IS IT TRUE that the Courier and Press reports that Mayor Lloyd Winnecke knew about a sexual misconduct with a minor investigation of a City Council candidate sometime between the investigation started in July to the closure of the case on Tuesday?  …if the Mayor knew about this investigation back in  July then why did he activity campaign for Mr. Schriber to be elected to City Council during the months of August, September and October?

IS IT TRUE when the  Courier & Press pressed the Mayor for details on how and when he learned of the investigation of Jack  Schriber,  Mayor Winnecke referred any further comments  to a prepared statement from his campaign manager?   …we must say for the first time in years the COURIER AND PRESS is finally showing us that they have the ability to do real investigative journalism?  …we hope the Courier and Press will also turn its investigation towards  finding out what the EPD Chief of Police Billy Bolin knew about this issue starting in July?  …we also would like to know when EPD Chief Bolin told the Mayor about the investigation ?

IS IT TRUE it looks like Mayor Winnecke is facing the biggest political scandal of his entire political career?  …we predict that this issue shall be bigger than the “HOMESTEAD TAX CREDIT” coverup from years back?.

IS IT TRUE we recently read questions that the Courier and Press asked City Council candidates and found one of  Jonathan Weavers answers extremely interesting?  …the question was; “How can city officials work better together”?  …Jonathan Weaver answer was to “get a Council that is not self serving and political bullies”?  …if the voters heed Mr. Weavers suggestion than he won’t be re-elected?

IS IT TRUE earlier this week Evansville Police Chief Billy Bolin competed in a donut hole eating contest at Tuesday’s “Coffee with a Cop” event at Donut Bank? …ever time we turn around he’s always doing a “feel good” public relations stunt in order to enhance his popularity with the masses? …it’s time for Chief Bolin to start becoming a daily in your face crime fighter that he was appointed to do? …just in case he needs to be reminded we do have a major Crystal Meth problem in Evansville proper that needs his full time attention?

IS IT TRUE that this years “Outstanding Community Services Award” luncheon at Tropicana-Evansville is completely sold out? …this event officially starts at 12 noon on October 26, 2015? … this means that the last six (6) “Outstanding Community Services Award” events were a sellout?

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  1. Since the local newspaper seems in the mood to do some investigations maybe they could shed some light on the circumstances that precipitated the exit of EVSC’s former chief-of-staff RM.

  2. I’m not certain that I agree about Bolin needing to devote his time to police work. When he does that, things like the Milan raid seem to take place. We can’t afford another suit. On the other hand, keeping Bolin’s mouth full of donuts so he say the wrong thing – the truth – in the Schriber case was probably a good idea. At least he wasn’t in Florida.

    If we had a competent Chief of Police, I would be in full agreement with CCO about him working instead of doing PR. We don’t and we won’t unless we elect Gail. Winnecke never likes to admit he was wrong about anything or anyone.

  3. You are presumed innocent until you are convicted. It was a sex crime investigation. Victims of these crimes are protected by law. Even if the Mayor knew about the investigation he would be right to keep quiet about the investigation to protect the victim.
    The case was closed when the Prosecutor office determined that the offense had passed the statue of limitations

    • He still could and should have privately asked Schriber to withdraw his candidacy. Clearly, Schriber knew there was an investigation. He had confessed. All Schriber would have needed to do is announce that due to his health he was withdrawing from the race. Nobody said nor implied that the Mayor should have “gone public” before the investigation was done.

  4. I don’t know if it’s funny or sad to see republicans coming out of the woodwork to defend child molestation. The same thing happened with that Dugger pervert.

  5. What Republicans are defending child molestation? I’m certainly not. I’ve not seen that.

  6. …if the Mayor knew about this investigation back in July then why did he activity campaign for Mr. Schriber to be elected to City Council during the months of August, September and October?

    Lloyd Winnecke: Endorsed by FOP (Full Of POOP)!
    Jack Schriber: Endorsed by NAMBLA!

    IS IT TRUE earlier this week Evansville Police Chief Billy Bolin competed in a donut hole eating contest at Tuesday’s “Coffee with a Cop” event at Donut Bank? …

    Billy Bolin: Donut HO!

  7. Our mayor says that he had to be quiet to protect the investigation. IF HE WAS NOT A PART OF, OR INVOLVED IN THE INVESTIGATION, WHY WAS HE INFORMED AT ALL !!

    • That is an interesting question. I am sure he is not “informed” about every investigation that is ongoing.

  8. South Florida has attracted lots of inovsters from South America, China, India and South Korea. I believe we have a few more years of weakness because of unemployment. If only we could fire Congress and get new people in there. A concerned realtor.

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