IS IT TRUE October 21, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE October 21, 2012

IS IT TRUE that the Obama campaign has come up with another cute little word worthy of sitting alongside SNEGAL and that word is Romnesia, signifying forgetfulness of past positions as Republican Mitt Romney is regularly accused of?…that this is funny and has some ring of truth to it even for stauch supporters of Romney?…there should be another form of forgetfulness that is pretty much the same thing and it is spelled OBAMANESIA?…the definition of OBAMANESIA is the degree to which President Obama and his supporters are rationalizing away or forgetting the wide gap between what the President pledged to do in his 2008 campaign and what he actually did during his time in power?…the following three paragraphs identify some very clear performance metrics that come up very short of what candidate Obama campaigned on and what President Obama did?…what is good for Romnesia is also good for Obamanesia?…as some wise people have said in the past, we must NEVER FORGET and our prospective leaders should not be allowed to do so either?

IS IT TRUE between 2008 and 2011, federal welfare payments have jumped 32 percent, food stamps have surged, with 71 percent more spending on the program in 2011 compared with 2008 and health payments, principally Medicaid, have climbed 37 percent?… in fiscal year 2012, ending Sept. 30, the government spent nearly $11 for every $7 of revenues taken in?…the exact figures are $2.5 trillion in tax revenues and $3.5 trillion in spending, in other words, it spent 44 percent more than it had coming in?… the government under the Obama administration received $6.8 trillion in taxes and spent $10.7 trillion — 56 percent more than it had available?

IS IT TRUE that massive amounts of capital are being drained from the private sector and transferred to the government?… this is one reason why American businesses have gone on a virtual capital-investment strike?… small businesses, in particular, can’t get the capital being drained by Uncle Sam because banks and the Chinese have no incentive to loan money to small businesses with our own federal government loaning them money at ZERO PERCENT and borrowing it back at an average of 3%?… after four years of trillion-dollar deficits, both businesses and individuals have held back investment because they fear massive tax increases are on the way?… that’s a big reason why the so-called recovery has been so weak?

IS IT TRUE in our new entitlement nation, growing government dependency is ruining the very moral fiber and backbone of America’s traditional work ethic?… that increasingly, the feds are paying more to notwork, rather than providing after-tax incentives to go back to work?… Mitt Romney has taken a lot of flak for raising the issue of growing government dependency?…however inartfully he may have expressed his view, his basic story is correct that the sheer volume of spending going on in this country is bringing us ever closer to bankruptcy?… that it may be cynical but the explosion of people who are getting some kind of subsidy from the federal government lends credibility to the assertions of some people that the Obama campaign is trying to buy the election with this entitlement explosion?…the only real plan that we know for certain with respect to the next four years is that President Obama wants to raise taxes in order to spend more on government unions and entitlement programs?… this is not only redistribution, but it could be vote-buying, too?


  1. This is why I’m noting for Obama agin.

    Romney is my choice for president this time around because we need a business person to lead the country for the next 4 years.

  2. Why is the cost of living so high? Even though, the govt indicates otherwise? The President said that the reason that gas prices are so high is that the economy is booming and when he took office the reason gas prices were low, the bad economy. Well, who do we believe the “speeches” or our lying eyes! Well, when the federal reserve is printing money and buying US Bonds because we have a Congress that can’t stop spending, this is just another form of counter-fitting. It dilute your’s and my money, it is another form of tax on the poor and middle class. Look, those who are wealthy spend a proportionally less of their income on the essentials of life, while, the poor and middle class spend proportionally higher amounts of their income on the essentials. This administration has championed that there has not been any tax increases on the middle class, well, this is nitwittery, as G. Gordon would say. No different if prices remain stable and taxes were on the rise, but those taxes are on the middle class in the form of inflation. Twenty years ago, one oz of gold got ya 15 barrels of oil, today, that oz gets ya, 13 barrels of oil, so lack of production or do we have the printing press going? Go back to history, the 1920’s Germany, that nation was ordered to pay for World I costs with it’s Duch Mark’s and it did, by running the presses and we owe how much to China? We all know the outcome of Germany’s perils, the massive wave that hit the US in 1929 and gripped the world and altermately resulting in a world at war. So, in two week we have a choice, Obama or Ronmey? Whoever gets the job, will have to come to this reality, we can NOT spend ourselves into properity!

    • Copied my response ffrom a Facebook post minutes ago on this very same topic:

      Problem is…Romney doesn’t mention the word “inflation” unless he’s asked about it. He will do NOTHING about the Federal Reserve. Nothing. QE will continue under his Admin if he wins. Welcome to the Wiemar Republic if OPEC ever gets in bed with China like they are in bed with us.

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