IS IT TRUE October 22, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE October 22, 2012

IS IT TRUE that we are amazed to hear that the Evansville Fire Chief is planning to remodel an office space located in the administration building so he could relocate the Assistant Chief’s office for a mere $35,000?…that Chief Connelly’s reason for spending this large amount of taxpayer dollars is to 1) Improve security/efficiency and 2) Allow more storage space for Quartermaster system and staff?…this comes on the heels of learning that if consolidation should pass that there is a plan to do roughly a $1 Million remodel to assure that a combined council of 15 members has a place to do business as no such place currently exists in the Civic Center?

IS IT TRUE that it seems like Fire Chief Connelly would like to spend $35,000 to provide the Assistant Fire chief with a “plush office” instead of purchasing much needed washers and extractors to put in every fire house so reduce the threat of our fire fighters getting cancer from chemicals on fire fighter clothing? …that the CCO totally agrees with City Councilmen Adams and McGinn that the Washers and Extractors should be included in this year’s budget?

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville taxpayer are paying 2 people $160,000 a year to make sure take the scoreboards and message center at the Ford Center works?..that the Ford Center pays 2 firemen $30 per hour to do a fire watch during events?…that the Evansville Zoo lost $3.2 millions of dollars in 2012?…that City Controller Russ Lloyd Jr. estimates that the Zoo will lose $3.4 million of dollars in 2014?

IS IT TRUE that Mayor Winnecke was looking into increasing city benefits for “partners/significant others” but decided he didn’t have time to see if the city can afford to add it to this year’s budget?…he promised to address it in the 2014 budget?…that the Mayor gave a speech at” PFLAG Candidate” night in 2011 that he would look into extending city benefits to “partners/significant others”?

IS IT TRUE that it was reported last year in the Wall Street Journal that 105 referendums were held in the United States between 1902 and 2010 to consider proposals to consolidate cities and counties?… only 27 of these proposals were approved by voters?… Evansville, Indiana and Vanderburgh County, Indiana are set to vote on consolidation on November 6, 2012? This is the fourth time since 1959 that this issue has been brought up including discussions in 1974 and 2002?…that some are saying that consolidation will bring local governance “into the 21st Century”?…that seems a bit melodramatic as it was the 20th Century when centralized planning on a national level came crashing down with the failure of the USSR?…that the fact remains that few places have consolidated and that a darn small number of them can point to tangible improvements?…the CCO will be putting together a printed pre-election PAPER as opposed to our daily online publications?…that we would like to solicit scholarly articles of up to 1,000 words from local people who wish to share their thoughts on this most important referendum?

IS IT TRUE the Columbus Dispatch of the capital of the uber-swing-state Ohio has endorsed Republican Governor Mitt Romney for President of the United States?…this endorsement was made the day before the third and last presidential debate?…the whole premise behind the endorsement has to do with the perceived abilities to “lead the nation out of economic malaise” better than President Obama has demonstrated in his four years on the job?…the entire text of the editorial is on the following link and is as strong in its assessments of the President’s record on the economy as the CCO has been on the Weinzapfel Administration’s bumbling over the downtown hotel, the McCurdy and enough GATES to lock down the city?…given the location of Columbus and the significance of Ohio in the election, this cannot be good news for President Obama?


  1. The only referendum that has a snowball’s chance in Hell of passing is one that is an iron-clad guarantee that the size of local government will become smaller, not larger. Obviously the proposal on the ballot next month makes local government bigger, not smaller. Thus it stands no chance of passing.

  2. Did all the candidates who hold a public office get hall passes from Timekeeper Parke before attending the Central High School candidates forum this morning?

  3. Bloomburg tv had liner notes on the ticker-tape about San Bernadeno’ financial cover-up of switching money from different accounts to hide their inevitable bankruptcy. Feds are ON it, when they’re done fly’em into E’ville and suppeona JW, LW, JC,& RLjr.

  4. Has anybody heard that Marsha Abell step son also hired Russ Lloyd,Jr. wife to work for him at the Vanderburgh County Soil and Conservation District office? If so, we now have two family members of an elected and appointed officials now working in politically appointed positions.

    Another reason not to merge city and county governments—political patronage at best.

  5. “Follow the Money”,
    in the world today it is closely tied, and intertwined, with “Power”. Necessary for control of government by the citizens, the Checks and Balances of Power spliting, tho it maybe unwieldy at times, serves/saves, the everyday person from, as in this case, “KING KONG”, AKA , “the Mayor” or just “KING”. Vote NO.

  6. Hey Mr. Editor, you forgot to tell your readers that Obama got 2 out of the 3 newspaper endorsement yesterday. Lets start sharing all the facts.

    Ohio newspapers ink their 2012 presidential picks

    In the final two weeks before Election Day, the presidential race is coming down to just a few states–with Ohio as perhaps the most contested battleground.

    For Mitt Romney, the Buckeye State may be even more crucial, as no Republican has ever won the White House without carrying Ohio.

    A number of newspapers in the state published their endorsements within the last week – two siding with President Obama and the other with Romney. The largest paper, The Cleveland Plain Dealer, rolled out support for Obama.

  7. Slightly off topic but I would like to thank the CCO for helping get the word out about the Gresham House which has now been repaired and is on its way to becoming a home for veterans.

  8. Point of order. three Loyds (Judge Maggie and Russ, Jr. and his wife) are now on the public payroll.

    What users of tax payers money.

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