IS IT TRUE there is plenty of room for average men to survive in politics but no room for average women to be successful?  …this is why strong women must led to survive but men can continue to be average to survive in politics?

IS IT TRUE we hear City Controller Russ Lloyd Jr. is telling everybody that the poll numbers for Mayoral Candidate Gail Riecken aren’t looking good?  …is this the same Russ Lloyd Jr. that told us last month that the City budget accounts are in very good shape?  …is this the same Russ Lloyd Jr. last month ask City Council for a $8 million bailout loan so he could pay bills and make payroll because of budget shortfalls? this the same former Mayor Russ Lloyd  Jr that stated his political polls showed he would  beat Jonathan Weinzapfel by a 9% margin on election day? …that Lloyd Jr lost to Weinzapfel  by over 9,000 votes?  …you understand why we give little creditability to Mr. Lloyd Jr statements about Gail Riecken?

IS IT TRUE we wonder why the EPD spokesperson encouraged local TV reporters do a story concerning the location of  the EPD  Swat Team at the Fall Festival?  … this type of sensitive police surveillance activity should be treated confidential and withheld from the public view for obvious safety reasons?  …we suggest in the future that the EPD spokesperson stop compromising members of the Swat Team safety by releasing confidential and sensitive police surveillance activity to the media?

IS IT TRUE we would like commend the Evansville Police Department rank and file police offices for doing an outstanding job is keeping the Fall Festival safe?  …we also commend the good work of the members of the Evansville Fire Department and the EMS  did to help insure the safety of those attending this outstanding community event?

IS IT TRUE we were sent pictures showing EPD Chief Billy Bolin handing out “Winnecke  For Mayor” balloons at the Fall Festival?   …it was alleged  that Chief Bolin did this type of political activity all week long whileUnknown-1 on active duty?  …we find this hard to believe that a highly trained and ethical professional would do any partisan politicking while on duty?  …we also told the individuals who contacted us about this issue that we are sure that Chief Bolin took some of his vacation time or was officially off duty when he actively campaign for the Mayors re-election at the Fall Festival?


IS IT TRUE who ever came up with the idea that required on duty police officers  to hold “Hug Me” signs at Unknown-2the Fall Festival could had potentially put our officers in a dangerous situation?  …all it would had taken was one mentally deranged  person hugging a police officer and grabbing his gun or taser during the process which could had cause a major safety problems for the masses?  …we do like the concept of asking citizens to give our “Cops a Hug” but the officers shouldn’t have any weapon or taser  on their person while engaging in this activity?


IS IT TRUE we also feel that  the majority of the “Rank and File” Evansville Police Officers and Evansville Firefighters  and EMS all “do a kick ass” job for the citizens of Evansville and deserve a “HUG” every now and then?

IS IT TRUE last week local GOP Chairmen Wayne Parke complained about how the voter registration activity is being conducted at local Nursing Homes?  …we think Chairman Park should be more concerned about how the voters registration and absentee voting  at local grave yards?

IS IT TRUE that our current “Readers Poll” as the following question?  …Do you feel that it was wise for EPD Public Relations Officer allowing local media to do a story concerning the location of the EPD Swat Team conducting sensitive surveillance activity at the Fall Festival?

IS IT TRUE we urge you to start reading articles in our new SPORTS section at the bottom right side of our publication?  ,,,don’t forget to view our extremely interesting Political Cartoons posted at the bottom of this publication?

The City-County Observer is excited to announce that our annual CCO “OUTSTANDING COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD” luncheon for 2015.will be held on October 26, 2015 at Tropicana-Evansville Walnut rooms A and B.? …this years winners of the “Outstanding Community Services Awards” are: Vanderburgh County Commissioner Joe Kifer, well respected local attorney Joe Harrison, Jr, Indiana State Auditor Suzanne Crouch and former Vanderburgh County Sheriff and 8th District Congressmen Brad Ellsworth, Dr. Dan Adams, Dr Steven Becker MD, Tracy Zeller-President of Tracy Zeller Jewelry Holly Dunn-National Movation Speaker on Domestic Violence, Cheryl Musgrave who currently sits on the Vanderburgh County Board of Zoning Appeals and also is a Commissioner on the Evansville Redevelopment Commission and Betty Hermann?

Registration begins at 11:30 am, the event officially starts at 12 noon on October 26, 2015? Deadline for registration is October 20, 2015? The last five (5) events were sellouts.  The program will begin at noon on October 26, 2015. Reservations for this event may be made by calling Mollie Darke Schreiber at 812-760-4233 of via email at




  1. So CCO . . . what are “the poll numbers” ? With three weeks before election, surely someone has polling information ?

    Russ is incompetent, he’s probably just happy to have a job for 4 more years. Maybe with those 4 he gets a pension, and is home free ?

  2. Maybe Russ means the Riecken poll numbers are bad … for the Winnecke Ticket. Every now and then a little truth seeps out, can’t count on it but sometimes it does.

    You’d almost think if Winnecke had any polling favorable to him and his Council Ticket, even if it’s something intentionally skewed that he paid for, he’d share it. He’d have the CP plaster it all over their crippled, oft-traded product. If the little guy hasn’t got some sort of bump after the remarkably mendacious TV blitz laid down on his behalf the past couple of weeks, something is wrong. Something is anyway.

    Winnecke’s defeat in November will be an appropriate part of Rick Davis’ legacy.

    • Bandana, my hope is that your projection is correct !

      It seems like Winnecke lies about everything ?

      a) 100,000 pounds of trash collected. Are they actually weighing it when collected ? If so, show us the tally sheet from each neighborhood blitz ?
      b) Cut the meth lab seizures in half/ with no credit given to the presence of cheap Mexican-made meth. Also if the cops stopped looking for meth labs . . . wouldn’t that also reduce the # of seizures ?
      c) Cleared 100’s of blighted properties. Give us a list, has it really been “hundreds” ? Does that count those for the D-Patrick relo, many of which were not blighted in the least ?;

      I could go on . . . . .but I have a Bull waiting for me !

  3. Tired,
    Last week I contacted the IRS to request them to investigate how much was money collected by the EPD sponsored “Cops Connecting With Kids” program, a for profit organization and not recognized by the IRS. Last week I asked the IRS to conduct an investigation on how much money this organizations received over a period of time that they supposedly given worthy charitable non-profit organizations. I understand that the “Cops Connecting With Kids” was started by EPD Officer Jason Cullum and Police Chief Billy Bolin.

    I also asked the IRS to investigate to see if some of the money raised by this for-profit group paid for Cullum and Bolin and their family members way to attend the many trips that they took the disadvantage kids to Disney World over the last several years. Finally, I also asked the IRS to check to see if they were on city time and paid by the city for going on this trip Disney World. The IRS also agreed to keep confidential so Bolin and Cullum can’t find out who filed the complaint against them.

  4. Sounds like EPD has turned into a taxpayer funded arm of the Winnecke for mayor campaign!

  5. The 114th congress has 104 women who were elected to it. The first woman elected to congress was in 1917 and she was republican. That is good progress but our elections do not yet reflect the distribution of the population. The only three states that have not elected a woman to congress are Delaware, Vermont, and Mississippi. There have been 37 female Governors, and we have 6 right now. Three are dems and three are reps.

    • ….How many Hispanic congress members are there? Anyone know? I think Hispanics make up about 17.2% of the US population now. Nearly all of them are hardworking families who have jobs: Moms and Dads, Aunts Uncles, Grandmas and Grandpas and lots and lots of kids. They usually belong to a Catholic Parish, send their kids to school, and the kids usually work jobs after school. Some people claim they don’t represent real America values, but they sound like classic, hardworking American families to me. These people, they vote too. Each election, the number of Hispanics who actually show up to vote rises by another 3%, each time there is another election.

      • Yes, and the leading republican and favorite of nuts like Brandon m and Baloon pilot says they’re a bunch of rapists and freeloaders. Translation, democratic win in 2016.

        • I have zero problem with Mexicans that enter the country legally. I have a huge problem with the raping, pillaging, job stealing border jumpers. What do you not understand about ‘illegal?’

          • BALLOONPILOT: C’mon buddy. Every single person in here knows what you think. You think everyone outside your bunker’s steel door is a liberal commie. You think Billy Freakin’ Graham is a liberal, I bet. And if you meet someone who’s skin is brown, you think they’re illegal, or have an owebama phone. I used to give you the benefit of the doubt, but you’ve shown it too often, BP. (Tell us about owebama being a Muslim Kenyan, BP….Ha! Don’t get me wrong, you’re one of my all time favorites! We need you here BP.)

          • Did you eat any vegetables today? Chances are they were picked by one of your supposed lazy freeloading rapists. The fact is they’re here and working. We might as well integrate them and let them pay taxes. The biggest barrier to that happening is the Republican party whose donors are getting rich off of slave labor, ie “illegal immgrants.” By the way, you descend from “illegal immigrants.”

          • By the way, Baghdad Bob, have you at any time in your life had an intelligent thought? Immigrants arriving at Castle Garden, Ellis Island, and other ports were LEGAL IMMIGRANTS. Those swarming across our southern border today are ILLEGAL ALIENS. I don’t expect you to know the difference.

          • Ballonpilot, we are regular Americans with nut bags like EB around. It’s almost as crazy as Barack Husein Obama as President. Strange times indeed.

      • Don. The Hispanics you describe (if here legally) would all qualify as members of the “Tea Party”.

  6. Just 5 minutes ago I got a 3 question phone poll call paid for by Winnecke for mayor. They did not even have my ward correct to ask me about my choice for ward city council member. They listed the candidates for ward 5 calling them ward 3 candidates. Maybe this is the poll Lloyd Jr. was referring to although it is just happening now.

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