IS IT TRUE? October 10, 2011 Gangs or Not the South Side is Hurting


IS IT TRUE? October 10, 2011

IS IT TRUE that we are continually encouraged that many people in Evansville that vote in online polls seem to get it?…that just today there is a poll on the Courier website regarding what people think is behind the recent wave of violent crime in a small area of South Evansville?…that a clear majority of 54% attribute this mayhem to Gangs?…that another 24% also attribute it to Gangs but not to big city Gangs?…that adds up to 78% of the responses that have shown the good sense to recognize a Gang as a Gang?…that the other 22% think it is simply random violence?…that a life was taken by pumping three slugs into another human being at 2:30 on a Sunday afternoon in Evansville yesterday?…that this murder happened in broad daylight and within easy walking distance (3 blocks) of the Historic District, the Front Door Pride area, and the Art’s District?…that this happened less than 24 hours after some concerned citizens, deacons, and exemplary members of the Southside community had conducted an awareness walk to inform young people of the dangers of Gang violence?

IS IT TRUE that in this election season when our candidates are rightfully addressing the problems of jobs and meth that this immediate problem needs to be elevated on the candidates radar screens?…that lets dispense with the question of whether or not these activities are Gang related and just state the obvious that they are Gang related?…that drugs, prostitution, drive by shootings, murder, and a population in fear of witnessing are the symptoms of a Gang?…that whether such things are “big city” Gangs or “little city” Gangs is an irrelevant discussion as the Summer of 2011 in South Evansville is not appreciably different than what South Central Los Angeles or South Chicago has been experiencing for years?…that the only difference is the number of acres of turf being fought over?…that this needs very badly to be stopped before it expands and that the candidates for Mayor of Evansville need to address this?

IS IT TRUE that hardcore Gang members are not doing these things because they can’t get a job?…that what has been happening in South Evansville’s Summer of 2011 is their job?…that when the economy is bad and good kids with positive potential can’t find jobs that a Gang can start to look like a job to many people who would otherwise be productive members of society?…that a rotten economy is a contributor to keeping many parents looking the other way while the jobs of distribution and collection are being done by people who really would prefer to work in a regular job?…that our candidates should probably add a few other drugs to their list to make war on like cocaine and its derivatives like crack?…that we highly doubt that there is much meth behind this Gang activity?

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer supports and honors the efforts of the Evansville Police Department and encourages this City Administration and the next to do whatever is necessary to protect the citizens of Evansville?…that sometimes that may mean training, sometimes that may mean equipment, but that sometimes that may mean bringing in experienced backup?…that Mayor Frank Rizzo of Philadelphia actually resorted to using a tank and dropping bombs from helicopters to eradicate an entire block of crack houses back in the early 80’s?…that similar actions have been taken in bigger cities with long term Gang issues?…that if Evansville does not want to be faced with forming an army to handle this that something needs to be done and quickly?…that our current elected representatives who represent the 4th Ward and are at-large need to make their cases known?…that the bordering 2nd and 3rd Wards need to be very sensitive as they are merely blocks from this?…that this outbreak of violence in South Evansville and ending it is of more importance than having current elected officials issue statements about who would make the best Mayor?…that we hope it is not too late for a question about Gang violence to find its way into the next debate?


  1. What do you think happens, when meritocracy is rejected for cronyism?

    Look at what our recent leadership has showed us? (Durham, Gorman, Weinzapfel property tax theft, Vectren increase after increase, McCurdy extension after extension, Dunn-Tucker & company at CVB booze fests…)

    Don’t you get what you can get, here, until you get caught red handed – at all levels?

    • And yet another day where Rick Davis campaigns on the taxpayer’s dime while shirking his elected duties. That is theft in my book. Nice how you neglect to mention things like that

  2. Gang violence in that area has cut my rental collections by 25 %….emtpy houses because of gang shootings that I can’t even get lookers. The police are doing all they can………….we need the National Guard to police that area…………..that will run the gangs out of Evansville.

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