IS IT TRUE? October 21, 2011 Special Evening Edition


Tasty Indulgence: Fit for a President?

IS IT TRUE? October 21, 2011

IS IT TRUE that one our readers has advised us that they sent a letter to Indiana State Senator Jim Tomes asking that he join in the sponsorship of the Vectren petition that Evansville City Councilman John Friend and Indiana State Representative Gail Riecken are circulating?…that the response that our reader received from Senator Tomes was that he was declining to do so until he had enough information to understand what is going on?

IS IT TRUE that the Steve Jobs the late founder of Apple Incorporated and one of the most prodigious creators of wealth and consumer products in recent history is reported to have advised President Barack Obama that he is on a path to becoming a one term president?…that it took five days for the two to even agree to meet?…that Mr. Jobs also advised the President that unless the teacher’s union is broken that any efforts to reform education will not succeed?…that he also gave the President a lecture on how the United States is not a business friendly nation and that the Obama Administration needs to be more business friendly?…that he also scolded the President for the United States being uncompetitive due to excessive regulation and unnecessary costs?…that even in choosing the meal that Mr. Jobs pronounced the proposed menu to be too opulent but was overruled by the White House because “the President loves chocolate truffles”?

IS IT TRUE, Mr. President that when Dr. Einstein offers advice on physics you should listen and when Steve Jobs offers advice on entrepreneurship and what the government needs to do to promote business that this is an area where he has a proven track record and you do not?…Mr. President that when a private citizen arranges for your dinner that good manners is to eat what is offered as opposed to asking for a personal indulgence?…that as personal indulgences go Mr. President that you could learn a thing or two from the aftermath of an Opus One party thrown with public dollars right here in Evansville, IN?

IS IT TRUE that if dollars were voting in the race to become Mayor of Evansville that the election could be called today?…that when the smoke cleared around the campaign fund disclosure forms that Republican Lloyd Winnecke has attracted about three times as many dollars as Democrat Rick Davis has?…that both campaigns have raised substantial sums of money and that it appears that the City of Evansville may be in for a MILLION DOLLAR CAMPAIGN?…that with the 2007 turnout that this campaign will be approaching $100 per winning vote at the rate things are going?…that is sort of astounding that two men can attract over $1 Million between them for a 4 year stint as Mayor that pays less than $100,000 per year?

IS IT TRUE that President Obama has announced that he will be proclaiming the end to the war in Iraq very soon and will begin the full withdrawal of American troops?…that this is good news for all of the brave fighting men and their families?…that the war per se may have been over for a while now as there has not been an organized army that we have been fighting for some time?…that for quite a while the United States has actually been in OCCUPY IRAQ mode and that we are equally thrilled that this occupation is about to end?…that now is the time to see if Iraq will be a better place and a better trade partner with the USA that it was before this war began?…that we wish the Iraqi people good fortune in pursuit of a life and system of liberty?


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