We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?

IS IT TRUE that this is the week of the Westside Nut Clubs Fall Festival and nearly every person who grew up in or around Evansville is planning to attend to enjoy fun, games and a plethora of very odd things to eat?…there always seems to be a long line to get brain sandwiches that are not particularly appreciated across the country but it is an Evansville delicacy?…there are plenty of other different sorts of culinary treats like chocolate-covered insects, deep-fried everything, and lots of good carnival treats?…a good time will be had by most and plenty of charities and religious organizations will raise funds to be deployed to help people in need?…the Fall Festival is a truly unique Evansville experience?

IS IT TRUE that City Councilman Justin Elpers will propose changes to the City’s Health Insurance Plan at this coming Monday’s City Council meeting that will address the $3.4 million Hospitalization deficit?  …we give five (5) cheers to the current 5th Ward City Councilman Justin for thinking outside the box?  …we can’t wait to see if other City Council members will support Mr.Elpers worthwhile “Good  Public Policy” ordinance?

IS IT TRUE that former City-County Observer editor and content contributor Joe “Jack” Wallace got a nice surprise this week when the California Alliance for Renewable Energy underwrote the purchase of 900 copies of his book Living Outside the Box?…this is the largest single order that has been placed for Joe’s book and it will be provided to all of the attendees of a large convention that will be attended by business leaders who are interested in economic activity and green businesses?

IS IT TRUE that we would like to congratulate Joe  “Jack” Wallace on his continued success of “Living Outside the Box” and are looking forward to welcoming him to town for the October 25th CCO “OUTSTANDING COMMUNITY SERVICE” awards luncheon to be held at the Tropicana-Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that Evansville, Indiana is a traditional Democrat town and the political blood of this town still runs blue in spite of the recent success of the Vanderburgh County Republican Party in placing winning candidates on both the Evansville City Council and in the Mayor’s office?

IS IT TRUE that the local Republican party had better not take it for granted that they will be emerging with a majority of the seats on the Council because Evansville has a history of supporting Democrats?

IS IT TRUE the damage done to the fundraising capacity of the Vanderburgh County Democrat Party is something that the City-County Observer predicted in 2011 when the last Democrat mayor was told that Rick Davis would be running for the Democrat nomination?…that sent the former Mayor and many of his minions into a fit of rage that literally destroyed the cohesiveness that the Democrats had enjoyed for years?

IS IT TRUE between Floatgate, a surrogate of the former Mayor seeking the nomination, and Rick Davis’ victory, the seeds of destruction had been planted?…the local Republican party have been on an upswing ever since and all indications are that with a political war chest that the Democrats cannot compete with, the consequences of the arrogance of 2011 will continue for another election cycle?

IS IT TRUE that the local Republican party is currently experiencing some political infighting within their own ranks?  …we predict that local Republican party movers and shakers will regret that they showed favoritism towards a couple of City Council candidates listed on the November General election ballot?

IS IT TRUE that our current “CCO MOLE” membership is now a 152 strong?  …because of our “Working Outside The Box” speakers series we have picked up 17 new ” CCO MOLES”? …  that five (5) “CCO MOLES” passed away during the last several years and we really miss them?

IS IT TRUE we would like to wish one of the top community cheerleaders, Steve Hammer a happy 50th birthday?

IS IT TRUE we been told that the Vanderburgh County GOP party chairman Wayne Parke is president of Parkes Consulting firm?  …many people have asked us what kind of consulting work does he do?  …our answer is maybe he is consulting people on “How To Win Friends And Influence People”?

IS IT TRUE starting next the City-County Observer welcomes any local candidate running for elected office to send us a position paper?  …we will print it without opinion, editing or bias?

Today’s “Readers Poll” question is:  Do you think that the Republicans will take control of the 2020 City Council?

We are pleased to provide obituaries from area funeral homes at no cost.  We are also are pleased to announce that we are now providing news from all of the area High Schools. Please scroll down the paper and you shall see a complete listing of them.

FOOTNOTES: This year’s awards luncheon will be held at Tropicana-Evansville Walnut rooms A and B. The registration begins at 11:30 am, the event officially starts at 12 noon on October 25, 2019.  The Keynote speaker will be announced later this week.

Reservations for this event may be obtained by calling JIM KNAUFF at 812-457-1017. The deadline for registration is October 20, 2019. Last year’s event was a sellout.

If you would like to advertise on the CCO please contact us at City-County

We understand that sometimes people don’t always agree and discussions may become a little heated.  The use of offensive language, insults against commenters will not be tolerated and will be removed from our site.

Any comments posted in this column do not represent the views or opinions of the City-County Observer or our advertisers




  1. Would like to see Mosby and Weaver leave the democrat party. I think there are forces at work in certain parts of the community and the party to unseat them. Remember Mary Hart. Mosby and Weaver are the only two democrats who really go out of their way to support the police and first responders, remember this when you vote. With the new leadership in the party it’s easy to see the similarities to AOC and the squad

  2. Why now Mr. Elpers . . .perhaps the election is less than 30 days from now? Where was this proposal back in August during the budget hearings. Oddly enough, why didn’t the Finance Chairman consider this increase in non-union employee participation? More importantly, why is the non-union employee singled out. They represent less than 25% of the workforce. The 15% sounds great but multiply by only 25%. Plays well with voters so close to the election?

    • The way I read the proposed amendment, the employees represented by the Teamsters are the only employees excluded from the cost increase. City police officers and firefighters, all of whom are represented by their respective unionsfor bargaining purposes, do not appear exempt from the increase. Police officers and firefighters make up roughly half of the city’s paid employees if memory serves. Also, I believe the Teamsters all participate in their own healthcare insurance program which is wholly run by the Teamsters, do they not? As far as I know, none of those employees have anything to do with city health insurance.

      • This is a false assumption. The police and firefighters and under a contract which includes health care benefits.

  3. Prediction: Close race in the 1st ward, but say the (R) wins. In the 2nd ward, perhaps a close race, but Mosby (D) will come through. In the 3rd ward, even though Melcher has name recognition, his opponent(D) will outwork him. The 4th goes to Alex (D). The 5th will be won by Elpers (R) and the sixth ward remains with Brinkmeyer (D). Weaver will win due mostly to name recognition (D). Please tell me the last time we have two (R’s) as at-large council members. Even if this happens, Winnecke has only 4 R’s. Imagine the next four years, Weaver and Mosby will not be so easy to work with, perhaps?

    • Weaver, Mosby and Winnecke will work well together. Winnecke is a nominal Republican, Weaver and Mosby are nominal democrats. This is a perfect match.

      • Perhaps you are correct. Forgot that Weaver and Mosby are associated with the Mayor’s wife’s realty company Wow, just was reminded that the candidate in the 1st ward opposing Ben Trochman is also associated with the Mayor’s wife’s Realty Company. And we wonder why so many folks are sick of the swamp.

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