IS IT TRUE? October 22, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? October 22, 2011

IS IT TRUE that yesterday’s release of the campaign finance reports by the two candidates for Mayor of Evansville certainly touched off a rising tide of speculation and spin among our readers?…that all of that aside that we would like to congratulate both of the campaigns on timely and accurate disclosure documents that are easy to read with no glaring questions that are left unanswered?…that we would especially commend the Winnecke campaign for self publishing the finance report and sending the announcements and links to everyone on their email list just after midnight on the due date?…that this is a case of blatant transparency which has been needed for a long long time?

IS IT TRUE that the rumor mill has been spinning all week about the anticipation that the Indiana State Democratic Party will be making a substantial financial commitment to the Davis campaign for the final two weeks of this election cycle?…that we have been told by moles and others that the amount will be in a range of $40,000 to $100,000?…that Rick Davis himself has been quoted as stating that an announcement will be made on Monday?…that the combination of all of the rumblings within the Mole Nation, insider speculation in both campaigns, and a forthcoming announcement do point very strongly that some cash infusion from the State Democratic Party is about to feed the fury of the final two weeks?…that we shall be awaiting Monday’s announcement?

IS IT TRUE that a couple of weeks ago Evansville Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel who is sitting on $700,000 plus in his “Weinzapfel for Mayor” campaign fund sent an email blast to Democrats across the State of Indiana?…that Mayor Weinzapfel’s email blast encouraged the Democrats of the State of Indiana to dig deep into their pockets and make contributions so that DEMOCRATS CAN KEEP THE CONTROL OF THE MAYORAL OFFICES STATEWIDE?…that maybe some of the Democrats took Mayor Weinzapfel’s advice and sent in some contributions to try to keep the Office of Mayor of Evansville in Democratic hands?…that as Mayor Weinzapfel’s name did not appear on the donor list to the Davis campaign that he should be quite surprised if he turns out to be the biggest statewide fundraiser for Mr. Davis through his little showboating email blast?…that of all of the unintended consequences that we hear about nowadays this one has to be an instant classic?

IS IT TRUE that there are also rumblings of a very well produced negative ad that will be coming with whatever cash the Indiana Democratic Party endows the Davis campaign with?…that we are going out on a limb here and speculating that such an ad will pay at least some attention to secret meetings about the Homestead Tax Credit?…that we hear that this ad has been in the making for some time by would-be opponents of Mayor Weinzapfel had he chosen to run for Governor of Indiana in 2012?…that only the name in the narrative needed to be changed in this negative commercial which would have worked quite effectively against a resurrected Team Weinzapfel?

IS IT TRUE that by now most of the people of Evansville seem to understand exactly what went on in that secret meeting but a repeated message may inspire Republican candidate Lloyd Winnecke to take that final step that he has come so close to and just come out and say “Mayor Weinzapfel did it”?…this last little twist if nothing else will be a complete repudiation by the Indiana Democratic Party for the petty infighting and die hard machine politics that the Vanderburgh County Democratic Central Committee has been so blatant about playing out in the streets, on floats, with spousal contributions, and silent fundraisers during the 2011 City of Evansville election cycle?


  1. This article, while parts are true and parts are not true, barely scrapes the surface. In fact, it’s like the foamy scum on top of a simmering pot of stew. The meat and other hot parts are still boiling below the surface.

      • I thought the mission at CCO was to NOT sit on information the readership wants to know.

    • Just a hunch, but maybe it’s Weinzapfel, Owen, and their minions who are boiling.

      Is it true that Owen and crew in fact tried – repeatedly – to put a STOP to the IDP stepping up and supporting Team Davis? Why yes, yes, it is!

      Quick show of hands: who’s surprised?

  2. If true, this disloyalty to highest level to advocate support for all Democratic candidates for mayor, except the one in Evansville who refused to be owned by machine. Darn near subversive.

    • You got dat right Biden. This mayor Weinzapful is nothing but a self serving two faced hypocrit. If it was the 1700’s there would be some tar and feathers ready for his sorry butt before being run out of town.

      • Why is the Demo machine and Chairman Owen against their own candidate and some Demos like Ms. Robinson and Ms. Mosby openly supporting his opponent? Have they cut a deal with Mr. Davis opponent?

        • Easy….because Davis represents CHANGE that they don’t want to see happen! as to your second question it would look like yes is the answer but it’s deeper than that and has more to do with keeping the existing power structure and skeletons buried.


    • So instead the state machine sends $40,000 from Indy to fill the political control vacuum. What will be the result? What pressure will the state party apply and what payback will Davis makes?

      • The REAL democrats are here to show veracity and his other machine operatives the door. Don”t let it hit ya where the good lord spilt ya!!

  3. any wonder why almost no democrat officeholders nor ward leaders support Davis. Have you ever considered that those who have workedcwith him cliosesf know him best and know how very bad he would be as mayor.

    • Did it occur to you that the newcomers saw first hand what happens when you don’t follow the party “rules” & decided to play by them. That those party hard liners don’t like losing their grip on control & are fleeing to the ship that will harbor them? It’s time for a leader that reps all of us. One who will stand up for the taxpayers. One who will speak out over something wrong. It’s time for Rick Davis to take the helm and represent us all.

    • We don’t wonder at all, because we’ve known all along how this works. The ones behind the “machine,” current office holders, etc., are the ones who just simply do (oh yeah, and vote) what they’re told. Sad, really.

      Exhibit A – tonight – is Connie Robinson. Just following orders. Oh, Connie… if only you were as important as you think you are. No one cares who you endorse, because we all see right through it. You need to keep your sweet deals with the city, huh?

      • So Connie will take the tank? She’s only interested in herself. Guess those Republican crumbs are better than none.

      • Saw that bull on the CP website. If Winnecke is a Rino then Mrs. Robinson is a Dino. Wonder if old Connie is gonna get a deal to supply the arena with cups and toilet paper at exorbitant prices like she has at the boat? If she traded an endorsement for a deal at the arena then that is just horrible. How can you be on council and do this stuff. This sounds like the kind of crap that happened in the deep south 30 years ago.

        • I’d bet ya dollars to doughnuts that another deal is in the works.

          What’s she gonna do when Rick wins?

          • You are probably right. Not sure, bit most probable. As I said, crumbs. I always heard, “When the ship is sinking the rats will flee.”

        • This is the official song of the City of Evansville for the way this place has been run for 50 years. How does Evansville, Mississippi sound.

          Reverend Wright’s choice of songs offended some people so we had to remove it.

  4. It sure is fun to watch the Vanderburgh County Democratic Party rip itself into shreds. It’s also complicated: So now Whiney-Boy is going to make a last-minute effort to get Davis elected? I thought Whiney was supporting Winnecke-at least that’s what all of Davis’s buddies have been telling us.

    For God’s sake, Democrats, please make chaos business as usual in everything you do. The citizens of Vanderburgh County have been the victim of one-party control for ‘way too long. It’s time for strong, sustainable two party politics in Southwest Indiana, and if it turns out that we have three parties (two of them composed of Democrats), then so be it.

    Personally, all I want is Whiney-Boy’s political career consigned to the dustbin of history.

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