“IS IT TRUE” November 23, 2020

We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?
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IS IT TRUE that over the last 10 years the City-County Observer has addressed the gap in the value of buildings in downtown Evansville and the cost to refurbish or establish new office space?…the building that the CCO has treated as the poster child for never having a chance at being refurbished is the former Old National Bank building at 420 Main Street?…after 20 years of irrational hope for a white knight to come along and squander $25 million to bring the old building up to modern standards, the realization of value has finally happened?…the so-called 420 building is going to be demolished to make a place for a newer but shorter building and the only reason given is that the investment in repair is not even close to worth it?…with old buildings selling in downtown Evansville for under $10 per square foot but refurbishment costing more than $100 per square foot, this reality should have been apparent to more than just the City-County Observer decades ago?…dreams die hard and delusions die harder?
IS IT TRUE that with the proof that work from home is something that is not only possible but in many cases more efficient and less polluting than having a nice office and a daily commute, commercial real estate all over the nation is feeling the pain of vacancy and irrelevance?… after COVID19 is a distant memory the efficiencies of working from home will still be in place so most analysts are expecting a decade or more to pass before commercial real estate come back to where it was prior to the pandemic?…it is fortunate for downtown Evansville that another project is being planned for the block where the demolition is going to happen to the 420 Building?…it is also important to remember that there have been several plans fall through to resurrect the 420 Building so justifying the cost of construction may not be what it would have been a year ago?…we can count on this plan becoming reality when the dirt starts to fly and the construction is completed?…in this market for commercial real estate, we recommend not holding one’s breath until that happens?
IS IT TRUE that over the years the City-County Observer has studied and published articles that examine the economic expectations and realities of proposed capital projects within the Evansville City limits? …that our conclusions thus far are that a lack of planning has created an unavoidable last-minute quagmire that leaves the City of Evansville in the unenviable position of needing to provide significant incentives to secure a binding and enforceable agreement to entice a developer to build profitable projects?
IS IT TRUE  local Republican candidates held a 6,800 advantage in straight-ticket voting during the recent 2020 Vanderburgh County election?  …that the local Republicans candidates received an impressive straight-tickets vote count of 24,318 versus the Democrats 17,578 votes? … that the incumbent County Commissioner Ben Shoulders (D) was the only local challenged County Democrat who won this year because of the straight-ticket voting strategy mastermind by the local GOP party mover and shakers?

IS IT TRUE that County Commissioner Ben Shoulders (D) won every City Council Ward in the City of Evansville during his re-election victory? …that not only did Commissioner Shoulders win the highly Republican First Ward by a whopping 978 votes (4,888 to 3,910), but he also won the traditionally Republican 5th Ward by mere 2 votes (4,323 to 4,321)?…we are told because Ben won every City Council Ward during the Republican landslide of 2020 several political movers and shakers want Mr. Shoulders to consider running for the Mayor of Evansville two years from now? …that this may be a developing story?

IS IT TRUE many people have received their $1,200 stimulus checks and the money is long gone because it was used to buy the bare necessities?  …when people get desperate they will do desperate things? …desperation is caused by loss of employment, not able to pay your water bill, gas, and electric bills, mobile phone bill, can’t pay their rent or mortgage payments, experiencing a medical issue, going through a divorce, can’t buy food or medicine, or can’t make your car payment?  … it’s obvious that it’s time for the politicians to start another round of the much-needed stimulus checks?
IS IT TRUE that the Coronavirus pandemic and deficit spending habits of some politicians have devastated local revenue sources and the impact will be felt for a couple of years?
IS IT TRUE that the 2020 elections are over with and it’s time that the newly elected officials start addressing race issues, social injustice, and law enforcement protocol issues?
IS IT TRUE we find it intriguing when career politicians masterfully try to convince the masses that they understand and feel their grief, and understand their economic plight and suffering caused by racial injustice and institutional racism while these career politicians wear Brook Brothers clothes, are members of a private County Club, and enjoy extensive social perks and financial benefits by being a long term elected public official?

IS IT TRUE that we strongly recommend that individuals, families, businesses, and schools refrain from hosting any large gathering, and to be extra cautious about hosting any gathering indoors this thanksgiving?  …please remember that the Covid-19 virus is not the only illness to worry about because this is the right time to get the flu?

IS IT TRUE we would like to give special recognition to the hard-working nurses, doctors, and other frontline healthcare professionals for helping to keep our community safe?

IS IT TRUE that high numbers of people testing positive with the COVID-19 virus are between the 50 to 69 age group?

IS IT TRUE we hope that in the future our elected officials will not vote on any ordinances (unless it’s an emergency) that’s not listed on their official agenda because it doesn’t allow public input? …when they vote on non-agenda items it’s not “representative of “good public policy” practices?
IS IT TRUE a few of our Civic Center buddies tell us that the Vanderburgh County Tax Assessor may be considering quietly raising our property tax assessment rates in 2021?
IS IT TRUE when the people fear the Government we have Tyranny!  When the Government fears the people we have Liberty?

IS IT TRUE our “READERS POLLS” are non-scientific but trendy?  

Today’s “Readers Poll” question is:  Do you feel that it’s time for President Trump to begin an orderly transition of turning over the Government to President-Elect Biden?

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