IS IT TRUE October 20, 2015


IS IT TRUE  we want to thank Vanderburgh County Prosecutor Nick Hermann for telling the truth that the number of total active Meth Labs in Vanderburgh County are down because Crystal Meth is now pouring into Vanderburgh County from outside sources like Mexico?  ...we are also pleased that EPD Public Relations Officers Jason Cullum has finally agreed with Mr. Hermann that there is a major increase of Crystal Meth in this community? …Mayor Winnecke’s re-election ad is still stating that the numbers of Meth Labs has been cut in half from 2013 to 2014 but fails to point out we are now facing a major increase of Crystal Meth activities in our region?  

IS IT TRUE we wonder why  the elite main stream media hasn’t called Mayor Winnecke’s hand for not addressing the Crystal Meth problems currently facing the City  of Evansville?

IS IT TRUE we recently reported on the use of on duty police officers and overtime officers working a fundraiser for a group not approved by the IRS called “Cops Connecting With Kids”? …questions are finally being raised as to the use of city taxpayer dollars to staff said fundraiser during the time of a major financial crisis?  …we acknowledge that helping disadvantage kids is a worthy endeavor but we wonder just how much taxpayer money has been spent over the last several years on the public relations activities sponsored by this group?

IS IT TRUE we want to thank “Cops Connecting With Kids”  for raising money to take disadvantaged kids to Disney World?  …we hope that the taxpayers won’t be responsible to pay for any public employee that decides to join the bus trip to Disney World?  …we expect any public employee going on this worthy trip will be volunteering their time because the City is experiencing a major financial crisis?

IS IT TRUE according to EPD documents, 2014 marked the lowest number of physical arrests since CALEA began monitoring in 2000?  …its time for Chief Bolin to take a break from his fundraising and political activities and return to his office and start leading the effort to fight crime because thats what he paid to do?

IS IT TRUE that Evansville’s neighborhoods 2016 paving, sidewalk and sewer repair budgets will be paying a tremendous price for building the Medical School and Convention Hotel Downtown that they will never recoup?  …that these additional infrastructure improvements costs have not been approved  by City Council as budgetary funded items?  … that these two projects are sucking up funding from every available budget resource like a vacuum cleaner sucks in dust balls?

IS IT TRUE that this years “Outstanding Community Services Award” luncheon at Tropicana-Evansville  has only one table left to sell and it shall be completely sold out? …this event officially starts at 12 noon on October 26, 2015? … the last five (5) events are a sellout?

Please take time and vote in today’s “Readers Poll”. Don’t miss reading today’s Feature articles because they are always an interesting read. Please scroll at the bottom of our paper so you can enjoy our creative political cartoons. Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without our permission


  1. Thanks CCO for standing up for the men and woman that proudly wear the uniform of the EPD. We are indeed tired of Chief Bolin’s fundraising activities because it takes us off our real mission. We also agree that the Chief should stop his constant political activities on behalf of the Mayor. I know for a fact that the Chief Bolin paid several officers time and half for working at the Bennett Motors event. He also took several officers form their assigned posts and re-assigned them to work the Bennett Motors event. Enough is enough. The Evansville Police Dept mission is to keep the citizens safe, not raise money! The fun and games should stop immediately!

  2. IS IT TRUE according to EPD documents, 2014 marked the lowest number of physical arrests since CALEA began monitoring in 2000? …its time for Chief Bolin to take a break from his fundraising and political activities and return to his office and start leading the effort to fight crime because thats what he paid to do?

    Did anyone ever stop to think that if Chief Bolin allowed the EPD officers to do their jobs in the best and most efficient ways, it would be harder for Whiney to push the bald-faced lie that crime is down in the city? It’s surprising that Jason Cullum told the truth and agreed with the Prosecutor, but am glad that he did.

    • Could it be the reason arrests are down is that officers do not want to be the next “Darren Wilson”. That instead of pursing criminals and people on warrants they are just responding to 911 calls.

  3. The Courier &Press has a picture up of Bolin and a radio guy having a donut hole eating contest at “Coffee With a Cop” this morning. I guess if Bolin’s mouth is full of donut holes, he can’t say anything that would embarrass the current administration.

  4. Breaking News: According to the C&P, Jack Schriber just admitted to a sexual relationship with a student while he was teaching. I doubt anyone is surprised, but I am glad to know it, rather than just suspect it. I do not believe a pedophile only offends once, though. I expect others will come out of the woodwork now. Schriber will not be prosecuted because the statute of limitations is up.

  5. Schriber, another “family values” republican, caught screwing underage boys. Where’s the cco story on this?

    • Yeah Bob, cause we all know that every single Lib and Democrat is an angel and has never committed a crime, or been involved in lying, abuse, murder, theft and any other sin. I will donate some cash to you to get a thinner brush, your’s paints way too broadly and makes you look pretty ignorant.

  6. “In 2011, Vanderburgh County law enforcement agencies seized 516 grams of crystal methamphetamine. In 2014, authorities seized 27,786 grams, an increase of more than 5000%, according to Prosecutor Nick Hermann. Made primarily in Mexico, Crystal meth is typically considered more pure than homegrown meth, typically manufactured using the ‘one pot method.'” — from the C&P.

    As noted in your article above, this is the real reason the number of meth labs has decreased in Evansville. Even the illicit drug manufacturing jobs are being outsourced!

  7. “In 2011, Vanderburgh County law enforcement agencies seized 516 grams of crystal methamphetamine. In 2014, authorities seized 27,786 grams, an increase of more than 5000%, according to Prosecutor Nick Hermann. Made primarily in Mexico, Crystal meth is typically considered more pure than homegrown meth, typically manufactured using the ‘one pot method.'”

    Sorry, this quote was from the Tristate Home Page not the C&P. 😖

  8. It’s been quite a day for the Winnecke team and breaking news. First, Jack Schriber confessed to what most of us had suspected or heard rumors about for years. He is, in fact, a sexual predator. Shortly afterward, the Mayor asked for Schriber to end his campaign. The Mayor is well aware that his teacher and mentor’s name cannot be taken off the ballot. Early voting has already started.
    Whiney-boy had made it plain to everyone that Schriber was his hand-picked candidate for City Council At Large, and that their friendship dated back to when he was Schriber’s star drama student at Central. I know full-well that Winnecke had heard the “open secret” that nearly everyone else had. Now, that the “secret” isn’t secret anymore, the Mayor is the first to turn on his “dear friend.”

    • Maybe that’s why, according to news accounts, the police heard about it on July 20 and we heard about it today. After early voting had started. Make no mistake about it, Winnecke isn’t clean on this. Doesn’t surprise me that the mayor tossed him right under the Greyhound though.

      • Such dirty politics in Evansville!! It makes one want to take that Greyhound to anywhere but here.

  9. What a scumbag. To bad someone doesn’t float that weaver crud’s pile of short comings as well. Disgusting, pigs. Hope your elective process roots them out Elkaybee, it’d be a step in the correct direction. Aren’t the Albion center and the Holly’s house walk in type facilities?
    The way the article was written that was a young boy that old pig violated, do you all not have some treatment retreat for the young male gay people there?

    • I’m betting a lot of dirty water is going to back up in Whiney’s boat. Schriber isn’t his only criminal buddy. I look for the people that have Weaver’s attempt at porn stardom to come forward, too. I’m guessing that the victim is seeking treatment, and that is why he went to Holly’s House.

  10. I’ve got a real brain-twister here. The Schriber admission to being a sexual predator has turned into a major crisis for the reelection of our current failed Mayor. The police became aware of the allegations against Winnie’s pal on July 20. That means this is no surprise to the Mayor, because I am sure that his hand-picked patronage pet, Billy Bolin clued him into this. Wayne Parke surely knew about it to.

    Whiney KNEW about this, but kept his friend and mentor on the ticket because Schriber figured to be a top vote-getter because of being a teacher for all of those years. He took his chances on this not coming out for his own selfish purposes, and today it all blew up in his face. He immediately turned on his old friend, also for selfish reasons. While his party is in crisis mode, the Mayor is bailing water and back-stabbing alone. Bolin is having a donut hole eating contest at Donut Bank, and the devil only knows where Wayne is. This may explain some of the Mayor’s “loyalty” to the incompetent Bolin. He needed Bolin to keep a lid on all of this.

    If I’m wrong on any of this, I call on the Mayor, the Chief, or Mr. Parke to reply on CCO

  11. This has been a day of real crisis for the Republican Party. I’ve got a real brain-twister here. Since the EPD knew about this by July 20, I’d bet that the Mayor did, too. He kept his friend and mentor on the ticket, though, because Schriber figured to be a big vote-getter, so the Mayor gambled that his hand-picked pet patronage worker, Billy Bolin would keep a lid on it until after the election. Bolin was off having a donut hole eating contest when the news broke. Some leader there! I wonder if this explains all of the “loyaly” Whiney has demonstrated to his pet. Wayne Parke surely knew about it too, but they left Lloyd to bail water and backstab alone. Sorry, but the “I’m shocked” routine doesn’t hold up here, Mr. Mayor. You kept Schriber for your own selfish purpose, so you are very little better than he is.

    If I’m wrong on this, I invite the Mayor, Bolin, or Parke to come to CCO and correct me.

  12. If arrests are down why is the Jail still overcrowded? Why are prisoners still sleeping on the floors and not in beds?

  13. I wonder what is EPD Chief Billy Bolin;s educational background? Someone told me he only has a GED and other person told me he has a high school diploma. Now I hear he was an honor student at USI with a Law Enforcement degree.

    I was also told that Chief Bolin served in the Marine Corp during Operation Desert Storm and was awarded the Purple Heart for Valor.

    I guess my question what qualifications (educational, military, police work background, life experiences) did Mr. Bolin have to be appointed the EPD Police Chief? Can anyone out there help find me answers?

    • The Purple Heart is awarded to servicemen and women who are injured or killed while serving on military duty. It is NOT specifically awarded for valor or meritorious service. Just FYI. I don’t know anything about Chief Bolin’s military service or lack thereof.

  14. I’m wondering if the “leak” came from the Prosecutor’s office instead of EPD. Hermann’s office was the last to have the file before the news broke. I suspect we should thank the Prosecutor for the truth in this case, too.

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