Home archived-iit IS IT TRUE? October 11, 2011 Mid-Morning Edition FLOATGATE!

IS IT TRUE? October 11, 2011 Mid-Morning Edition FLOATGATE!


IS IT TRUE? October 11, 2011 Mid-Morning Edition

IS IT TRUE that we have finally learned through both direct calls and from other media that the person taken off of the Democratic Party float at the Fall Festival was Alex Jarvis?…that the incident was over an outstanding warrant for what is typically considered to be a minor offense?…that the timing of serving this warrant certainly made for some serious and unnecessary drama as Mr. Jarvis can be found in his office at the Democratic Central Committee Headquarters in downtown Evansville nearly any day of the week?…that this whole Fall Festival drama takes us back a year to Boothgate which happened at the 2010 Fall Festival?…that maybe local Democrats should avoid pronto pups and chocolate covered grass hoppers because strange things are seeming to be normal for the Vanderburgh County Democratic Party come Fall Festival time?

IS IT TRUE that no City County Observer Moles have contacted us regarding the circumstances that lead to Mr. Jarvis being taken off of the Democratic Float over an outstanding warrant?…that there has been no shortage of calls and emails from people who would like to influence us in reporting this story?…that these calls and emails from well known members of both parties have been trying to influence the CCO to conclude that the Rick Davis campaign was behind this embarrassing scenario?…that we have no reason at this point to make such a conclusion?…that we can also not reach that conclusion from any of the other reporting that is available to the public?…that there are also those that are saying that opponents of Davis staged this so that the Davis campaign could be blamed for creating drama at Mr. Jarvis’ expense?…that we have no reason to conclude that either?…that we are a curious as the next publication and are open to anyone with rock hard evidence to prove either theory of why after a full year with an outstanding warrant that this specific time and this specific place was chosen to handcuff Mr. Jarvis?

IS IT TRUE that upon full reflection we are also curious as to how Mr. Jarvis could have had an outstanding warrant on him for as long as he had without it being served on him as has happened with many citizens?…that as Mr. Jarvis seems to be a likeable guy with a regular job and that most people know where he works that a simple phone call would have probably sufficed to get his attention and compliance?…that we wonder why that call was never made and why a visit to his home or office some time ago never happened?…that we wonder if there was some cloak of protection over Mr. Jarvis?…that he certainly does not seem to be a person that lives outside of the law?…that there was a much better way to handle this and that it was not done?…that the high drama created by serving a warrant at the Fall Festival certainly seems orchestrated by someone for some purpose?…that given the size of the crowd at the Fall Festival that it is highly likely that literally a few thousand of the attendees has some warrant of some kind outstanding?…that to our knowledge exactly one was served and it was served at a most opportune time?…that this smells about as rank as Bee Slough did last Friday night?

IS IT TRUE that we get tips all of the time about things that are perceived by the tipsters to be political malfeasance?…that sometimes these tips are real and sometimes these tips actually are sent to us for political purposes?…that we try to err on the side of preserving peoples integrity when there is uncertainty?…that the CCO has first-hand experience with exposing and seeing political malfeasance in action that is much worse than last week’s FloatGate incident?…that if hard evidence is brought forward to either candidate for Mayor of Evansville to this incident that we will not hesitate to take them to task?…that if hard evidence is brought forward to tie any operatives of either campaign to this incident that we will call upon the candidates themselves to dismiss the operatives from the campaign and remove them from consideration for any appointment?…that until such hard evidence comes forward we shall continue to believe that both candidates for Mayor of Evansville are men of integrity and that Alex Jarvis is a fellow who forgot about his warrant and became the victim of a dirty trick?


  1. Not seeing what the issue is here.

    Are Mark Owen and the Dem. Machine saying that they should be “above the law” as they have been in the past???

    Sounds like they are getting desperate to me.

  2. Let’s look at some background. Jarvis and Rick Davis are cousins. There’s been friction there for many years over who knows what. Who really cares about family feuds. The only reason this one makes news is because it features two politicians in an election year.

    The friction has come to a head this year over politics pure and simple. Again for who knows what all reasons but you can be sure it’s all personal crap between these two men. Two men should settle it face to face, man to man, rather than in a staged public drama fest. But in Evansville politics the combatants often resort to playground pissing contests.

    Two weeks ago, Rick’s brother posted a message on Jarvis’s facebook wall something about Alex had a legal something pending. It read like a mocking message, or a goad. Or was Rick’s brother just giving his cousin a friendly heads up? Either way the message was taken down almost immediately. Who told the brother to take it down and why? Maybe because this embarassment was planned for FF parade day? Maybe because whoever planned this drama didn’t want Jarvis forewarned?

    When you read the C&P report and after listening to all the people who saw what happened or know the back story it’s abvious this was planned, right? Obvious to many anyway. Bystanders of the drama report Davis family members and supporters filming the event start to finish as if they knew ahead of time it was coming down. Everyone who knows the principle players know they communicate nonstop via cell phones and text messages – constantly. It’s obvious there was a plan.

    Who all was in on the planning, that’s the biggie. Even bigger, is this foreshaddowing of what we can expect from a Davis administration – drama and retribution for minor political spats between Democrats? That seems to be the theme with Rick Davis’s political history. History always repeats itself, right?

    • Actually I don’t think they are related. I think they share a connection by marriage through the Jarboe family. Davis’s has had it out for his cousin, Fire Chief Keith Jarboe, for years, working against him in his City Council races and declaring (at the Firefighters Union hall during the primary) that his first act as mayor would be to install a new fire chief. What is Davis’s beef with Jarboe’s?

      • Rumor has it there is a Winnecke for Mayor sign in the yard of Davis’s aunt Betty Lou Jarboe. Pretty bad when you can’t even get your aunt to vote for you.

    • Mr. Jarvis failed to appear for Court hearings. The Court issued a warrant for Mr. Jarvis arrest. Mr. Jarvis was arrested. This is a Mr. Jarvis only problem. If Mr. Jarvis had been arrested at work at the Demo HQ, would the complainers be happier? No.

      • I am just amazed that ANY prominent Democrat in Evansville is actually held accountable before the law.

        I doubt Davis was behind this, but if he was, THUMBS UP!!!

        • And that was from a Man who Cannot get elected in this town. So desperate for Any Attention, that from his desk in Louisville, he scribbles Posts…….to people whom don’t care about him, One Bit! And, a Republican who, is supporting Rick Davis mind you! You are too funny! Everyone has their day in court at some point in their lives. The incident, was purposeful and of course he should of taken care of it if he knew about it. But, the Rick Davis Campaign is like no other as they care whatsoever which light is cast upon them, Negative or Positive……….this City will be in sorry shape if he gets Elected!

          • I have time on my hands today and since your new here lets dissect your post since I’m having trouble understanding your point.

            “And that was from a Man who Cannot get elected in this town. So desperate for Any Attention, that from his desk in Louisville, he scribbles Posts…….to people whom don’t care about him, One Bit! And, a Republican who, is supporting Rick Davis mind you! You are too funny!”


            First part is easy…a character assassination of Mr Smith, I get that, but don’t see the point…to each his own.


            Everyone has their day in court at some point in their lives. The incident, was purposeful and of course he should of taken care of it if he knew about it.


            This part I’m having trouble understanding your point, your saying that everyone has to go to court? I’d venture to say if you look at statistics it’s a real small number of the population that ever sees the inside of a court room in their life, unless called for jury duty.

            But then you deflect Mr Jarvis’s responsibility (a defense) by saying “if he knew about it”? how can you not know? amnesia?

            How can you not know you don’t have a valid drivers license? and how can you get stopped by the police, cited, and have no knowledge of a court appearance to answer the charges?

            That doesn’t speak well for the intelligence of a high ranking Democrat in the city of Evansville…unless…

            Lets look at it this way just for the sake of argument…

            Mr Jarvis didn’t have a valid drivers license, got stopped by the police, got cited for driving without a license, at this point he is no different then you or I, but lets say the officer let him drive away after the citation because of who he was, and lets say he went to his boss (Owen) and Mr Owen told him he would make a call and have it taken care of.

            Lets say that Mr Owen made the call and was assured the problem would go away for Mr Jarvis….but then lets say someone dropped the ball and somehow the mix-up occurred in the paperwork, a bench warrant was issued but because of the snafu in getting the paperwork Mr Jarvis was never notified of the court date….sound plausible?


            But, the Rick Davis Campaign is like no other as they care whatsoever which light is cast upon them, Negative or Positive……….this City will be in sorry shape if he gets Elected!


            This is the wild part of your post almost like your in a frenzy, your suggesting that Mr Davis doesn’t care how he is portrayed in the public?

            Are you off your meds?


          • “if he knew about it”
            Your kidding right? You commit the same offense 3 times and not know—you are either totally stupid or think your above the law.
            I’m guessing above the law.

            The machine must be a little worried if they will resort to such low tactics to try and make Davis look bad.

  3. I don’t see where given the timing and place that Rick Davis gained anything if he had a hand in having Jarvis detained, the conspiracy side of me would look at the more sinister prospect of the old boys club offering up a sacrificial lamb so to speak to make Davis look bad at a highly publicized event. It really served more to make Davis look bad in the public eye which reinforces the conspiracy side even more to me..

    Either way it’s odd that the CCO conveniently stopped getting the EPD reports during that time them magically they start to show up again?



    • Blanger-

      Your scenario is MUCH more likely, imo. This is one of the classic techniques of the old boys club: manipulate the media by making themselves appear like victims…I’ve seen this happen plenty of times.

      And again, I have to ask: what is the story here? Why did the Courier run with an anti-Davis angle on what appears to be a routine example of a law actually being enforced? Is it really soooooo incredible that a member of the machine (aka Dem Central Committee) is answerable to the law that it MUST be a conspiracy by the all-powerful Rick Davis? LOL.

      • Yeah…it’s a page from the DNC playbook, if nothing else it’s a great way to deflect attention away from another topic, the public loves drama and this election has proven to be jammed packed!


  4. Channel 14 reports that Davis told them that he was not even at the festival when this occurred. While he may not have been at the FLOAT he was at the festival. He was standing right outside the Dem’s booth handing out bags and balloons until about 30 minutes before the parade started.

  5. Interesting that we haven’t heard from “Veracity” on this topic yet today…

    • I’m waiting for the whole truth to come out on this one, Andrew. I think there is a bit of truth in several of the accounts given so far. However, it is my guess there will be a serious look-see into this affair conducted by professionals to determine the truth. I’ll wait on this one. You should too.

      • “Professionals” of what kind, I wonder?

        As I said, I doubt Rick is behind this, but if he is, THUMBS UP! It’s high time that the party elites stopped acting like they were above the law.

        • I consider the EPD to be professionals. IMO, no one is above the law, I’m sure you and I agree. Again, I’d hold off judging on this one until all the facts are in, or at least all the facts we are likely to hear about.

          • Not to be antagonistic but what is there for the EPD to investigate? it would appear to the casual observer that a guy who had a FTA warrant was witnessed, detained, questioned, and released, it looks like the officer did his job as required and the perp got off without a trip to jail which is the odd part of the story, I’m sure I would not be afforded such a luxury as to be released.

            Just seems really odd for any investigation to be necessary, given the players though I guess it is.

            The end result of the entire story is a spin by the C&P to make Davis look guilty of something, which is odd also since citizens are rewarded most of the time for tipping off police to the whereabouts of wanted criminals like Mr Jarvis.


          • Veracity….

            I think I’ve come to a conclusion of why the EPD would need to investigate the issue, in my mind it’s WHY a career traffic offender was not taken into custody but was released on the scene, I wonder who made that call?

            That’s what needs to be investigated….who and why?


  6. It’s pretty interesting to read Justin Alex Jarvis criminal driving record on Doxpop. He certainly has a history of driving without a license and never showing up for court. I doubt he was really surprised by being arrested for his crimes given his complete disregard to the justice system.

    10/30/08 DRIVING WHILE LICENSE SUSPENDED, CL A MISD & Failure Front Seat Occupant to Use Seat Belt, D INF. Fails to appear for hearing, Bench warrant issued. Pleaded and paid $515 on 2/15/11 after being arrested on the warrant.

    10/28/09 DRIVING WHILE LICENSE SUSPENDED, CL A MISD. Fails to appear for hearing, Bench warrant issued. Pleaded and paid $489 on 2/15/11 after being arrested on the warrant.

    2/23/11 Operate Motor Veh W/O Ever Rec Lic., CL C MISD & Oper Motor Veh. W/O Fin/ Responsibility, A INFR. Fails to appear for hearing, Bench warrant issued. 10/10/11, matter is deferred until 12/15/11.

    • So it would seem not only is he a career traffic offender (3 strikes and all that)he doesn’t see the need for a drivers license at all, looks like whoever turned him in did the community a favor by getting a criminal off the streets…oh wait a min they let him go didn’t they?

      No doubt a sacrifice to the machine….I wonder who at the civic center Mr Owen keeps calling to get Mr Jarvis out of hot water?

      So the nagging question is…..is Mr Jarvis still driving? or has he had his nonexistent drivers license pulled by the state?


      • That’s the big mistake the Machine made, here.

        The question is not: “Did Rick Davis conspire to have this repeat offender taken off the streets?”

        The question is: “What favors were called in and by whom to allow him to keep driving in the first place?”

        • No, the question is, how does he get to work or anywhere else? He obviously has not had a license for at least 3 years and maybe never. Why would they hire a career criminal and then complain when he is confronted for his deeds?

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