond pale. Winnecke got every tidbit of this investigation as it was happening, and continued to ride the Schriber horse thinking that it would never be reported in the newspaper.

    Anyone who believes THE BIG LIE must have a direct financial interest in Winnecke’s machine.

    • NOBODY believes the biggest lie in this forest of lies. They just hope the voting public is stupid enough to believe it. The GOP has circled its wagons and will bombard us with more ridiculous TV commercials to try to combat the truth. They certainly got their “little people” whipped into line and had them voting in last night’s polls about which candidate won.

      It was disgusting to see Winnecke downplay his friendship with Jack, saying they had known each other for “several years.” Lloyd was reared in the church that Schriber attended, and knew him before he was a star student of Jack’s at Central. Since then, they have taken trips together to see shows on Broadway and done local theatre productions together. I’ve been told that it was Jack who taught the Mayor to tap dance.

      It was Lloyd who recruited Jack to run and brought all of this misery down on Jack’s victim(s), and the families of both men’s families. If he has a guilty conscience, Winnecke is doing a great job of hiding it. If he doesn’t, he is a prime example of a sociopath.

      • I’d wondered where Winnie The Poop learned to tap dance. I had thought it was congenital.

        • We must take your word for it, Comrade Bandana. No one knows the Wide Stance Dance as well as you do.

          J. Coddington “Comrade Hugo” Fetlock IV
          Maximum co-coordinator
          Organizing for Idiocy
          Evansville Cell

      • Since then, they have taken trips together to see shows on Broadway and done local theatre productions together. I’ve been told that it was Jack who taught the Mayor to tap dance.
        Now that we know more then we want to about Jacks proclivities should the Mayor come out.

      • Keep your chin up! It is true that the Republican Winnecke calmly cut Representative Riecken to pieces, and that she demonstrated she has no ideas of her own. Fortunately she is starting to show a determined willingness now to tell huge lies and make things up on the fly. As long as we can keep the intake pipe firmly situated in the murky depths of political sewage, we have a chance of rallying the cadres!

        J. Coddington “Comrade Hugo” Fetlock IV
        Maximum co-coordinator
        Organizing for Idiocy
        Evansville Cell

    • The mayor ran from that question when a reporter asked him on camera after the growing Schriber/Winnecke scandal broke. As he was ducking away he said he’d be releasing a statement about it. The mantra he keep repeating last night, about protecting the ‘integrity of the investigation’, was drilled into his little haid by whoever wrote it for him. He was not to deviate from it and by God he didn’t.

      Like that news guy sitting at his laptop during the debate said, if a source wouldn’t have got a copy of that letter and alerted them to this the public would have never known. Winnecke tried to sit on it for political gain and it got loose. Despite what I’m sure was his best effort, the guy can’t even do a credible coverup. His subterranean handling of the growing scandal showed no regard for any past or future victims of his longtime friend, teacher, mentor and ticketmate Schriber. He is eminently untrustworthy and proves it time and time again, certainly not deserving of re-election.

    • I suppose that Jack could have informed the mayor. Either way, I have no doubt in my mind that he withheld this information until after it was too late for Jack to step out of the election and for his name to remain on the ballot. It is the way politics are played in Evansville. Most people are not what we are lead to believe they are. I also think that this “investigation” or leak of information may have caused Jack’s heart attack in the spring/summer before the news was made public.

        • I t isn’t ongoing. It’s past the statute of limitation. Winnecke is the cover up dolt.

    • I’m not a fan of Winnecke and his minions but, unless you have some concrete proof or a smoking gun, all you have is alledged actions. Put your money where your mouth is and back it up or back off on the allegations.

  4. The Courier poll allowed people to vote again and again until well after the debate ended. It could be done with a mobile phone that was not on WIFI. All one had to do was refresh and then vote again. There was such a huge lead by Winnecke before the debate even ended, I can’t imagine a staffer wasn’t taking full advantage of the Courier loophole.

  5. Attention Vanderburgh County Tea Party. You may want to consider welcoming Gail Riecken to the Tea Party as she has (she says) belatedly adopted the Tea Party tenet of government fiscal responsibility.

    • “Government fiscal responsibility” is not a concept owned by any party, and parties can only talk about the concept, you must get elected to office in order to put it into practice.

      It certainly has NOT been put into practice by the Winnicke Administration, and because of that failing the city of Evansville is on the edge of a financial cliff, and all the mayor wants to discuss are the future projects that are poised to push the city over that cliff.

      • Agreed. Fiscal responsibility has NOT been practiced by Winnicke, PAK. But what makes you think Riecken won’t be worse? Case in point. Groundbreaking today for Med School that will cost $60.000,000 (+interest) solely because Winnicke insisted it be downtown. Riecken agrees. She also criticizes the hotel project, not because the city is spending $20,000,000 but because it’s not big enough. Too small so it’s a blight on downtown. Doesn’t that also make the Med School, sans the Ivy Tech portion, a blight on downtown?
        Anyway, my comment about fiscal responsibility was meant as a dig at dems who have demonized the “Tea Party” as a bunch of kooks since their inception, and are now pretending to embrace the sole reason for the “Tea Party’s” inception: government fiscal irresponsibility.

        • Rieken didn’t go against the hotel until the contracts were signed and construction started. She is no different than Winneke. Those that think d he will create a huge change in city finances and operations are either in denial, or partisan hacks who lack any integrity.

  6. I’m so glad that I didn’t waste my time watching the debate.
    First off, jack Schriber is yesterday’s news. Jack Schriber is irrelevant in a forum where the issues that face the tax payers (crumbling infrastructure, taxes, crime, lower middle class standard of living, etc).
    Second, I have better things to do with my time than watch & listen to the scripted bulls#!t that these candidates are spewing.
    I already know who I’m voting against.

  7. How about that? The co-founder of Apple Computer running for Mayor of Evansville.

    • The Woz is the only real candidate for change. If you are happy with the way things are in this town vote for Gail or Loyde. They will both keep this town running as it has been.

  8. A vote for Schiber will put Wayne Park on the city counsel, making Weaver the second most disgusting member ever to “serve” on the desk. Strait ticket votes need to be eliminated, if you are that un-educated and lazy, stay home.

    • God forbid, weaver is a pig, and the old fat bas—- is as bad. People there, don’t let this happen. Its the 21st century, you can do better.

      • You claim to be from Europe, why pray tell, do you have any interest in a small regional election? You tend to remind me of other posters with imaginary friends. I remember your post regarding your alleged encounter with the Weave, and although you found him to be creepy, he doesn’t have anything to do with your government. As an enlightened european, where are you from, and who is involved in your government? I don’t know or care about the Weave, but I am certainly curious about your motives. Especially considering the corruption that runs rampant in European politics.

  9. I understand that each journalist had orders from their perspective newsroom to ask a Schriber-related question, but there should have been a contingency for the journalist to skip the question if the topic had already been discussed for 10 minutes. There’s more important issues for Evansville than the sick story of Schriber.

    • It’s now not so much the story of Schriber preying on his students, it’s the coverup. The focus of the coverup is our truth-challenged failed mayor. Once again Winnecke has proven he considers it unnecessary to be truthful with the voters and that he feels he is immune from the old political truism that it’s the coverup that does you in, not the original problem.

      To believe your first sentence one would have to believe each journalist at the debate (5 or 6?) was ordered to ask about Winnecke’s coverup and they all thought you’d be a good person to tell about it. I’m having trouble believing it.

      I can understand you and other Winneckettes wanting it to go away. It’s not going to. Winnecke is in this up to those teeth.

      • Journalists? There were journalists at the debate? I just thought they were hacks from the local talking-head info-entertainment TV stations and interns from the local birdcage liner manufacturer.

    • I agree. A third of the debate was wasted and the format was absurd for the rest of the time. Examples- Gail Riecken, you have 60 seconds to tell us how you would balance the books for the City. Lloyd Winnecke, you have 30 seconds to address why people should trust you now. Steve Wozniak, you have an indefinite period of time to tell us why you are running but you can’t say “children,” “Google” or “City of Evansville.” Very frustrating event. They should have just had a cage match.

  10. I can see it all clearly now. The mayor is re-elected, Mosby becomes council president and Weaver becomes finance chairman. That should keep you awake at night.

  11. Very sad to see the debate kick off with Brad Byrd’s horribly irrelevant question which allowed the debate to death spiral over a non-issue for too long. The situation with respect to the sickening Schriber behavior is a shame and I sympathize with his victim(s). However, it distracted from what could have been a chance for the city’s residents to gain facts on how the city is to move forward and tackle many of the obstacles ahead but instead turned into a “Springer-like” debacle. I truly expected Brad to then ask Gail how she could justify holding up in IL instead of holding to her elected duties and if she has a hotel booked in case she’s elected mayor and things don’t always go as planned but it seems he only wanted to attempt to inflict damage to the current Mayor.

    • If you find out let me know so I can remove that lying old hags mug from my computer.

  12. When will the nude pictures of Weaver that are floating around the internet be made public? Will the local media have the guts to bring them to light. Half of of the future city council will be made up of sexual deviates.

  13. What is amazing about the primary is that every veteran that ran but 1 were defeated and they ran as veterans. The voters in Evansville do not even respect the people who have sacrificed themselves to protect our country. As a veteran I find this more disturbing then the fact they vote for people who are known to have a history of abuse to women, questionable sexual habits and have attacked their own party for self gain. Thanks to the voters of Evansville for allowing these self serving sexual perverts to succeed and at the same time causing good, honest hard working veterans to be defeated. You get what you deserve, corrupt ineffective government. When you complain and look for someone to blame, look in the mirror you either voted for the people who are in power or you stayed at home because you were too busy to vote or it doesn’t matter my vote wouldn’t change anything. How sad.

    • Fed up:

      The problem is that as you expand voter enfranchisement you will be including more and more uninformed voters. That is a very clear and straightforward fact. How you go about informing these new voters about issues in an unbiased way is not so clear in today’s world.

      So those who push for more enfranchisement, without including a component whereby these new voters can be educated in a responsible way about the issues on which they will be voting, are not doing the country a service.

      We ignore these facts at our own peril.

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