IS IT TRUE? October 13, 2011 Mid Morning Addition


Snegal: Sneaky but Legal

IS IT TRUE? October 13, 2011

IS IT TRUE that Mole #99 tells us that another employee was let go at the Chamber of Commerce of Southwest Indiana yesterday?…that no name was reported but that the title reported is that of an events coordinator who also did work for the Small Business Development Corporation?

IS IT TRUE we wonder when 1st Ward City Councilman, Dan McGinn going to make it public his findings on the total cost to run the City of Evansville Law Department?

IS IT TRUE that is reported by reliable sources that 5th Ward City Councilman and Budget Chairmen, John Friend, CPA petition drive aimed at Vectren high electric rates and at forcing IURC meetings regarding Evansville ratepayers to be held in Evansville has massed over 7,000 signatures in one week? …that Councilman Friend sent out 147 petitions to individuals that requested them?

IS IT TRUE that we reported on information from a credible and valued source that Evansville City Councilman Curt John who decided not to seek re-election has joined several others in accepting an invitation for a private meeting with Vectren officials?…that Mr. John called us to advise us that this was indeed not true but that he will sign Councilman Friend’s petition?…that perhaps if Councilman John had been able to attend the City Council meeting three days ago that he could have blunted the move that resulted in punting the Vectren meeting beyond the election?…that if the City Council members who supported moving that meeting knew that on the very next morning that there would be an announcement of a fee increase hearing at the IURC in Indianapolis that they would have reconsidered punting the meeting?…that this issue may just be brought up again before October 25th, and that there is a move afoot to organize a bus trip to Indianapolis to attend the meeting at the IURC?

IS IT TRUE that Mole #243 advises us that a handful of members of an organized group that has made an endorsement in the contest for Mayor of Evansville is organizing a bonfire meant for the campaign signs of the opponent of the candidate that they endorsed?…that the central theme of this homecoming style bonfire will be bring in a sign, burn it, and get a new sign for the other candidate?…that no date, time, or place has been announced but that we encourage this group to refrain from stealing signs and to have the proper permits required for a bonfire?…that people with outstanding warrants would be best served to stay away from any such bonfire?

IS IT TRUE that a whole host of poster names disappeared from the Courier and Press comment section a couple of days ago?…that the story of FloatGate and all of the comments following seem to have brought out the worst in some people?…that when it was pointed out that a group of six names were all established in a two day period in January and that they seem to all advocate for the same candidates that they all magically disappeared along with their entire comment history?…that catjones, fourwheeldrive, bullettooth, Labor215, EvillResWest, and EleanorRugby all vanished into thin air just after TenBears speculated that the entire complement of names may be coming from the Democratic Party Headquarters?…that there are only two posters that have ever been banned by the CCO and that both of those were as a result of making threats of violence against one of our authors?

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer has submitted the word we invented to describe the handcuffing incident at the Fall Festival “FloatGate” to the urban dictionary?…that this will be our third word submitted but that our all time best is still SNEGAL “sneaky but legal”?


  1. Is it true that having a bonfire makes your endorsement look weak? That the endorsement itself received so little attention that you have to do a PR stunt to compete with the orginizations that people actually pay attention to? That this will alienate members of your group that did not agree with your endorsement to begin with? That the signs were paid for and given to you with the expectation of receiveing your support- and that if you have changed your mind, the right thing to do is return them? That this was tried in the past involving a current City Counsel member and the participants faced criminal charges if they destroyed signs they did not own? That these last ditch efforts to undermine a campaign show the true character of those acting this way?

  2. I would still like to know where the suggestion to delay any further discussion on the Vectren Dense Pack proposal by the city council came from.

    Was it suggested by Vectren? Was it suggested by a member of city council? Someone has to know, so lets have it!


  3. The Vanderburgh County Democratic Party must have a staff of 10 to do everything that the Editor of CCO accuses them of doing.

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