IS IT TRUE October 23, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE October 23, 2012

IS IT TRUE that the CCO article on “most accurate polls” is linked to by political websites all over the world?…this article is now the most read article ever on the CCO by a factor of 2 and climbing?…that it took the CCO 3 months to get hits from every state in the union back in 2010 when we started counting?…that is happening before lunch on a regular basis nowadays with the top locations of readers outside of Evansville being Washington, New York, and California?…this one article will have more hits in October than the entire CCO had in October of 2010?…we are eager to see what the next 2 weeks brings in terms of traffic?

IS IT TRUE the Gallup Poll taken during October 15th and 16th is crystal clear with respect to the most important things that people are most concerned about and what the issues are that will dominate their choice on whom to vote for?…that in order of importance those polled ranked the economy first at 37%, unemployment second at 26%, and the federal budget deficit 3rd at 12%?…these three issues that are causing most Americans discomfort all have to do with prosperity and financial management and add up to 75% of the electorate’s areas of concern?…no other topic even commands double figures?…that when it comes to foreign policy that was the subject of last night’s debate only 4% indicated a concern for foreign aid being handed out which is very much about a trashed out economy at home and 3% are concerned with the war in Afghanistan?…that given these concerns it is hard to see how last night’s debate however entertaining it may be should make little difference in what happens on November 6th?…that men and women who seem to have a difference in presidential preference substantially agree on the issues of importance?

IS IT TRUE that the fact checkers for last night’s debate came out swinging at both sides right after the two candidates for President left the stage?…that both candidates however stately they may have looked and sounded are credited with some real whoppers about each other last night?…both polls and focus groups seemed to indicate that the President won the debate on technical merit but that they cared little about the subject matter?…the subject matter that Gallup and other polls are finding that people care about is the future of the US economy?…that with 75% plus of those asked voting on the economy and with 65% of those giving Romney kudos on the economy one would expect that Mitt Romney is headed to the White House in the absence of something pretty heinous coming out?…65% of 75% is 49% and that if 49% of the electorate are hardened for Romney at this stage of the game it is inevitable that he will end up with at least 51% of the popular vote?…that given this situation and the strategic importance of Ohio that this election will come down to the President’s charisma in the State of Ohio?…one of the fact check items in Romney’s favor from last night’s debate was his version of what his op-ed in the Wall Street Journal actually said he would do about General Motors?

IS IT TRUE if Romney gets that across in Ohio he will be President?…one striking thing that came out at the end of the debate is that both candidates still seem to think that their MOJO at home translates into MOJO abroad?…one has to wonder if they see or listen to the mobs in the street ripping up and biting into American flags like Orcs ready to attack Helm’s Deep as potential adoring fans?…in the Middle East which has been a hot spot for generations America is not liked, is not going to be liked, and the sooner our leaders get that through their heads the better?

IS IT TRUE that all politics is local and that last night Evansville’s City Council was told that the Ford Center’s financial loss in its first full year of operation is projected to be $300,000, and that next year’s expected loss is $341,000?…the CCO has sounded the alarm on this reality for roughly a year now and have been scoffed at for doing so?…these numbers are so close to the shortfall in Riverboat money that it is eerie?…that $3.4 Million of the notes on the Ford Center will be paid from Riverboat money that could have been used for public safety or critical infrastructure?..there is nothing critical about temples to sport?…we are pleased to report that three members of the Evansville City Council (Riley, Adams, & Lindsey) had the presence of mind to vote NO on a budget that does not start from a reconciled set of books?…if the MIPS software is humming along now as stated at the last council meeting that should only delay the reconciliation by a few weeks?

IS IT TRUE we watched the final stages of City of Evansville budget hearings on WINN this evening? …we were extremely impressed with City Council Budget Chairman John Friend, CPA on how he conducted himself throughout this entire budget hearing process? …we were also extremely unimpressed with the presentation of the Evansville Fire Chief’s arguments concerning his requests for increases in his 2013 budget? …that he showed disrespect towards City Councilmen Al Lindsey, John Friend and Dr. Dan Adams during the televised hearing? …we also found it disrespectable that the Fire Chief was chewing gum while he was in front of City Council when he was defending his budget and answering questions from City Council members? …we bet he didn’t act this way when he addressed his Commanding Officer when he honorably served on a United States Navy “Nuclear Submarine” in years past?


  1. Who were the three members of the Evansville City Council that voted NO on the budget that does not start from a reconciled set of books?

  2. Finance chair Friend impressed me all to heck. He admits he didn’t know the books had not been reconciled while he conducted two years worth of budget hearings. Furthermore, he’s pushed to hire a friend to be oversite for the council reporting back to council about the finances of the City of Evansville. It is his job has finance chair and the council’s job as the financial branch of government for the city to be oversite on the city’s money. I’m sure alot of us would like to be able to hire somebody to do our jobs for us and all we had to do was to cash our paychecks. I quote from councilman friend during last nights city council meeting “when it’s tax time from January thru April, I don’t know which end is up”. It’s fairly obvious to me that councilman friend hadn’t known which end was up for the last 18 months.

    • Agreed. I’d like to have someone pay for someone else to do my job and still cash a paycheck! Nice post!

    • ….I’m sure alot of us would like to be able to hire somebody to do our jobs for us and all we had to do was to cash our paychecks……

      It is obvious that is what Rick Davis has done. He has built his Treasurer Office staff level to the point where he does not show up to work. But that seems to be OK with some people.

      • This is so funny. Rick Davis is around WAY more than most elected officials and department heads.

        There is no statutory requirement (local ordinance or state law) regarding the attendance of elected officials.

        If the office is running efficiently, effectively and to the benefit of the taxpayer then the elected official has more than fulfilled their obligations.

      • I encourage you to go to the Civic Center about 7:30am or 8am and sit and watch. You will see groups of Employees walking in together over and over again EVERY SINGLE DAY, only one swipes their card and everybody walks in on that one swipe. Do you really believe that each employee swipes their card, walks in, closes the door, then the next one does the same thing and then the next and so on? Maybe you do!

        • I can not tell you how many times I have been going through security down there and observed department heads wearing their cards walk right into the building. The security staff know these people on sight, and unless security has a policy of randomly stopping these people to see if they are complying building security regulations I see no problem.


          • Department heads, elected officials, and civic center employees all have badges they must swipe to pass thru the security turnstiles. One cannot just walk thru the manned security gates without swiping their card.

            The loading dock door also requires a card swipe to enter, but since it is not manned by security guards, sometimes one swipe lets in more than one person.

          • S2B

            If they do not go through the same line as the rest of us at the front door, and the times I am referring to they did not, where exectly is their card swipe reader for the front door?


          • Press, to the left of the security screen pass-thru there is a turnstile at both the front door and the courtyard door. The turnstiles have a card reader that releases the turnstile when the card holder passes the card over the reader. Then the person’s photograph appears on a screen for the security guard to view. I assume the card swipe is recorded same as when a card is swiped at the back door from the loading dock.

            Also, only certain persons have cards that grant access via the loading dock door, the courthouse door from the judges parking lot, and the south door facing The Centre thru which only certain judicial personnel may enter.

            When the cards were issued, each card holder was instructed on the authorized use of the swipe cards. I’m not going to go into that, as I think the security staff should answer those questions.

          • Correction: the turnstiles for the “special people” are to the RIGHT of the public security screening pass-thru at the front and courtyard doors.

        • The bottom line on this is assuming Mr. Parke’s numbers are correct, he is absolutely right. Mr. Davis is showing up consistently late and either A) deserves a pay cut to his salary or a massive department budget cut to ensure the Treasurer can’t just farm out his or her job, or B) the security at the Civic Center is extremely lax and needs an overhaul or review.

  3. Wow, unanimous vote by the Council to ratify the Cops contract, but, the three who voted for the contract, now, votes no to FUND it???….and, they are so concerns about the health of the firefighter, and lobby to get the Extractors & Dryers in every fire house, but, vote no to fund their safety??? On the record, they vote to knock down Roberts, then, no to fund their position???? Not sure, but, if any city does not pass a budget by Nov 1st, doesn’t the state local govt agency force that particular city to revert back to the previous year’s budget???….guess the Cops will have to sue the City if they want their bargained pay increases! Is this exactly why our national govt is what it is, no compromising, just my way of the highway???

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