Home archived-iit IS IT TRUE October 11, 2012

IS IT TRUE October 11, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE October 11, 2012

IS IT TRUE that many years ago the often quoted German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche is credited with the quote “OUT OF CHAOS COMES ORDER”?…this it has supposedly been opined that this quote is rooted in the assumption that the universe started as a result of chaotic activity and has been seeking the equilibrium of order ever since?…that the City of Evansville and Vanderburgh County if it is actually merged with the City of Evansville had better hope there is some truth to this statement as one cannot imagine a more CHAOTIC situation than the one that has played itself out with the decisions of the government of the City of Evansville since 2003 when the very basis of financial reporting was changed?…the litany if idiocy and the CHAOS that has ensued is almost unfathomable to an observer of public policy and execution?…the present day government of Evansville has clearly reached meltdown mode when the CHAOS has the City Council and the Mayor at odds about how to pay to demolish Roberts Stadium, the monthly books are not balanced for 21 months, the delusion of a privately financed 4-Star hotel in downtown Evansville is an empty lot, the McCurdy is still rotting down, the Federal Homeland Security Agency is looking into deals that look like cronyism that lead to occupancy permits, the parks are a disaster, and sequential Mayors and other public officials conspired to take away the Homestead Tax Credit?…the only thing Evansville is missing is a good bimbo scandal which is what it took to slap Detroit into the reality of the hole they were and still are in?…in Evansville, Indiana when it comes to local governance Nietzsche is turned upside down?…that from whatever order that was in place on the bend in the Ohio River that inspire the City of Evansville to rise from the marshes chaos has risen?…the motto for the City should be changed to “OUT OF ORDER COMES CHAOS”?

IS IT TRUE that we hope that the folks down at the Evansville Convention and Visitors Bureau have the presence of mind to see that the National Hockey League lockout is an opportunity for tourism for Evansville?…that rabid hockey fans of the Nashville Predators and the St. Louis Blues may just be enticed to town to see an Evansville Icemen game to get their hockey fix if a good advertising campaign were put together rapidly to draw them here?…the CCO can envision a bus package to an Icemen game, a stop at Aztar, and a night on the town as something that rabid hockey fans would take advantage of?…doing this of course involves moving rapidly so the NHL lockout is not ended before this opportunity can be taken advantage of?

IS IT TRUE that the world of Mergers and Acquisitions is a world that runs on compromise, cooperation, and of course financing?…if the criteria associated with M&A were applied to consolidation that two existing entities and the resulting merged entity would all have to pass muster?…that the City of Evansville while the on paper part may still be okay would have difficulty passing muster because of the chaos of the day and the long term financial obligations associated with the future?…Vanderburgh County with its modest growth rates and minimal chaos would probably pass?…any real examination of the consolidation plan would not pass muster for an accretive acquisition because it really does not suggest much change for either efficiency or growth?…that the only way that the proposed countywide entity would pass muster is if the County were taking over the City at a deep discount due to the CHAOS and poor long term prospects?…that would only pass muster if the “management team” of the County was determined to have the capability to save Evansville from its current self and reap the rewards of a turnaround activity?


  1. Is it true the current poll that has been up for 24 hours (give or take) is missing a necessary word to make the question even make sense?

    • Obviously it’s a fill in the blank question. You may insert “help” or “detest” or “respect” or even “make love to” or “apply a swift kick in the ass to” as the verb in between “Do you” and “anyone.”

  2. Hard to add anything when it is so true, and so sad. E’ville is on it’s second swirl to the left, looking for the center of the bowl. The merger will fix nothing, just prolong the inevitable. The city will drag the county down without a change of insite of what it takes to run an organization.

  3. Mr. CCO Editor you forgot to point out the Mayor Winnenke $5 million dollar Earthcare deal.

  4. CCO you also need to add to the above list, the Mayors big pay increase for the “Golden 11.”

    It’s called political patronage payoff.

  5. Is it true that the City of Evansville’s financial mess is a known fact, that the only way out of bankruptcy is to bring the in the county resources through “consolidation” to CYA?

  6. —and The Natives are getting restless!
    and the next act due at the “The John”?
    Could it be an epilogue by the band, “Wide Spread Panic”?

  7. Someone has been reading their college text books again to write this fine column. Well, then you will recall the paragraph on how the chaos will be a continued effect as long as you allow perturbation to disrupt the system. That of course would be the current political incumbents. Until removed, chaos will continue if not increase in what has already become a very unstable system.

    You are, of course, right again to point out that chaos risks extending further into the County if the perturbation source membership of the city incumbents were allowed to spill over and disrupt it. While an interesting concept of the County simply taking over the City under duress so the players are changed, concern exists that this would not be enough. While the broadening base of sanity would offer some opportunity for the forces of equilibrium to act and the removal of the perturbating influences would be beneficial, the so called ‘plan’ behind the reorganization is an aberration of the political vessel itself. The required action to remedy the chaos… VOTE “NO” on Consolidation AND vote out the incumbents who have brought the chaos.

    • I actually did not dig out a book to write this but thank you for thinking that. My 56 years old memory was all I had to go on as I am in Irvine for a medical device conference. Great follow on from you. Thanks for taking today’s IIT to a deeper level.

  8. Is it true…..That some people will be keeping an eye on tonight’s moderator of the Vice Presidential Debate in Danville Kentucky?

    * * * * * * *

    From Wikipedia:

    [On October 11, 2012, Raddatz will serve as the official moderator of the only national Vice Presidential debate between Paul Ryan and Joe Biden, taking place at Centre College in historic Danville, Kentucky.

    She has been criticized for her participation by conservatives and liberals alike, due to Barack Obama’s close relationship to her former husband, FCC head Julius Genachowski, alleging possible conflict of interest. The father of one of Genachowski’s children is employed by, and is a high ranking Obama administration official.

    While ABC first refused to confirm that President Obama was a guest at her wedding, ABC finally confirmed on Monday Oct 8, 2012, that President Obama was indeed a guest at their wedding, reversing their earlier “no comment.”]

    * * * * * *

    And now you know “the rest of the story”.


  9. Hey, let’s keep it real kids;
    1. Busing and constant housing construction accelerated “white flight” from Evansville proper.
    2. People and companies availed themselves of city services while not being part of the tax base..
    3. Consolidation will increase the tax base
    4. One layer of cronyism at the city govt. level might be eradicated.

    • Yep, let’s tear up the charter of the City of Evansville, Fed Ex it to the Secretary of State in Indy, and kiss Evansville Goodbye!

    • “2. People and companies availed themselves of city services while not being part of the tax base”

      * * * * * * *

      Be more specific.


    • The only things that will change is the new super mayor will appoint more cronies, since we won’t be electing as many public servants. The people and businesses will continue to flee the corrupt government. This plan does nothing to make people or business WANT to be here, that has been the problem for the last 50 years . Wake up citizens, this is a band-aid on hemorage, a MAJOR change is required. The last 2 comptrollers were appointed, to keep their jobs they kept the public from finding out about the cities finances. Otherwise the mayor would just fire them, do you see a future with a brighter outcome?

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