IS IT TRUE? October 17, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? October 17, 2011

IS IT TRUE that this morning the City County Observer would like to ask each of our readers to say a prayer or think positive thoughts for its owner Mr. Ron Cosby as he undergoes surgery to remove his gall bladder starting at 9 am?…that we thank you in advance for your good wishes?

IS IT TRUE that we are as surprised as any to learn that the recently dedicated Martin Luther King that cost American taxpayers $120 Million was made in China?…that the master sculpter of the King Memorial is also famous for two gigantic likenesses of Chairman Mao Tse-tung?…that some sourcing decisions just make ones head spin?…that we wonder with the cost to transport the 1,600 tons of granite from China to Washington DC would have made this more cost efficient to do in America with American granite?…that the love of task that would have been enjoyed and passed down for generations by American artisans is lost forever?…that the personalization of the next generation of Americans several of whom could have said “my grandpa or grandma worked on the King Memorial” is now lost forever?…that the statue looks good and meets all of the specifications but there is no specification that will ever capture that unification and pride that could have come from the shared labor of this national monument to have been “Made in America”?

IS IT TRUE that the new San Francisco to Oakland Bridge is also being made in China?…that the bridge will be made in Shanghai and shipped to the Bay Area in sections to be assembled from ship to pylon?…that this is another one of those lost pride of workmanship opportunities?…that living in the Bay Area for a while it is impossible not to run across someone even today that proudly states that “my grandparent worked on the Golden Gate Bridge”?…that we learned both of these facts when a reader sent us the article below from a British news outlet?…that US media has not really trumpeted these facts?

IS IT TRUE that tonight is another Evansville City Council meeting and in particular the meeting when the 2012 budget is up for approval?…that there are some people on council that are opposed to voting yes based on the fact that there is no contract in place for the firefighters?…that some others should be upset because of the supposedly “non-budgetable” status of the legal costs?…that Councilman Dan McGinn has been asking for this breakdown for what seems like a couple of years to no avail?…that Councilman John Friend, CPA has been stating recently that the electric bills for the City of Evansville have increased by 20% in the last year and as high as 47% in certain categories?…that last week the Evansville City Council punted the discussion over rates with Vectren until after the election?…that some members of the Mole Nation are telling us that Councilman Friend may be bringing up the October 24th date for the Vectren meeting again tonight in view of the fact that every member of the City Council was unaware that Vectren would be publishing a hearing on that increase for October 25th right after the Evansville City Council kicked the can down the road?…that we shall know tonight if the Evansville City Council knows or appreciates the fact that they got the wool pulled over their collective eyes on that one?…that we shall also know if the Evansville City Council cares enough about getting bamboozled to reverse last week’s decision on the invitation to Vectren to speak before council on the 24th?

IS IT TRUE that the disclosure statements for all of the candidates for office must be filed by Friday?…that we will secure these reports at our first opportunity to do so and will make them available online?…that seeing where each candidates money is coming from may just illuminate where their future allegiances will lie?


  1. Is it true that when those reports are released on Friday that we will see that Winnecke, just like his buddy Jonathon Weinzapfel, is bought and paid for by Vectren?

  2. It will be interesting to see who Team Weinzapfel’s self-titled “Mainstream Democrats” supported. Anyone want to take a guess whether it includes the Democratic candidate for Mayor?

  3. Ron Cosby, you have a lot of gall to donate an organ to scientific research. May the healing be quick, and the recovery celebration substantial.


  4. Dear Friends of CCO –

    “IS IT TRUE that the new San Francisco to Oakland Bridge is also being made in China?…that the bridge will be made in Shanghai and shipped to the Bay Area in sections to be assembled from ship to pylon?…that this is another one of those lost pride of workmanship opportunities?…”

    Having lived in the Bay Area for many years and making countless trips across the Golden Gate and San Francisco-Oakland Bridge, brings back many fond memories.

    And thanks for reminding us that ‘Made In America’ and ‘Made in Evansville’ are really important words to utter and are and special phrases to local folks. We have seen many great industries come to Evansville in the past. Our manufacturing was among the best anywhere.

    The San Francisco-Oakland Bridge built overseas? Where are you union steel workers on this one? Why aren’t you hollering about this? You already know that American made steel trumps Chinese steel in quality. Why don’t you insist that your union can get this job done using American products and American union steel workers? We are waiting to hear from you.

    Go Evansville !! We are rooting for you to make your manufacturing come-back and regain your rightful place in the manufacturing industry.

    Alan Leibundguth
    Republican Candidate, City Council, Ward 3

    • It’s time that a law be passed that requires projects that use Federal funds to require American products and labor unless sufficient justification and additional approval from Congress/President is granted. Basically the only satisfactory justification should be that no US source can be found. Saving money should not be a factor as this just costs US jobs and tax revenue.

    • As a City Counsel representative what will you do to help Evansville regain its manufacturing industry? You ask where the unions are and why they aren’t standing up. Is that meant to be sarcasm? Am I correct in saying that you support “right to work”? You can’t blast the union for not standing up for itself without telling us what you would do differently. Not if you want to represent us anyway. “Go Evansville! WE are rooting for you…”. If you hadn’t signed your name I would have assumed that you were an outsider playing cheerleader. All due respect, if you want to be a coach then please give us a game plan.

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