IS IT TRUE October 22, 2024


We hope today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that this community’s responsible citizens need to address rationally and responsibly.

City-County Observer Comment Policy: Be kind to people. No personal attacks or harassment will be tolerated and will be removed from our site.

We understand that sometimes people don’t always agree, and discussions may become a little heated. Using offensive language and insults against commenters will not be tolerated and will result in removal from our site.

IS IT TRUE that the City-County Observer is your home-owned, homegrown community newspaper? …that the City-County Observer is preparing for an announcement of positive proportions soon?

IS IT TRUE that Vanderburgh County residents are embracing early voting? …that the waiting line at some polls has been reported to be a one-hour wait?

IS IT TRUE that after the CCO pointed out deplorable conditions in the Evansville City Animal Control Center, a city crew has been at work addressing the issues? …that a few champions like Mark Albini and Missy Mosby have been speaking out on behalf of the animals at the shelter? …that the problem for Animal Control is that they need to go beyond a fresh coat of paint and cleaned drains. …that the solution that humans have for the overpopulation of animals and limited space in shelters is to kill them. …that, while several excellent no-kill shelters are in the area, we sadly still kill unwanted dogs and cats at Evansville City Animal Control Center.

IS IT TRUE that in the proposed 2025 city budget, Mayor Stephanie Terry has carved an increase in funding for Animal Control? …that the pet-loving city council member from the second ward may introduce a creative and practical budget amendment that would provide further support for Animal Control? …that we can do better for the animals? …that the real responsibility for the overpopulation of pets is owners who do not spay or neuter their pets? …that we could save more pet lives by visiting a shelter to adopt and foster dogs and cats?

IS IT TRUE that last week, Ronald McDonald House charities celebrated the 50th anniversary of the founding of the national charity? …that the local Ronald McDonald House held an open house to celebrate? … that about 30 E-REP employees showed their support by attending the Ronald McDonald House event?

IS IT TRUE that, when it comes to driving directions, we may all be using the phrase,  “You can’t get there from here?” …that some streets have been closed multiple times this year? …that all of the bricks on Bob Jones Way (Walnut) near the medical school are being removed to pour concrete for a base to stabilize the bricks? …that engineers attempted a “green approach” to allow water from heavy rains to seep between the bricks with no provision for the bricks settling and creating ruts? …that our tax dollars paid for this failed green experiment?



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