Is IT True October 11, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE October 11, 2012
Is It True that John Hamilton has made a decision and informed the City Council that after the first of the year he is going to step down as the City Council attorney. He wants to give his family and his practice more attention. We wish him the best.


  1. Maybe he is finally feeling the political heat from the taxpayers for his allowing past City Council members cut back room political deals.

    Everybody knows he has no back bone and at best an average attorney

  2. Nice guy but has no political back bone.

    I also agree that he has less than average legal talent.

  3. Good news for the taxpayers of this community.

    Hamiliton just sits and allow City Council to make mistake after mistake without directing them in a legal manner.

    He should also be blamed in part for the bad state of financial and legal affairs this city is in.

  4. One down and many more to go.

    What a big disappointment Hamiliton turned out to be.

    Now it’s time the City Council gets an agressive kick ass attorney.

    Maybe a Scott Danks type of an attorney?

  5. Joe Biden you must be kidding about Faulkner and Shoulders?

    Scoot Danks is light years beyound these guys.

  6. I vote for Scott Danks for next City Attorney because he has real backbone.

    Oh, he is also one heck of an attorney.

  7. Sholders is cut from the same cloth as Curt John. He’ll be on every real estate deal just before the news is released. Get somebody with ethics.

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